Mindfucker. Inconvenient Truth + Necessary Evil
We are naturally giving sharing loving people but "minorities" take our kindness for weaknessCorrection we've been conditioned to be all inclusive. Trust and believe it took time for us to get like that because systematic white supremacy made it illegal for us to own our intellectual property.
For instance Tariq was on that radio show saying how he couldn't get on The Breakfast Club or Hot 97 like he has in the past with his black history documentaries because all the program directors at the stations are Latino. Everybody from the top down is Latino/non black and they ain't trying to hear the truth that they had nothing to do with the creation of this thing.
Now we done gave all these Latinos a avenue to succeed in life by being the middleman between artists and the consumer, then they gatekeep the fucking radio stations and we have to dance to their tune to get proper promotion
Power 105 in La is like all Mexican women and big boy. There's no hip hop energy in that studio. Big boy be having to hear about their quinceaneras and fiestas everyday smh