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Obama 6 finger Smithsonian portrait! Conspiracy Theorists Unite!

Bro. My life is preaching the gospel. The end is at hand my friend. Not much time left. It's all about to happen. EVERYTHING that was written in the Book is about to come to pass.

The 70 years are here. Now comes the end. It's as simple as that.

Jesus Christ is our only hope. Amen.

if no man knoweth the day or hour, how can you sit here and say "the end is at hand"?
“because the signs are there”

you can’t win w this guy.

Matthew 24:6-8

6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.

Yeshua lays it out and says that the malarkey DoYouWantToGoTo7Eleven talkin' bout AIN'T the end.

Matthew 24:11-15

11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)

However, the abomination Daniel spoke of already came to pass. Theologians are split on exactly what he spoke of but a couple of events are frequently debated on

1. St. Aurelius Augustine wrote that this came to pass when Jerusalem fell to the Romans in 70AD.

2. It has also been speculated that it happened after the 14th Caesar or Rome, Hadrian, had a temple to the god Jupiter built on the ruins of the holiest place in Judaism, the Temple Mount (which also happens to be the third holiest site in Islam).

There are other events, however all of them are nearly 2000 years ago, with at least one happening nearly 2200 years ago.

The end ain't even close. If it didn't happen when the prophesy of Daniel came true, it ain't finna happen at all.
@RaptureSoonUgoing? currently

You’re bugging my dude.

There is no horns. You’re picking a spot in the shadowing of the foliage. That’s also not poison ivy.

You’re missing the artistic symbolism and just jumping straight to religious symbolism and you’re grasping so hard.

There is no 6 fingers.

You have 4 on his left and the fat on the palm of his hand is giving off the illusion there’s a “finger”.

You have an artist who gets his anatomy right but adds a finger because it’s some religious sign for your silly numbers game? foh

Not only that, his other hand clearly shows 3 fingers (the index finger is hidden)

4 + 3 = 7

so even if you count that retarded ass finger, that’s 8, not 6

that’s how stupid you sound bruh

fat of the palm, but you say finger

fingers on the other hand but you refuse to acknowledge those

why? you’re Trying so hard I legit, for the first time ever, think your trolling.

Bro the assumption is that all humans have 5 fingers on each hand. So for OBAMA to have a finger after his pinky figure is not normal; meaning that he has an extra finger.

Just like the Nephilim. 6 Fingers are traits of the Nephilim. This is what the portrait is all about.

And that is poison ivy


You can't deny everything VIBE! Is there anything that you don't deny? Is everything false in your eyes! The evidence is in! GUILTY AS CHARGED!
OK but who is Enoch? you have never met the guy you have only read the stories written by somebody else you do not know or have never met, our thoughts are very powerful and we get to choose mostly what we think about so why choose doom and gloom? take some time off and have some fun with your fam and friends, no hate man you need to take a break thinking like this is no good.

The truth sets you free my friend. The time is short my friend and if you aren't prepared you will suffer forever. But it's your soul. All I can do is point you to the One who can save your soul from the wrath to come. Will you come to Him today my friend?
They’re only signs to you though because you want them to be. You can attribute anything to the words of the Bible and be right.

My skepticism is impenetrable.
Bro the assumption is that all humans have 5 fingers on each hand. So for OBAMA to have a finger after his pinky figure is not normal; meaning that he has an extra finger.

Just like the Nephilim. 6 Fingers are traits of the Nephilim. This is what the portrait is all about.

And that is poison ivy

View attachment 29068

You can't deny everything VIBE! Is there anything that you don't deny? Is everything false in your eyes! The evidence is in! GUILTY AS CHARGED!

You've never gone to camp back east, have you.

The plant is clearly NOT poison ivy, poison oak, or anything in that family. I was taught how to spot that shit growing up in Michigan 'cause you can find it all over the state.

1. The leaf pattern: It only grows in clusters of three. The leaves as pictured have clusters of 5-7 leaves per stem.
2. If there had been white/extremely light green berries that look like mini pumpkins you might have had a leg to stand on, but nope.
3. The only poison ivy-like plant I can think of that would come close to these is poison sumac, but sumac has a red stem and the stems in the pic are all green.

Basically, y'all niggas are wrong as shit.
They’re only signs to you though because you want them to be. You can attribute anything to the words of the Bible and be right.

My skepticism is impenetrable.

How are the only signs to me when God said in the last days "there will signs in the sun, moon, and stars" that will signal the return of Jesus Christ?

God doesn't change VIBE. There were heavenly signs when Jesus first came! Signs in the heavens that were prophesied to appear in the Old Testament! And the star of Bethlehem appeared when Jesus Christ was born! Only those who were watching for the sign, understood! And those people lived all the way in Babylon! The wise men!

So shall it be in this day! Only wise men will recognize the signs in the heavens!

And there have been 5 once in a lifetime heavenly signs that have appeared within the last 23 years!

3 of the 5 once in a lifetime heavenly signs have appeared within the last 6 months!

2 of the 5 were ONCE IN HUMAN HISTORY heavenly signs.

I see, do you?
You've never gone to camp back east, have you.

The plant is clearly NOT poison ivy, poison oak, or anything in that family. I was taught how to spot that shit growing up in Michigan 'cause you can find it all over the state.

1. The leaf pattern: It only grows in clusters of three. The leaves as pictured have clusters of 5-7 leaves per stem.
2. If there had been white/extremely light green berries that look like mini pumpkins you might have had a leg to stand on, but nope.
3. The only poison ivy-like plant I can think of that would come close to these is poison sumac, but sumac has a red stem and the stems in the pic are all green.

Basically, y'all niggas are wrong as shit.

Not only that, but poison ivy wouldn’t have Chicago’s flower or African Blue Lillie’s.

But he sees it the way he wants. It’s subjective.

Info War idiots see pedophilia.

He ain’t special. Everyone sees what they want based on their political and religious views. Signs are everywhere and mean many different things to everyone, both religious and non-religious.

I think he’s finally reaching a mental breakdown. You have to really force yourself to see horns and really force belief there’s a 6th finger. On top of that, really, really force the belief that Obama secretly wanted it like this for some fucked up symbolic reason.
Not only that, but poison ivy wouldn’t have Chicago’s flower or African Blue Lillie’s.

But he sees it the way he wants. It’s subjective.

Info War idiots see pedophilia.

He ain’t special. Everyone sees what they want based on their political and religious views. Signs are everywhere and mean many different things to everyone, both religious and non-religious.

I think he’s finally reaching a mental breakdown. You have to really force yourself to see horns and really force belief there’s a 6th finger. On top of that, really, really force the belief that Obama secretly wanted it like this for some fucked up symbolic reason.

Once you understand that this is spiritual warfare and start to see how the powers of darkness work, noticing the OBVIOUS AND BLATANT symbolism that they (the powers of darkness) continually throw in the faces of the world, because the simply no longer care to hide it, is as simple as knowing your A,B, C.

Hence why we are in the last days. All the occult practices, witchcraft, secret orders, and down right satan worship is out in the open in this last generation.

There's no longer any reason to hide it anymore because the masses still won't understand because they have been conditioned to go along with the herd to the slaughter and laugh every thing off as a joke, conspiracy theory, hocus pocus, random chance, and/or meaningless.

So I totally understand why the majority don't see VIBE. It was written for it to be this way! But that will not stop me from telling the truth, regardless if I am the only one saying it!

You see it how YOU want to see it.

Others see pedophilia, others think sperm is in the painting, some believe it’s alien, some believe he’s a giant because his hands look so big.
You see it how YOU want to see it.

Others see pedophilia, others think sperm is in the painting, some believe it’s alien, some believe he’s a giant because his hands look so big.

Bro the horns and 6 fingers are as clear as day. Only a fool denies it being there. It's intentional and deliberate.

The sperm is there too. And theres a "dog like creature" when you mirror the image thats above Obamas head.

I just don't get how people can deny EVERYTHING!

Everything is a conspiracy!
Nothing can be believed!

Therefore throw the BABY out with the bathwater!

My goodness!
None of it is as clear as day, do you know what that means?

This is as clear as a foggy night for you. The lighting and shadows are playing w your eyes.

I see paintings often. I read about them. I enjoy art. There’s always symbolism. But what you’re saying is just wrong. There’s nothing to support your claim.

The flowers all relate to him and Michelle. The vines make him look like he’s hovering. He leans forward, hands/arms resting on his knees and his collar is open.

There’s much to interpret from that.

There’s no horns, extra fingers, sperm or monster.
Bro the horns and 6 fingers are as clear as day. Only a fool denies it being there. It's intentional and deliberate.

The sperm is there too. And theres a "dog like creature" when you mirror the image thats above Obamas head.

I just don't get how people can deny EVERYTHING!

Everything is a conspiracy!
Nothing can be believed!

Therefore throw the BABY out with the bathwater!

My goodness!


Clear as day.

You see his hand

4 fingers

The pinky finger is clearly the last finger w the underside of his hand showing, to where it becomes the fatty part of the palm. It pushes outwards, you do know that, right?

Here’s another example of this in a painting


or maybe he’s just in the process of growing another finger?