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NBA Player Josh Giddey accused of dealing with an underaged girl... AKA the pitchforks are out for Malika Andrews

I mean technically he not breaking no laws but a 21 year old dating a 16/17 year old still not good for the optics.


Hold up, he's only 21???

This isn't as bad as what people are making it out to be.

I'm suspecting the Romeo and Juliet laws are similar to Florida, in which it's not illegal as long as the age difference isn't more than 6 or 7 years.

For all practical purposes they're roughly the same age.

Nothing to see here.

I could see if he was 25-30 years old or older, but this really isn't that serious.
lol right on time

Context bruh.........context.

Sorry, but I can't get outraged over a 4yr age difference.

Especially since there are laws on the books that account for situations like this.

Having said that, if this occurred in a state that doesn't have laws like that..........then he's done.
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Scottie said