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Michelle Obama Is Mad at Black Voters, Not Trump Voters: ‘That’s My Trauma’

That just makes it easier to put out the “Low African American turnout signals lack of political interest” headlines, and justifies ignoring us further. If we don’t vote then they get to push their agendas unabated.

I vote for whichever candidate I feel will do less harm to my way of life.

harm reduction is a terrible voting strategy.

for clarity: http://www.indigenousaction.org/voting-is-not-harm-reduction-an-indigenous-perspective/

also you shouldnt even be concerning yourself with “low african american turnout” hot takes. the concern is figuring out how we can make this sys less violent and corrupt.

“less harm to MY life” therein lies the issue. countless Black ppl are being railroaded and discarded because you just vote for the sake of voting.

who will be affected by your vote for Biden? how many more Black ppl will be shuffled into prisons? disappear from their living rooms? or bombed over seas?

start encompassing the global south in your politic. start thinking about the marginalized, and poor people of color

its not just about you and yours
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harm reduction is a terrible voting strategy.

for clarity: http://www.indigenousaction.org/voting-is-not-harm-reduction-an-indigenous-perspective/

also you shouldnt even be concerning yourself with “low african american turnout” hot takes. the concern is figuring out how we can make this sys less violent and corrupt.

“less harm to MY life” therein lies the issue. countless Black ppl are being railroaded and discarded because you just vote for the sake of voting.

Call it what you want I call it realistic
Because I don’t think they’re actively trying to let a virus kill off our parents and grandparents?

You need more or....?
i guess im asking.....do people really understand why they vote other than because its what everyone else is doing?

i can admit i just followed the crowd in this case.
and i can admit i never got deep into politics.

im learning now and trying to understand the ins and outs and who i should really be voting for.
also, expect Biden to get creamed in this coming election.

and ill be ready to dodge yalls corny non voter hot takes like neo then
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If black people don't vote, what incentive is their for any politician to make policy that caters to them?

what incentive is there for Black votes that vote religiously, give their undying loyalty and support to a decaying party, just to be paid dust in the end?

reminds me of a hurston quote: "if you are silent about your pain, they'll kill you and say you enjoyed it”

continuing to vote for candidates that dont have your best interest in mind is counterproductive and redundant asf

i could see if voting was introduced 4 years ago, hell even 10 years ago, but a system that has been in place for centuries and hasnt brought Black folks material change?

laughable at best.
the democrats have 0 desire to beat trump.

everyone needs to wake tf up

they purposely brought in bloomberg to sway the vote and from the looks of things, Biden is no different than trump.

rapist and all

To be fair based on what I've read there is really no credibility to the person accusing Biden (im assuming you are talking about tara ried unless theres some other accuser I'm unaware of)

I only point this out to say The republicans love spreading missinformation and we should be better than that. Thats not what you are doing but this narrative that Biden is a rapist doesn't hold up under scrutiny as of right now.

Its no secret I am a bernie bro and no fan of Biden at all but after looking into the accusations against biden it seems to me like that woman is lying.