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Added to Calendar: 05-18-24

Who Wins Tonight?

  • Tank Davis

  • Frank Martin

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Cant wait for Spence vs Porter

I just dont see that bully tactical work will work against Spence.

Garcia a small Welterweight. Spence a small middle weight.

Wont work. But he did show me something this go around I ain't see from him.

Now I dont know if that overhand caveman punch was by design... but dont do it against spence.

Let's get it!!
Danny gonna be back.

He could have gotten that decision with a better fight plan. It was close.

I can admit I was wrong about Porter.

But I still think he's the weakest link outta the 4 champs

Danny gonna be back.

He could have gotten that decision with a better fight plan. It was close.

I can admit I was wrong about Porter.

But I still think he's the weakest link outta the 4 champs


Duh nigga
Damn...I thought the decision would be split...Porter definitely out worked out punched Garcia..but damn Garcia was a lil more accurate IMO... anxious to see Porter vs Spence now...he says he wants the fight so.........

Oh yeah.. Spence stepped in that ring bout fucked up...nigga know he was sippin
Danny gonna be back.

He could have gotten that decision with a better fight plan. It was close.

I can admit I was wrong about Porter.

But I still think he's the weakest link outta the 4 champs


Ion know bruh.

Thurman won a tough decision against Porter. And i think he might not be 100% off of surgery. The Porter that fought tonight is problems for any fighter at 147
I had porter at split decision but I see he got the UD. I always thought there was bad blood with the porters and the WBC I see them fucking him over any chance they get
Just as i predicted Porter roughed him up and got the decision. No aurprises there. A competitive but clear victory for Porter. Spence will crush Porter though.

Just seen Spence on Fight Hype's Youtube talking about Crawford. Damn shame we are not going to see that fight. That's the number one fight to be made in the sport ahead of Joshua-Wilder