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Mom of two killed over refund check.

iim surprised the kid who had his mother killed a few yrs ago just so he can obtain the insurance and liquidate her bank accounts to act like a fucking clown has survived Cook County Jail this long
i don't let niggaz i love know how much cash i got on me let alone a bunch of strangers.....

i 100% agree random acts of violence happen every day, but that's even more reason to constantly be on your guard, exhibit as much situational awareness as possible, and be very discrete about cash in public.

My mother taught me at a very young age and i'm teaching my son now, never loosely handle cash in public.

if i'm counting my change at a store, don't say shit to me until i'm finished.

like that's just survival skills imo....

as unfortunate and fucked up as story story is, some of the details in the story sound more like a cautionary tale to people who might not be aware of shit..

it's like the other day when BNE was saying most people really don't know how to secure their child in the car seat....while the cop who hit the car was 100% in the wrong with speeding into them so recklessly....the child might have still been alive had the carseat been fastened correctly...

not to victim blame at all, just pointing out that fact......and sometimes those facts are hard to swallow...

no one was saying she was wrong, but had she been more careful with that money, she might still be alive....that many people knowing she had that much cash on her made her an unaware target.....that's tragic as fuck...sometimes we don't even know the danger we're in....

ok we know none of you niggas are letting ppl know how much cash you have ....ok, whats next?

yall all said the same shit

none of that has to do with what Im talking about tho
I hate these stupid labels "victim blaming"

dont get me wrong the act of blaming the misfortune that befalls them by someone willful act is shitty but the labeling trend is fucking annoying sounds whiny as fuck
When someone is dead, what they could have done differently imo is irrelevant.

shawty probably had no idea ol girl saw her with the cash.

we all can be as cautious as we want and still get caught slippin

Ive seen it happen so many times

what are yall t’challa out this bitch? you sub-human now

I hate these stupid labels "victim blaming"

dont get me wrong the act of blaming the misfortune that befalls them by someone willful act is shitty but the labeling trend is fucking annoying sounds whiny as fuck

who cares what you dont like

I dont like the word: moist

it is what it is
When someone is dead, what they could have done differently imo is irrelevant.

shawty probably had no idea ol girl saw her with the cash.

we all can be as cautious as we want and still get caught slippin

Ive seen it happen so many times

what are yall t’challa out this bitch? you sub-human now

" There s a lesson in everything, even a bullet" Jadakiss
Race, what logical reason is there for someone to bring $3k in cash to your job that couldn't wait until after work?
who cares what you dont like

I dont like the word: moist

it is what it is

I care.

hmmm I think a lot of ppl victim blame or jump to discussing what the victim/survivor should have done differently because they belive in the idea that people deserve whatever outcome/consquences they are face with on some “everything happens for a reason” type shit

whereas, I dont believe a lot of the time ppl deserve what happens to them.

The issue isn't whether they deserved it, the issue is did they contribute to it happening by their own actions.

As I said earlier, if I was in the hood flashing money and jewels and I get robbed, I was robbed because of my actions. I drew attention to my money and jewels whereas if I wasn't out there like that I wouldn't have been robbed.

I read somewhere that victim blaming was a common theme for americans because the “American Dream” is heavily instilled in us, this idea that all of us are in control of our own destinies, that it makes it hard for us to grapple with the fact that alot of the times bad things DO happen to good ppl.

That unforseeable things happen to ppl and more often than not, it was out of their control

But that's not what's being talked about here. This was squarely in her control. Did her moms really need to bring her $3000 in cash while on the job? Did she really need it right then and there or could it have waited? Even if it really needed to happen, couldn't they have been more discreet about it? Like "yo, lemme talk to you for a second out in the car", make the transaction away from everyone else, and go back in as if nothing had happened. There have been times where I was walking around with $4000-$6000 on me and I never got robbed for it because no one knew anything about it. At the same time I got stuck for $150 once 'cause I was careless, forgot where I was at, and pulled out $100 to pay for some beer and snacks and got took by some niggas that saw me in the store that walked out before I got done paying.

so to answer your question (lol) I guess as a coping mechanism or even out of fear we try to hold victims responsible for their “misfortune” to avoid admitting that something just as unthinkable could happen to us, even if we seemingly did everything “right.”

but that didn't happen here. Her coworkers KNEW about the money. How is immaterial, the fact that they knew means something wasn't done right. You know where you work, you know the type of people you're around. If you gotta have that much cash on you then you know you need to take every precaution to keep them from finding out about it.

I think we blame victims so that we can continue to feel safe and secure in a world that we all know to be very “unpredictable.”

Now, if someone is engaging in risky behaviors and is aware of the consquences that can occur, thats something totally different—-

And that's exactly what happened here. Dollar General, generally speaking, exists solely in the hood. You know where you're at and you know it's risky as fuck to have $3G's brought to you in cash there.

But young girl being gunned down on the sidewalk over a refund check is just a careless act of violence and we should more or so rush to empathize with her and not do the whole “wow thats sad but if she only”

Nah, this is a clear case of doing something stupid that led to your demise. The only people in this I would empathize with are her kids who are now motherless because of her stupidity.

I mean thats the same thing white folks do when we are gunned down by cops lol textbook the same exact thing.

In some cases you're right, but in a good number of those cases them dudes weren't just standing around doing nothing and ended up shot.

Its the lack of empathy for her that bothered me in APs and Elzos responses

and I have to wonder if yall are socialized to not emapthize with her right away because shes a Black girl or because the ppl who killed her are Black

Im not being accusatory just wondering...

It has nothing to do with race, Race. It's about being stupid. She was clearly being stupid and that stupidity caught up with her. Had she not been stupid, there wouldn't be a headline and niggas talking about her in sentences with the word "Remember..."
When someone is dead, what they could have done differently imo is irrelevant.
see that's where you're losing EVERYBODY.....

most people brains operate under the cause and effect system....like if you could get a do over there would be different choices and moves you could make that could possibly avoid your death.

like if someone died walking down a certain street, if they get a do over, the first thing they'd change is going down that street.....

so whenever we hear of someone being killed our brains immediately start looking at the details and try to see what they could have done differently to avoid that death....

that's just how most of us approach stories like this,....

you on the other hand feel that part is irrelevant so no matter what's said after that it's clear we're going in different directions.....

you don't think like us.....we're pretty much at a dead end as far as i'm concerned.....

She cant do shit but I can damn sure learn from her mistakes. I have sympathy for people that die from unfortunate events and making mistakes. My problem is when that mistake has leaked over everyday thinking. I see that way of thinking everyday from my family members. My extended family member was shot because they were flossing around people he knew was shady. He lived and made the same mistake again. He's dead now.

Me criticizing the actions of an unfortunate event is just me talking out what decision I hope I make in that situation. I have a paranoid way of thinking.
sometimes victims are responsible for their victim-ness. If I walk through the hood flashing jewels and paying for shit at the 7-11 with a fat ass knot of $100's being loud 'cause they acting stank about breaking $100 bills and I get robbed in the parking lot, guess what? That shit IS my fault. If niggas don't know what you got, you're far less likely to get robbed for it.

Her moms brought $3000 in CASH to a goddamned Dollar Tree and gave it to her. CLEARLY somebody either saw the transaction or overheard the details of it and it got back to the broad that set her up. They coulda been more discreet and she would still be alive unless she was runnin off at the mouth talmbout "my momma just brought my refund money up here!".

Niggas outchea broke as fuck and you in the hood lettin everybody know you got money on you? You're basically asking to get set up.


The shyt angers me b/c it' senseless. Sad thing is...we've heard aboutfolks dying for faaaaarrr less. May all 3 rot in the furtherest bowels of hell.

With that said...c'mon man. Why couldn't her mama just hold on to the money at home until she got off work, then go pick it up?? This tragedy COULD HAVE been avoided.

Someone has to explain what sense did it make to bring that amount of cash to her job.
When someone is dead, what they could have done differently imo is irrelevant.

shawty probably had no idea ol girl saw her with the cash.

we all can be as cautious as we want and still get caught slippin

Ive seen it happen so many times

what are yall t’challa out this bitch? you sub-human now


That's emotional thinking right there. The rule of law dictates that the cause of death and the events leading up to the cause of death are to be ascertained and all of it is relevant. It might not be relevant to YOU personally, but best believe it's relevant to somebody. "How?" and "Why?" are two very valid questions to ask when anything happens whether someone has died or not.

If a nigga died 'cause he was driving drunk and ran into a wall at 80mph, the first thing you think it "well... the nigga shouldn't have been drinking and driving".

If you've been feeling wrong for... oh... a year or two and you pass out one day and wake up in the hospital and the docs give you a week to live 'cause you have terminal pancreatic cancer or some shit like that, the very first thing the doctor will tell you is "Well... if you had come to us six months ago we could have saved you..."

What a person could have done differently also serves as a cautionary tale to others. Maybe someone will take heed to it and leave their money at home. Maybe they'll put it on a card instead of keeping it in cash. Maybe they'll keep their mouth shut about their finances around folks they really don't know like that. And that person will live to see another day because they heard "well, if she hadn't brought 3K in cash to work she'd still be alive"...
That's emotional thinking right there. The rule of law dictates that the cause of death and the events leading up to the cause of death are to be ascertained and all of it is relevant. It might not be relevant to YOU personally, but best believe it's relevant to somebody. "How?" and "Why?" are two very valid questions to ask when anything happens whether someone has died or not.

If a nigga died 'cause he was driving drunk and ran into a wall at 80mph, the first thing you think it "well... the nigga shouldn't have been drinking and driving".

If you've been feeling wrong for... oh... a year or two and you pass out one day and wake up in the hospital and the docs give you a week to live 'cause you have terminal pancreatic cancer or some shit like that, the very first thing the doctor will tell you is "Well... if you had come to us six months ago we could have saved you..."

What a person could have done differently also serves as a cautionary tale to others. Maybe someone will take heed to it and leave their money at home. Maybe they'll put it on a card instead of keeping it in cash. Maybe they'll keep their mouth shut about their finances around folks they really don't know like that. And that person will live to see another day because they heard "well, if she hadn't brought 3K in cash to work she'd still be alive"...

Sir this is simply how I feel

Im not looking for you to be in agreement with me

save yourself time and energy my love