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Mom of two killed over refund check.

Ya'll dudes could have made the point that there are things she could have done to protect herself without making it sound like it was her fault this happened. I agree that people who realize how fucked up this world is should know to behave in a way for their own protection. However, just because you behave differently from that standard doesn't mean it's your fault or right when something fucked up happens to you.
what could she have done in your opinion
what could she have done in your opinion

I don't know enough about the situation to say. If she went around bragging about how much money she was going to get and when she was going to get it, then that probably wasn't wise. Everyone she be cautious of that. But even if she did that, she didn't deserve what happened to her. I don't have a problem with people using her case to make the statement that you be careful with who knows what you got. However, some of the comments in here basically come off as "if she didn't want to die, she shouldn't have done such and such." That's a bad sentiment to express for something like this.
I don't know enough about the situation to say. If she went around bragging about how much money she was going to get and when she was going to get it, then that probably wasn't wise. Everyone she be cautious of that. But even if she did that, she didn't deserve what happened to her. I don't have a problem with people using her case to make the statement that you be careful with who knows what you got. However, some of the comments in here basically come off as "if she didn't want to die, she shouldn't have done such and such." That's a bad sentiment to express for something like this.

so now wording has to be exact.....


but yesterday.....

Ya'll dudes could have made the point that there are things she could have done to protect herself without making it sound like it was her fault this happened. I agree that people who realize how fucked up this world is should know to behave in a way for their own protection. However, just because you behave differently from that standard doesn't mean it's your fault or right when something fucked up happens to you.

Except it IS your fault.

If the standard is to wear a seatbelt because your chances of survival in a crash is markedly better than if you weren't wearing one, and everybody knows this, is it your fault that you died in a crash because you weren't wearing one?

If the standard is to look both ways before crossing the street because it gives you situational awareness as to what's coming towards you, and you step off the curb without looking 'cause you're engrossed in whatever is goin on with your phone and you get killed, is it not your fault for NOT looking up at all?

If the standard is to keep guns locked up and away from children, and you keep yours under your pillow and your 4 year old gets hold of it, plays with it, and blows half his head off, isn't it YOUR fault it happened because you deviated from the standard?

If the standard exists to keep you safe, and you deviate from the standard and you become the victim of a crime because of it, part of or even all of the blame for the consequences lie at your feet.

When I got robbed for that $150, I had the store owner call the cops. First thing they asked was what happened and was I flashing large bills or something. I told 'em I had to break a $100 bill and before I even got done with my sentence the cop was like "Well that was the problem young blood, you know where you're at! You can't be out here flashing money like that. If you gotta break large bills like that go to a bank or something".

And he was right.
My thing is saying what she couldve did different dont add anything. I mean you can do everything right and still be a lick. She probably trusted the girl and didnt think about it.

Also i dont think this about hood or not tho
Except it IS your fault.

If the standard is to wear a seatbelt because your chances of survival in a crash is markedly better than if you weren't wearing one, and everybody knows this, is it your fault that you died in a crash because you weren't wearing one?

If the standard is to look both ways before crossing the street because it gives you situational awareness as to what's coming towards you, and you step off the curb without looking 'cause you're engrossed in whatever is goin on with your phone and you get killed, is it not your fault for NOT looking up at all?

If the standard is to keep guns locked up and away from children, and you keep yours under your pillow and your 4 year old gets hold of it, plays with it, and blows half his head off, isn't it YOUR fault it happened because you deviated from the standard?

If the standard exists to keep you safe, and you deviate from the standard and you become the victim of a crime because of it, part of or even all of the blame for the consequences lie at your feet.

When I got robbed for that $150, I had the store owner call the cops. First thing they asked was what happened and was I flashing large bills or something. I told 'em I had to break a $100 bill and before I even got done with my sentence the cop was like "Well that was the problem young blood, you know where you're at! You can't be out here flashing money like that. If you gotta break large bills like that go to a bank or something".

And he was right.

Thats bullshit not wearing a seatbelt dont lead to murder. You rarely are to blame for getting killed
Except it IS your fault.

If the standard is to wear a seatbelt because your chances of survival in a crash is markedly better than if you weren't wearing one, and everybody knows this, is it your fault that you died in a crash because you weren't wearing one?

If the standard is to look both ways before crossing the street because it gives you situational awareness as to what's coming towards you, and you step off the curb without looking 'cause you're engrossed in whatever is goin on with your phone and you get killed, is it not your fault for NOT looking up at all?

If the standard is to keep guns locked up and away from children, and you keep yours under your pillow and your 4 year old gets hold of it, plays with it, and blows half his head off, isn't it YOUR fault it happened because you deviated from the standard?

If the standard exists to keep you safe, and you deviate from the standard and you become the victim of a crime because of it, part of or even all of the blame for the consequences lie at your feet.

When I got robbed for that $150, I had the store owner call the cops. First thing they asked was what happened and was I flashing large bills or something. I told 'em I had to break a $100 bill and before I even got done with my sentence the cop was like "Well that was the problem young blood, you know where you're at! You can't be out here flashing money like that. If you gotta break large bills like that go to a bank or something".

And he was right.

No, if you get murdered by some fool that wants your money. Your death IS that person's fault. Is it possible that there might have been something that you could have done to reduce the likelihood of that person killing you? Yeah, maybe. Should you have done that thing if you knew about it? Yeah, sure. Does that mean that you bear the responsibility for the savage actions of another person? Of course not. What kinda retarded logic is that?
My thing is saying what she couldve did different dont add anything. I mean you can do everything right and still be a lick. She probably trusted the girl and didnt think about it.

Also i dont think this about hood or not tho

dawg... she worked at Dollar Tree. How often do you find a Dollar Tree outside of the hood? Did you peep the coworker and her crew? Them's hood niggas. This whole shit got "Washington and MLK Blvd" written all over it.

Not talking about her mistakes ensures someone else will make them. Every story like this has a valuable piece of information to take away from it IF you're willing to dissect it and find the flaws.

Sometimes there isn't one. If you're standing in line at the bank and the shit get's held up there ain't shit you could have done about that. If you're riding the bus and it get's t-boned by a semi truck, there wasn't shit you coulda done about that. If you're walking along the sidewalk and get hit by a bullet 'cause some nigga a mile away shot his gun in the air and the bullet's trajectory sent it through your skull on the way down, there wasn't shit you could do about that. Sometimes fucked up shit happens to people at random. THIS, however, wasn't random. She was targeted because the chick knew she had $3K on her. The chick knew it because ole girl wasn't careful about guarding that type of information. Did she deserve to die? Hell no, and nobody in this discussion is saying that at all. Did she deserve to get robbed? That answer, again, is NO! BUT she helped to create the conditions necessary for someone to WANT to rob her and that's what we're all getting at.
No, if you get murdered by some fool that wants your money. Your death IS that person's fault. Is it possible that there might have been something that you could have done to reduce the likelihood of that person killing you? Yeah, maybe. Should you have done that thing if you knew about it? Yeah, sure. Does that mean that you bear the responsibility for the savage actions of another person? Of course not. What kinda retarded logic is that?

How did he know you had money in the first place?

This ain't the 1970-early 2000's where people carried cash all the time. Back then a mugger could pick you at random and stick you up for your wallet or whatever you had in your pockets and there was a pretty high chance he was gonna walk away with cash.

In this day and age people don't carry cash like that anymore 'cause damned near everyone has a debit card, even if it's just a Rush card or a Walmart Money card. The only way you're getting robbed like this is if you broadcast to the people around you that you have cash on you.

If you out there poking a bear with a stick, and the bear grabs you by the neck with his teeth and flings you around damned near killing you what's the first thing somebody's gonna say?

"Why the fuck were you that close to a fuckin bear to begin with?"

You ain't blaming the bear for being a savage animal, you're blaming the person for even putting themselves in the situation to be attacked.
I think a big part of the divide on this topic and many others like it is that most of us older cats had a concept of "personal responsibility" drilled into us early. That is, "If you do X, and Y happens, that's all on you; you shouldn't have been doing X to begin with".

If you sell dope and end up shot over it, that's your fault. You shouldn't have been sellin dope to begin with.
If you stealing radios from cars and end up shot over it, that's on you. You shouldn't have been stealing.
If you fuck without a rubber or any form of birth control and end up gettin a chick pregnant, nigga that's your fault (truthfully both of y'all's fault).

When I had my Mustangs, I knew to stay aware in certain hoods 'cause niggas was gettin jacked for 5.0's. I held off on putting an alarm on my Nissan S12 and ended up getting my stereo and amps stolen. When I would hit up certain spots in Detroit I knew to put my jewels in the glovebox and keep any expensive jackets and shit in the trunk before going inside. The one time me and my boy didn't do that shit we came out The Currency Exchange and was met with his back window broken out and both of our leathers gone. We both said "damn, we shoulda put them shits in the trunk". We were mad as hell, especially me 'cause that Adidas bomber I had was rare as fuck, but we both knew better and should have done better and took responsibility for gettin our shit stolen.

These days you have two generations of kids (those after GenX) that were taught that nothing is their fault. No matter what you do, no matter how badly you fuck up, shit ain't your fault; you are not responsible for the bad shit that happens to you. Everyone else is to blame even when it's clear you are or when you share the blame. You can't put yourself in a fucked up situation and then cry "victim" when shit goes wrong.
How did he know you had money in the first place?

This ain't the 1970-early 2000's where people carried cash all the time. Back then a mugger could pick you at random and stick you up for your wallet or whatever you had in your pockets and there was a pretty high chance he was gonna walk away with cash.

In this day and age people don't carry cash like that anymore 'cause damned near everyone has a debit card, even if it's just a Rush card or a Walmart Money card. The only way you're getting robbed like this is if you broadcast to the people around you that you have cash on you.

If you out there poking a bear with a stick, and the bear grabs you by the neck with his teeth and flings you around damned near killing you what's the first thing somebody's gonna say?

"Why the fuck were you that close to a fuckin bear to begin with?"

You ain't blaming the bear for being a savage animal, you're blaming the person for even putting themselves in the situation to be attacked.

lol We ain't talking about bears nigga. We're talking about human beings who are rational and know right from wrong. Fuck is wrong with you? She shouldn't put her money biz out there, but she's not responsible for the actions of savage niggas.
lol We ain't talking about bears nigga. We're talking about human beings who are rational and know right from wrong. Fuck is wrong with you? She shouldn't put her money biz out there, but she's not responsible for the actions of savage niggas.

Then if they're rational and know right from wrong why the fuck they out here robbing chicks and murdering them? As far as I 'm concerned they ain't no different from a fuckin' animal.