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Michelle Obama Is Mad at Black Voters, Not Trump Voters: ‘That’s My Trauma’

And not one word about how 50% of all white women voted for Trump.

Oh, I forgot......she basically said she gave a pass to all the women and Trump supporters.

But has no problem blaming her own people...............WHO ARE BARELY 10% OF THE POPULATION.

Clown shit smh this why a lot of niggas ain’t even fucking with democrats we put y’all in office then y’all blame us cuz your candidates are trash

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If you're not voting against or choosing not to vote at all, you're involuntarily voting for Trump.

I get her frustration, don't think black people realize how detrimental 4 more years of a Trump presidency will hurt black people considering all the civil rights bills Trump has already rolled back or rescinded. Kinda sad tbh especially when you see how badly NY has has been hit by COVID-19 and how the president handled it.

Bruh the average non rich black person knows exactly the impact of Trump. We did not vote for that nigga. Yes a lot of us felt like voting was pointless because it does not change the status quo. But blaming black people that a racist white candidate won in a racist country seems retarded
Yea that’s what I figured, she was saying if we had showed up for Hillary the way we did for Barack, she would have beaten Trump.

But I think she’s oversimplifying it. A lot of niggas had good reason to dislike and distrust Hillary. And Obama was a uniquely loved figure in the community, so it’s unwise to take that level of turnout for granted.

Of course in hindsight niggas should have just voted AGAINST Trump, but not a lot of people are wired that way.

Y’all also gotta understand rational people thought Trump running was a joke a lot of thought hey nobody really gonna vote for a reality tv dude.
thats right!

how did i forget that???


LLS that Martin face always makes me laugh.

Black folks blind loyalty to the democratic party is like living in a bizarro world to me. Everything in this world ain't for me to understand and I'm resigning myself to that when it comes to black people and the democratic party.
LLS that Martin face always makes me laugh.

Black folks blind loyalty to the democratic party is like living in a bizarro world to me. Everything in this world ain't for me to understand and I'm resigning myself to that when it comes to black people and the democratic party.

yeah youre right.

I just hate when ppl punch down at non voters/3rd party voters lmao

like its so counterproductive and weak
niggas by and large shouldnt have voted at all. like lambs to the slaughter, yall keep voting year after year and what difference has it made? better start looking into alternatives

How would not voting improve the situation?
yeah youre right.

I just hate when ppl punch down at non voters/3rd party voters lmao

like its so counterproductive and weak

When people have bought into something like majority of black people have for the democratic party hook, line and sinker anything outside of seeing it their way is a problem and they can't for the life of them not understand why you haven't bought in like they have.

Shit is counterproductive, weak and dumb as fuck.
White Women, Latinos, Asians and Independents helped place Trump over the top but of course Liberals and pundits wanna blame Black people (the backbone of the Democratic party) because their terrible candidate lost. Never mind the fact that they make it harder for us to vote and gerrymander the fuck out of our communities with zero response from the Democrats as well. After this election, I'm changing my affiliation to independent because when Biden loses again they'll blame us instead of their shitty corporate messaging. Shame that the Obamas are pushing this agenda.
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If you read the article and not just the clickbait headline it's pretty clear she wasn't talking about black people but rather democrats...

“I understand the people who voted for Trump,” she continued. “The people who didn’t vote at all, the young people, the women, that’s when you think, man, people think this is a game. It wasn’t just in this election. Every midterm. Every time Barack didn’t get the Congress he needed, that was because our folks didn’t show up. After all that work, they just couldn’t be bothered to vote at all. That’s my trauma.”
I gave an observation and if you werent so emotionally charged you would see that.

I dont live in America and I have no dog in this fight. I live in Canada so I don't care but I do care for the future of people. Yes American politics is corrupt but over the last 100 years America is in a better place than it's been with progress on many levels so that's proof things do work out. It is far from perfect, still a work in progress, it's ills are known and has ways to go the country is still extremely young so along the way mistakes will be made.

Im not punching down any black person for their political choices unless you're voting Trump. If you are not going to vote that's on you and a vote for Trump. Clearly Trump doesn't have your best interests in mind, he's about lining his pockets. If you think America is fucked now, give Trump 4 more years. Posters on here lost family members to COVID-19 ask them how they feel about how the president handled this, had he given a shit from the start they'd probably still be here. If you willfully voting for a racist bigot, you're a coon.


you dont live in america?!?!??

bye yo
im not going to even entertain a person punching down at Black folks that doesnt even live in the U.S

thats a dub
When people have bought into something like majority of black people have for the democratic party hook, line and sinker anything outside of seeing it their way is a problem and they can't for the life of them not understand why you haven't bought in like they have.

Shit is counterproductive, weak and dumb as fuck.

“hook, line, and sinker”

White Women, Latinos, Asians and Independents helped place Trump over the top but of course Liberals and pundits wanna blame Black people (the backbone of the Democratic party) because their terrible candidate lost. Never mind the fact that they make it harder for us to vote and gerrymander the fuck out of our communities with zero response from the Democrats as well. After this election, I'm changing my affiliation to independent because when Biden loses again they'll blame us again. Shame that the Obamas are pushing this agenda.

The democrats know that black people ain't going nowhere no matter what. So they can continue to ignore and place blame on where it doesn't belong on black people because they have no doubt come election time. All they have to do is show up to a few churches, participate in a few old civil rights memorial programs and they have the black vote locked up.
how about creating an agenda and practicing voting restraint until needs are met. honestly, why do you vote? do the candidates earn your support???

That just makes it easier to put out the “Low African American turnout signals lack of political interest” headlines, and justifies ignoring us further. The people who preach voting restraint in lieu of our agenda get labeled as extremists and are dismissed. If we don’t vote then they get to push their agendas unabated.

I vote for whichever candidate I feel will do less harm to my way of life.