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Movie Night (Official Movie Discussion Thread)

They need to have a day like today once a month. It'll drive people to go to the theater. Lotta films are overperforming this weekend
The Black Demon

Demon Dud

PRAISE: After watching a show on Amazon Prime a huge poster for this movie popped up and a family member said: Oh it will probably be like Jaws. I said : No shark movie will ever be on the level of Jaws but this won't be good but probably fun. Well I was right and wrong. This story about Paul Sturges (Josh Lucas) as a safety officer for Nixon Oil,(every time it was said all I could think about was the former President)has been sent to Baja to inspect one of the company’s rigs and has brought his family along. But semi mayhem soon surrounds them.
There were some good moments with some sinister and non verbal characters. When the Mega shark shows up there was a cool moment visually. They also had a couple of scenes that were very harrowing and that's about it.

PROBLEMS: The plot makes absolutely no sense. The families interaction with other characters, the things the characters do,and why they are doing them are the ultimate head scratchers. There's a lot of mumbo jumbo about curses,Aztec Gods,and how people don't care about the environment so the mega shark is here to make people pay in this small town in which people are completely out of it. Long dwelling shots on statues of Aztec Gods,and either black oil or the mega shark moving around. I had hope when it was suddenly a bright and sunny scene after a dark murky one in which I could barely see anything but hope faded after a cool scene underwater. Movies like this are always frustrating because they don't follow up on the good ideas they have.

Scale of 1 to 10 a 2
The Equalizer 3

E for Entertaining

PRAISE: Denzel Washington returns as Robert McCall who in part 3 of the series goes head to head with the Camorra a brutal Italian crime organization.
Not only does Washington return but is reunited with his former Co star from 19 years ago in the movie Man on Fire Dakota Fanning. I would have loved to been a fly on the wall for their on set conversations. Their scenes together and banter in this film brought a smile to my face.
Washington brings his flawless,quiet intensity to the role once again.
There was definitely a 2010 movie The American vibe throughout the movie which I really liked. The villains in the movie are ultra sadistic so the violence is intense and then some, and I'm definitely not saying McCall plays nice with them when he makes them worm food.
There are nice touches along the way linked to the characters portrayed by Gaia Scodellaro and Remo Girone .

PROBLEMS: While the crimes the criminals were carrying out were interesting and their methods were intense and unnerving they mainly came off generic.
How some things played out in the movie were basic and then some. I found a couple of story threads to be very predictable.

Scale of 1 to 10 an 8