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Man that shit rinsed all the way out! I’m happy as hell because it started turning blue in my head. Now I’m a lighter brown which is the original color I wanted. I was told I have to bleach my Hair to get the purple I want and well im not I’m bleaching shit.
When I saw your color bowl I was hoping that wouldn't happen. You don't necessarily have to bleach it but you'd need a high lift developer which you shouldn't do yourself. Bleach is the "lazy" way...a good colorist can get you right.
So, at my job we were introduced to what to referred to us as the business HR partner. Now we already have an HR lady so my assumption was this lady did something specific, and she was under the other HR lady. Come to find out, she's telling us we can still contact the head of HR.

So I'm confused and I ask the lady to describe her day so that I can get a better understanding of what she specifically does. She gave a vague answer about answering calls and handling business stuff. So I asked who reports to her, and she kinda said in a irritated way,..about 300 people. So I'm like nah, and try to explain what I mean. My sup jumps in and says he means your main support system. She says it's just her, no one directly below her.

So even now I'm more confused, so I keep trying to get her to say exactly what she does that's different from the HR lady. Shes visibly bothered that I'm asking her. She keeps saying how she works with the HR lady, but they work together. So basically shes like the co manager of HR, an assistant coach.

She seemed bothered with that notion, what's wrong with being the assistant director? And I still dont know why I would want to contact her inside of the head HR lady.
So, at my job we were introduced to what to referred to us as the business HR partner. Now we already have an HR lady so my assumption was this lady did something specific, and she was under the other HR lady. Come to find out, she's telling us we can still contact the head of HR.

So I'm confused and I ask the lady to describe her day so that I can get a better understanding of what she specifically does. She gave a vague answer about answering calls and handling business stuff. So I asked who reports to her, and she kinda said in a irritated way,..about 300 people. So I'm like nah, and try to explain what I mean. My sup jumps in and says he means your main support system. She says it's just her, no one directly below her.

So even now I'm more confused, so I keep trying to get her to say exactly what she does that's different from the HR lady. Shes visibly bothered that I'm asking her. She keeps saying how she works with the HR lady, but they work together. So basically shes like the co manager of HR, an assistant coach.

She seemed bothered with that notion, what's wrong with being the assistant director? And I still dont know why I would want to contact her inside of the head HR lady.
Sounds like there's no emergent need for her position but she couldn't say that. They always create positions where I work and that person literally has nothing to do....just there in case the need arises. Meanwhile they never have funding for raises for current employees.
I saw my mother In law dead dog run underneath the table the other day. What an awkward conversation that was...
lol these people need to be interviewed on frontlines

@Kandy if you looking for temp colors for natural hair, try hair paint wax.

It comes out in one wash but the colors run true.

I got blue hair right now, peep:

Have you heard of it, @Mrs Litty ?
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