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Obama 6 finger Smithsonian portrait! Conspiracy Theorists Unite!


The Cloudy Day is Near!

Obama sought out the artist to make his official portrait for the Smithsonian Institute. You know the same museum that "deliberately" hides artifacts such as "giant" bones which belong to the Nephilim. But that's another discussion. In this thread we clearly see intentional and deliberate artistry that Obama himself approved of.

1. Obama wanted to be portrayed as having 6 fingers (the signature trait of the "Nephilim" in the Bible)
2. Obama wanted to be portrayed in a Garden.
3. Obama wanted the foliage to be portrayed as "poison ivy".
4. Obama wanted the shadows above his head to resemble 2 horns coming out of it.

But before you go and start hollering that the boogey man "white man" did this, the artist who OBAMA sought out for this portrait was a black man himself....See here:

And the artist has a "peculiar" affinity for drawing beheadings! When asked why Obama picked him to do the portrait he gave a cloaked response of secrecy. See here:


The artist who painted former President Barack Obama’s presidential portrait, unveiled on Monday at the Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery, has a disturbing pattern of painting violent beheadings of white people.

Kehinde Wiley, who is known for primarily painting black people, was chosen late last year to paint Obama's official portrait for the Smithsonian. When asked by the British newspaper, The Guardian, about Obama contacting him to do the portrait, Wiley gave an awkward response.

"I can’t," Wiley said. "I’d like to. I can tell you that I’m the first African-American artist to create the portrait of the president. It’s a huge responsibility."
LOL. But it's just Obama being Obama, right? The cool "black" president who painted the white house this:


It's just Obama being Obama, you know! No big deal, right?

Oh, it's just Obama being Obama! Just Obama being the cool guy, right?

Stay here and live a great life Brother. Grow old play with your grandbabies bask in that blessing and not live for doom......amen
Not much time left brother Cain.

Wheels came off long ago. Now the end comes.

Everything is being uncovered! Those in control already pulled the worlds "hoe" card when they did this a few days ago:

Not much time left my friend. Amen.

OBAMA got horns coming out of his head on purpose!

OBAMA got 6 fingers in a portrait he commissioned to be done for the Smithsonian!

You can't even make this up!

How can anybody with a straight face tell me that OBAMA doesn't have horns coming out of his head and 6 fingers?

What type of drugs are you on if you can't see this?

It's as clear as the noon day sun on an unclouded day!
Y’all need to be focusing on why this nigga is emerging from some vines in a floating chair. His artist was trash.