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The writers are really setting up Wanda to break.
She's already stricken with grieve and on some traumatized shit.
Her show ending might mean losing her kids (possibly) and losing her brother and Vision all over again.
MCU is not setup for "no more mutants", but she'll do something.



Too bad I know a couple of women who are just as batshit crazy and controlling as Wanda. One minute you don't recognize you are being manipulated and everything is good, next minute you wake up wondering what the fuck happened and who you are after she threw a kitchen knife at you like a batarang because you question who the fuck drove her home after work.
I don't think all of this is Wanda. She basically said herself that that she didn't know how it all started. I think there is something or someone orchestrating shit behind the scenes.

Also, if I'm not mistaken, Wanda is supposed to be in Dr. Strange 2 as his protege so to speak, so this may be setting up for that movie.
So I decided to fuck around and pay for Disney+, which I'm morally opposed to doing but it's whatever at this point; I gotta see this shit some kind of way.

Right now I see a great setup for mutants in the MCU coming out of this. The way the X-Men universe's Quicksilver being "recast" as Pietro in the MCU could be explained is that Wanda snatched him from another universe. Since she said she can't reverse death while talking to the twins and Agnes, this means she cant revive her MCU brother, however because alternate timelines and universe's exist, she can take Pietro from another reality and substitute him instead. This can be elaborated on in Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Mandess, where I believe mutants will make their full debut by either a hole to the XMen universe being accidentally opened, intentionally opened by someone in that universe to try to rescue Quicksilver, or by Doc and/or Scarlett Witch in an attempt to send him back.

If you pay attention, this may also be a long-play set up for Monica to take over as Captain Marvel as well. Her SWORD rank in the show is Captain, she's prolly gonna end up beefin' with Danvers over her mother, and I suspect they're prolly gonna move Danvers into either Warbird or Binary at some point, leaving the title to Monica.

Just my thoughts on it all.