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Added to Calendar: 05-18-24


Like imma get my laughs in ....

But people always been wild disrespectful towards Wilder.

He had great timing and good instincts... He just lost that edge and couldn't push past it...

He also damn near 40. This isn't a bad place or premature to call it a wrap.

Niggaz always wanted him to be a bum....I always defended his ability and talent to set those shots up. But it's kinda like Ronda Rousey...as good as you are, the window will always be short if you can't add to the arsenal
I would think this is true but when is he going to face some real comp. He just looked decent against his last opp, who was supposed to be his 1st big test.
All the big names tied up and going for big money fights.... He's been ready, he's been next, they just trying to hold on to their time...

Like AJ vs Anderson makes more sense than AJ vs N'gannu....

But the latter makes more money.

Soon as the titles split up again, his team needs to desperately go after one of them, and then play the political unification game