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NBA Player Josh Giddey accused of dealing with an underaged girl... AKA the pitchforks are out for Malika Andrews

They want to hold on to this logic that it’s equal even down to making excuses. But let’s get back to Josh Giddey talk.
I mean does America ever report white fuck ups like they do minorities? Never. I get it because it looks that way but shit
Eh. You can turn on the news at any given moment on any given network to hear about white people fucking up. It's not that it's reported less, but more that no one is holding white people accountable for anything. From cops to politicians, citizens to governments they're just moving maad.

Next gen gonna hand this shit off to ai so fast and I've already decided I can't hold it against em.
Eh. You can turn on the news at any given moment on any given network to hear about white people fucking up. It's not that it's reported less, but more that no one is holding white people accountable for anything. From cops to politicians, citizens to governments they're just moving maad.

Next gen gonna hand this shit off to ai so fast and I've already decided I can't hold it against em.

Facts lol
Lol many Black men don't like to think about this fact because then they will truly realize that they are on the bottom. That even their female counterpart has transcended racism due to their gender and education. That even if you get rich, a Malika Andrews or an Oprah, can and will drag you down and put you in your place. The same don't exist for them.

Also, a lot of Black men simply don't have access to the spaces that educated high-earning Black women have, so they don't really see it or understand it and believe it's some Black women hating thing and it's not. All they care about is that the Wal-Mart manager types treat them good and go to the George Floyd rally.

As a collective, Black women are in a higher class than Black men. The disdain some of them have is no different than disdain the rich have the poor. The mindset they have is no different than a billionaire that believes hard work and intelligence is all you need to be successful. They don't see the advantages, all they see is that they made it and life is better on this side and if you haven't made it, something is innately wrong with you.

White men have agency on their eyes, so their failure is due to a lack of judgment or character, which can be fixed. Black men to them, are innately defective, so every single popular court case, crime statistic, and celebrity downfall is a reminder of that.
Good luck having a decent conversation with people on that.
Good luck having a decent conversation with people on that.

Of course not, the people that are designated at the bottom of any society will never ever have any grievance seriously addressed and considered. Even the bottom don't address being on the bottom after a while, it's everyday life.

The bottom is meant to be an example of what not to be. It's what everyone measures their success against.

Which is why men of other races in America might wanna be cool like us when younger, but when they realize the price is being cool is being public enemy number one and not having to the same respect as men, they sing a different tune.
Think about myself?

These are just socio-economic facts.

I am part of the older generation, my generation holds all the wealth in the Black community.

Generation X and below are the ones that are in the Hunger Game arena. Black girls and women getting education and money and doing what they have to do to survive.

This is the problem with Black men, a lack of seriousness about their condition.

Which is why the Malika Andrews and Oprahs of the world will talk crazy about every single Black men that doesn't fit their worldview.

And brothers are like, "She's just doing her job."

Even young White NBA fans on the YouTubes realized Malika Andrews have something extra about her when it comes to Black men.

But White boys don't get talked crazy to or by White women on national TV, so that shit to them is kinda strange.

Black men are used to the shit. Momma talked that way, Sister talked that way, Grandmama talked that way.

Brett Farve showed his dick to every single White woman he came across and White women don't say nothing. Peyton Manning got a whole fucking deposition sexual assault out there and he got his own fucking show on national TV. White women ain't really saying shit. That's their business.

Ime Udoka fucked a White woman in the organization and Malika acted like that man sexually assaulted someone and went after her co-hosts about the dignity of the cheating bitch.

Then even his replacement she had to mention he got in trouble in college.

White men with money don't get treated this way over something as inconsequential as sports. Reason why Black men get treated this way is because sports is our only avenue for generational wealth, so it's closely guarded and adjudicated about who gets to have what and how long they can have it.

Malika Andrews of the world, are part of the equation of how long these brothers get to have it. If you don't fit her worldview, she is going to ruin you, no different than what Oprah did in the early 80s and 90s until she became every White woman's fairy godmother.

You don't see Taylor Rooks doing shit. Brothers love Taylor Rooks. But Taylor Rooks ain't bi-racial with kankles and a White husband.

Thats a whole lot of words to say you view Black men as less than. Which is your right but don't project your view on others. Not every Black man sees or needs to see themselves as the bottom of the barrel.

You're also flat out wrong about the Favre and Manning shit and how people reacted to those stories. The Brett Favre story specifically gets brought up quite often. And wrong as hell saying Black women have transcended past racism. Nobody Black has done that.
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If we on the bottom ain’t most black womenswear also on the bottom? Somebody posted how on average we earn more or close to it. Single mom households we don’t gotta speak on. But yea the Black woman is the biggest opp.

she's a wild ass coon (dont know how single mothers and educated black women got into this)

lets say all she was doing was 'reading the teleprompter' - as a so called black woman she didnt have enough sense to realize what and how she was 'reporting' was one sided and didnt seem bothered in doing so

some of us got at SAS for the same shit for years - but now it different

she had more to say about dead black men than dana white

and fuck josh giddey
If we on the bottom ain’t most black womenswear also on the bottom? Somebody posted how on average we earn more or close to it. Single mom households we don’t gotta speak on. But yea the Black woman is the biggest opp.

No Black women aren't on the bottom. They are right there with Latinos. The bottom is Native Americans and ADOS Black men.

If you take out Baby Boomers and just focus on Gen Xers and down, you'll have realistic picture of socio-economics in America.

The wealth of Baby Boomers is the foundation of American wealth. And that wealth is consistently being trickled down to their descendants to support educations, homeownership, and paying off debt.

Black male Baby Boomers that own homes and Black female Baby Boomers that are married to these men- are the wealth in Black America.

We go to college and attempt to become professionals, which accrues debt and we try to offset by getting a high income. A lot of our high earmers are walking around with a zero to negative networth, living like someone that makes 40K.

Black men don't go to college nowhere near the same rate as Black women. Shit, these days, young men don't attempt to get an higher education at all.

Single educated women in metro areas outperform single men. Most jobs that require a college education are filled by majority women.

You can go to Atlanta and DC and see it's mostly college educated Black women in offices. ADOS Black men driving a damn Amazon truck, trying to figure it out.

Today, a young single educated women 8 times out of 10 fuck their life up by being with a man. They get pregnant, their career gets off track. The only upside is finding a man that makes more than them and that's rare these days.

And Black women know this better than anyone else because look what the hell they have to choose from.

Black men ain't that competitive in America. Educated Black women know this and seen it with their own eyes because they can go places that we can't and they sit in rooms that we don't.

And most of us think the Black woman is right beside us, in the same position and she looking down at us like, "Can't you see they kicking your ass? Are you gonna get up?" Lol.

Lol, then y'all let biracial kankle bound women with white husbands off the hook for talking crazy to and about Black men that escaped the bullshit and got a little caught up in silly shit.

@deadeye You seen how Malika got Jalen Rose outta there lol.
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"Permanent underclass."

That's what we are.

Or, rather, what we're intended to be by design.

Everyone who overcomes that is an exception because the system isn't designed for us to be successful.

Sad, but true.

I think because people see men as men, regardless of color and position? People don’t see us as being at the bottom of the totem pole. I don’t expect Ms Andrew’s to speak up about Josh and use his situation as a springboard for her personal gripe because what would be her personal gripe about the Caucasian? She got her a white husband.