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Movie Night (Official Movie Discussion Thread)

Qanon/MAGA is obsessed with child trafficking and they think that it's Democrats doing it. "Save the Children" is their slogan
Ah I didn't pay enough attention to this movie when I saw it being advertised. Reason I was asking is some coworkers was all excited to go see it. I see what time they on now

Atomic Acting

PRAISE: Like everyone one else I mainly learned about the Atomic Age through history books. Of course there were a couple of documentaries I watched over the years and I just started reading the graphic novel The Bomb. But as far as movies about the Atomic Age I can only remember the involving at times movie Fat Man and Little Boy. This movie in the hands of Director Christopher Nolan is much more than the aforementioned and its a good and bad thing.
There are tons of actors in this film all bringing something to the table. At the forefront are Cillian Murphy as J Robert Oppenheimer
Emily Bunt as Katherine "Kitty" Oppenheimer ,Matt Damon as Leslie Groves ,Robert Downey Jr as Lewis Strauss,Florence Pugh as Jean Tatlock, Josh Hartnett as Ernest Lawrence,Casey Affleck as Boris Pash, and David Krumholtz as Isidor Isaac Rabi
Oppenheimer was a complicated man with his leanings towards communism and his relationships with various women who came with there own complications and this is stunningly brought out in some key scenes.
It was interesting to watch how the race to build an Atomic Bomb felt like a fevered competition with Nazi Germany but evolved into a matter of life and death.
I really enjoyed how the film displayed that at first there were some that were not fully on board or Gung Ho about creating an Atomic Bomb.
Another great moment or various moments in the movie is when we see Oppenheimer being questioned about his ties to communism but the fact that they only sternly warned him about this during the bombs creation all adds up to fake outrage because they basically got what they wanted from him.
Nolan also includes some stripped bare moments that were really effective. I thought a lot of moments played really well especially ones about possible spies being among the makers of the bomb.
The acting is great and there are some good visuals.

PROBLEMS: I wish there had been more to what is given in the film about Oppenheimers complicated relationship with his wife Kitty . A couple of things are touched on but its as if Nolan said well yeah she experienced that lets move on. The pacing is definitely uneven making the movie feel extremely drawn out.

Scale of 1 to 10 an 8

They Cloned Tyrone

Classics,Comedy and Clones

PRAISE : This mix of genres,parodies of well known fads and nods to classic film making really worked for me for the most part. The story about an unlikely trio onto the trail of a nefarious government conspiracy starts off basic but becomes much more. The three leads John Boyega, Teyonah Parris and Jamie Foxx are great. There are a lot of laughs to be had but there's a deeper message throughout the movie with a lot of The Twilight Zone ,A Clockwork Orange and Sorry To Bother you around its edges.But like I said before it's much more . The diversions of life in life that are in place to distract people from what's really important. All of this is mixed with a great soundtrack which is as diverse as the many genres that fill the movie. The film really never diverts from its societal issues message and that made me enjoy it even more.

PROBLEMS: There are some repetitive moments. The ending though laced with some good twists was partially predictable.

Scale of 1 to 10 an 8
two quickies

The Beanie Bubble

I love a success story especially if a person or people turn an idea into billions. Zach Galifianakis is nearly unrecognizable as real-life toy titan H. Ty Warner, Co creator of the Beanie Babies. He turns in a great performance along with Elizabeth Banks,Sarah Snook and Geraldine Viswanathan.
It was great to watch the build up with what would become a craze for kids and collectors and the quirkiness of Ty as he romances a couple of the ladies and puts his foot down about where he thought the company should go. When the movie reaches its last 30 minutes it leans more towards a path of agenda, slapstick and farce. Still a charming and interesting watch.

Scale of 1 to 10 a 7½

Fire and Ice

I can't remember if I have ever watched at least 15 minutes of this 1983 animated film before this weekend. I remember the ads for the movie and music. The combination of the art and animation of Ralph Bakshi and Frank Frazetta is great. It's a Heavy Metal magazine story that comes to life with salty and tough dialog, sub human creatures,prehistoric animals and characters that reminded me of characters from Conan and Tarzan.
The dialog is sparse though . I even wondered how a couple of characters bonded in a short time because they barely spoke a few sentences to each other. It was funny how some characters are introduced but only have brief moments to either be sinister or bark out some orders. Still a fun ride.

Scale of 1 to 10 a 7½
So I've been here and there with movies recently

I've been on old flicks ... Just rewatching just because

No Country for Old Men - Josh Brolin's Texan accent was the major highlight for me in this movie even though Javier Bardem got the accolades and awards; when he's in the hospital chatting with Woody Harrelson ... I was rolling

Hancock - cool superhero flick but goes the way most Will Smith movies go

Harlem Nights - I will say probably amongst Eddie Murphy's top 5 movies in his career; the fact he also wrote, produced and directed it was a masterstroke (he said he didn't really regard the movie due to how poorly it did in the box office)...

It's an underrated piece of filmmaking...
I've also seen some of movies you'd call recent

The Whale - Brendan Fraser's performance of his career...

The Fabelmans - Spielberg's semi autobiographical film ... Saw it on a plane... Was cool ... Everything you expect from a Spielberg flick is here

Beau Is Afraid - Joaquin Phoenix playing a role he was born to play... I actually bought it online and I couldn't tell reality from fiction ( from the screenplay ) ... It's a weird ass film that involves a lot of metaphysical aspects ... I still liked it though