Welcome To aBlackWeb

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Trust. All my nephew do is play ps4 and watch YouTube vids of the games he's playing and talks cash shit when the cheats work lmao.

I get on the sticks let him win a 1-2 for confidence then crush him on the last run. Lol.

Thing is my son love going outside. But just dont like to play ball. Only when all the kids are playing and when he do he just be out there
sometimes i wish i had gone into the field of medicine

it is so hard finding black doctors of any specialty

finally found a sista as a dermatologist

You should find the best and not just because they are black with it comes to medical field.

Somebody lied to me..

motherfucker told me you could read facebook messages without people knowing you opened them if you turn on airplane mode..


It didn't work
Lmao worked for me
Lmao worked for me

u just did it?

At first it looked like it worked for me but then I closed it out n opened it to make sure and the message no longer had that light blue box around it that lets u know its unread
I seen that there is a hashtag #IfTheWorldHadNoMen trending that was put out there on the premise that men are the cause of wars and conflict in the world and if men were not around, the world would be more peaceful. That idea is thrown around pretty commonly and it remains one of the sillies things I've ever heard. Women beef with each other ALL the time. Women instigate conflicts between other people ALL the time. Maybe, if women were in charge, there would be less actual wars, but even that's a big stretch. However, let's be real, every country would be in an unending Cold War with every other country on the planet.
Every job where it's majority women proves this wrong.

Especially mother's.

Whenever mother's are upset, they talk to everyone like their children.
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