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Not gonna say it's a plot hole, but it's yet to be revealed.

But given we know Vader doesn't know Leia is his daughter....

How would 3rd sister know for a fact kidnapping Leia would draw out obi wan??

A random senates kid being kidnapped won't bring out obi..... Only specifically obi, because he knows Leia secret. Simply knowing that Anakin is Vader doesn't mean you know about his kids. Outside of like 3-4 people and a few droids who were present even know the kids survived. It was told to Vader and essentially everybody else they died with padme...

It doesn't make sense to me that she would know who Leia is and not flat out tell Vader.
Not gonna say it's a plot hole, but it's yet to be revealed.

But given we know Vader doesn't know Leia is his daughter....

How would 3rd sister know for a fact kidnapping Leia would draw out obi wan??

A random senates kid being kidnapped won't bring out obi..... Only specifically obi, because he knows Leia secret. Simply knowing that Anakin is Vader doesn't mean you know about his kids. Outside of like 3-4 people and a few droids who were present even know the kids survived. It was told to Vader and essentially everybody else they died with padme...

It doesn't make sense to me that she would know who Leia is and not flat out tell Vader.
She said she went through archives to figure out that taking Leia would draw out Obi. I’m thinking the archives revealed a strong relationship between Obi and Senator Organa. He was the one to scoop Yoda after his fight with Palpatine so he was probably one of the senators closest to the Jedi.
She said she went through archives to figure out that taking Leia would draw out Obi. I’m thinking the archives revealed a strong relationship between Obi and Senator Organa. He was the one to scoop Yoda after his fight with Palpatine so he was probably one of the senators closest to the Jedi.
Yeah, I'll accept that if that's the only explanation we'll get. But it is kinda weak imo. Like obi was almost reluctant even knowing it was Leia. He was like send someone else. Even he had to be reminded of the secret. That was a hard ass gamble... Cuz even Organa wasn't sure Obi would come out. Where as she was confident.
Yeah, I'll accept that if that's the only explanation we'll get. But it is kinda weak imo. Like obi was almost reluctant even knowing it was Leia. He was like send someone else. Even he had to be reminded of the secret. That was a hard ass gamble... Cuz even Organa wasn't sure Obi would come out. Where as she was confident.
Yeah it’s not the strongest, but it’s probably the best they had to get Leia in the mix.
Yeah it’s not the strongest, but it’s probably the best they had to get Leia in the mix.
Just as long as we're all on the same page.

Cuz one of my biggest annoyances is when I pick up on something and people act like I'm geeking.

Yes I understand moving the plot forward.... But Reva took an INCREDIBLE gamble to not know that Leia was actually Anakin's daughter and that's the reason he came out of hiding
Not really, Bail was always cool with the Jedi so if it was a chance to bring any of them out of hiding you do it, what did she have to lose. Even if Bail didn't go to Obi Wan he would have got Yoda so either Vader's nemesis was coming out of hiding or Sidious nemesis was.
They had guards they could have sent if she was a regular girl

Placed bounties. They got the dough. The clout. It's a galactic amber alarm is she's normal.....

The ONLY reason a Jedi came was because of the fact that was Anakin's daughter and they couldn't let another force sensitive go to the empire
Well I would note that the other Inquisitors were basically like "Bitch you are TRIPPIN wtf you cant kidnap a senators daughter Reva!!! 😭😭😭". Like they thought it was a reach.

In-universe, I feel like Reva is basically peaking as a Dark Side user in these first two episodes. She's showing all the initiative and cunning that Bane's Sith Order values. The Dark Side is favoring her. And you know what? When you got The Force in your corner, you get lucky. Matter of fact "luck" don't even really exist in this universe, just like Obi-Wan noted in New Hope. You deadass do or don't based on whether The Force say so
The fact they brought original actor back they will fight and he will have to talk.

bruh the end of that 2nd ep with him in the tank still got me shook, you could tell it was HIS eyes under all that it was insane lol

that combined with the guilt hallucination.....

and I still think we will get a live action Clone Wars flashback
I'm assuming Reva has a strong connection to the force. Force detective if you will lol

She knows Anakin = Vader (I get she was at the temple during order 66 but that still isn't enough)

She knew Owen has a relationship to Obi Wan
She knew exactly where to look to find the hideout
Knew how to draw Obi out and what planet he was on etc
I kinda wanna see Vader use some sith powers but that lightning shit would probably fuck him up lol

Palpatine purposefully made sure the suit was weak to the lightning shit because he's an asshole lol

Yeah when Vader showed up and Obi wan sensed him you really get the tension and Vader was trying to draw him out by killing people
As a fellow Sith, this is how you conduct proper business when dealing with Jedi.

It was mechanical as hell, that's what made it so scary. White ppl really complaining like he did it for no reason lol.

Big homie makes the big entrance, walks out into the camp scanning The Force for ole boy. Obi-Wan gets a good look. Vader feels him flinch. Stops walking. THEN he pulls the guy out the window. Because the way they explain this in the books - both Legends and the new canon - inflicting pain, suffering, death on people in the immediate vicinity of a Jedi can cloud and disrupt their connection to The Force. Like there's a Jedi Master in the new High Republic novels that gets kidnapped, and the (non force using) villain contains him by keeping him in a prison cell surrounded with other prison cells where dudes are randomly being tortured day n night. That was part of the Sith's plan w/ the Clone Wars too, to do this galaxy wide to all the Jedi.

Vader can't move like that he is more Robot than man, he had to change his style to more Power.

yeah its sick how they've established his fighting style as brute force. He can't move like he used to so he compensated by being smarter. You could make some good sports comparisons.
I'm assuming Reva has a strong connection to the force. Force detective if you will lol

She knows Anakin = Vader (I get she was at the temple during order 66 but that still isn't enough)

She knew Owen has a relationship to Obi Wan
She knew exactly where to look to find the hideout
Knew how to draw Obi out and what planet he was on etc

Basically a "Mary Sue"
And that would be a legit criticize of the character along with the stiff acting but the cracs just HAD to act on their nature and bring up her race