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Shit was cool..

Cool ass show.

I enjoyed it more than I thought I would.. And I definitely think the chick who plays Jen Walters should be a keeper in the MCU. I hope they use her a lot. She has great comedic timing, and I think she was really into the role.
It’s been really weird up in here between the fans of the show and the crybabies. Not understanding why they continue to watch if they hate every episode.

real shit, why y’all niggas act like this doesn’t happen in most movie/tv shows threads on this forum. I see niggas call out shows and continue to watch weekly all the time.

And y’all keep using the word “HATE”. Niggas done made valid criticisms. I’ve seen neutral MCU fans on here call this show mid or wack.

some niggas been following these characters for decades and might have deeper ties to these characters than a lot of you casual Niggas that only know these characters because of the mcu.

I can understand the disappointment when some of their favorite characters are poorly portrayed and force to push today social agendas.
real shit, why y’all niggas act like this doesn’t happen in most movie/tv shows threads on this forum. I see niggas call out shows and continue to watch weekly all the time.

And y’all keep using the word “HATE”. Niggas done made valid criticisms. I’ve seen neutral MCU fans on here call this show mid or wack.

some niggas been following these characters for decades and might have deeper ties to these characters than a lot of you casual Niggas that only know these characters because of the mcu.

I can understand the disappointment when some of their favorite characters are poorly portrayed and force to push today social agendas.
These niggas get mad and start name calling when you don't want to be apart of their little circle jerk. I tried . I stuck around for every episode. I followed all the theories and connected the dots hoping for a decent payoff in the season finale and this show failed to stick the landing. This season was hot dumpster juice with only two good episodes. If marvel decides to not go ahead with a second season I wouldn't be bothered at all. Just put her in the avengers and call it a day.
  • Ether
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real shit, why y’all niggas act like this doesn’t happen in most movie/tv shows threads on this forum. I see niggas call out shows and continue to watch weekly all the time.

And y’all keep using the word “HATE”. Niggas done made valid criticisms. I’ve seen neutral MCU fans on here call this show mid or wack.

some niggas been following these characters for decades and might have deeper ties to these characters than a lot of you casual Niggas that only know these characters because of the mcu.

I can understand the disappointment when some of their favorite characters are poorly portrayed and force to push today social agendas.
Well I’m Sorry the show didn’t fit into your nerd ass fantasies of what it should be. I just find it weird why waste time on a show you don’t like. And I been reading comics longer than you probably been alive and have been following these characters for decades. The thing is I don’t mind change. If every storyline and character was exactly like it was in the comics that would be boring and y’all would probably complain about that.
TBF my brother and I watched Iron Fist just to keep up with the netflix universe sooooooooo

Also yea this show was mid at best. Can someone explain to me what's the benefit of insulting the fans?
Finished. Ok. Honestly I didn't like it that much they definitely overdid the 4th wall thing. Also, they've removed ALL the emotional and character development that lead up to Scar bring here from the books.

Tatiana and Charlie do have great chemistry so I wouldn't mind seeing them teammup again. She thirsty af 😂 I can't imagine how Deadpools about to really fuck it up when officially gets here lol.
She hulk snitched on abomination. She didn't have to do that. Make this make sense for me . If she broke the fourth wall and did all of that shit that happened in the previous scene then why is abomination still in prison?
Well I’m Sorry the show didn’t fit into your nerd ass fantasies of what it should be. I just find it weird why waste time on a show you don’t like. And I been reading comics longer than you probably been alive and have been following these characters for decades. The thing is I don’t mind change. If every storyline and character was exactly like it was in the comics that would be boring and y’all would probably complain about that.

the hills y’all niggas choose. Niggas complain about shit they don’t like and still gravitate towards it all the time bro. Look at any Kanye West thread.

This show is not even that good do be doing all this. Like multiple niggas is saying, this shit is mid at best. You liked it more, that’s cool too.

And of course changes are expected when adapting comics to cinema. But they made bad changes with this show that a lot of people didn’t appreciate. And them niggas should be able to express that on a open forum. Y’all niggas gotta stop policing MCU threads.
She hulk snitched on abomination. She didn't have to do that. Make this make sense for me . If she broke the fourth wall and did all of that shit that happened in the previous scene then why is abomination still in prison?
One of the "corrections" was simply that Emil be "held accountable". The real retcon was the big fight scene and use of her blood to turn Todd into a hulk. Whether or not that retcons Josh stealing a sample in the first place is still up in the air...