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Added to Calendar: 05-18-24

Who Wins Tonight?

  • Tank Davis

  • Frank Martin

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Stop it about the Rigo fight. Rigo moved up how many weight divisions to fight Loma? Loma weighed damn near 8 more pounds than Rigo.

Rigo was the one that challenged and goaded Loma into the fight, not the other way around and ROC Nation also insisted on a same day check weigh in on the morning of the fight, so Loma couldnt rehydrate until hours before the fight... Both fighters were under 130ib at the weigh in, Loma put on 7ib after rehydrating and Rigo 2ib...

Im not disputing Rigo went up in weight to fight Loma but its not like there was a huge hight and weight disparity and Loma won by frustrating Rigo into quitting on his stall, not by KO'ing him... Thats what makes the win so great, he frustrated one of the best technicians into quitting...

If you dont see this as a GOAT win, then you can dispute plenty of Floyd, Canelo, ODLH, SRL wins (and so on throughout history)...

Loma is now the one fighting guys at weights he has no business being at....