The Lonious Monk
Celestial Souljah
Lol So now, trying to appeal to other demographics is a bad thing? You DC dudes are sad .
We were talking about the movies though.I ain't moving anything.
You the one doing some sorta mental gymnastics to convince yourself that pandering to black folks via TV is somehow different than movies.
It's a blatant exploitation of their built fan base.Lol So now, trying to appeal to other demographics is a bad thing? You DC dudes are sad .
It's a blatant exploitation of their built fan base.
They literally can throw any crap at y'all and y'all eat it up.
They are telling you that Captain marvel is just to appease feminist movie goers. They'll do some half assed tie ends, but they're basically using the same formula they used to draw in the negroes with BP.... And they're bragging about it...
Yet when I or the growing numbers of fans who catch on point it out... You marvel-tards lose your collective minds..
Cognitive dissonance....
We were talking about the movies though.
A TV show can actually develope characters and world build in a way movies don't often have the luxury to do.
The argument changes in too many ways when you present tv shows, mainly because the TV shows are ideal for building up lesser known characters... So I ain't mad at either brand for taking black leads and really giving us authentic black shows...
I have very little issues with Luke cage or any of the netflix marvel series....I even was a fan of both iron fist seasons.
So that's why I called it moving the goal post.
What they did with BP is completely different than what they did with BL &LC
Building up a lesser known characters through proper development and gaining a dedicated following is much different than just trying to appease an entire demographic just by giving them something generic to cheer for.
But you don't wanna see a difference. You wanna see what you wanna see
Nah, I'm not rolling. Black Panther as a movie was better than most other Marvel movies period. Acting, story, etc. It earned its spot as top 3 or 4 grossing Marvel movies ever.Coogler did an amazing job because he's an amazing director.
Like I said, I don't wanna hear all that "unexpected" crap... That shit did what it was supposed to do....
Call me crazy.... But I notice shit.
I notice the attention social media brings. If I personally was ever to get my books published, or even got an opportunity to write a movie... You know how I... Me would promote it??
On here. I'd get the funniest people to make memes and then pay them to share and re share them until they go viral. I already told AP and Goldie as much like 2 years. Why?
Cuz it's a genius marketing plan. You make enough viral funny memes the shit could be bullshit, people still gonna support it. Look at birdhouse.
Some people hated it, but the memes impacted the views and even the book sales. It was more of a trendy movie than anything.
And that's what I was calling BP from the jump, trendy. Now the movie wasn't bad at all, but it definitely benefitted and became bigger than what it was because of the how behind it "black Twitter" was....
And that was on purpose.
Marvel got the hottest young black director. Every popular black actor they could grab. And 100% took advantage of black Twitter to guarantee a billion plus from the trendy purchasing nature of black folk.
The spectacle of it all over shadowed the movie.
It wasn't even coogler's best movie. But it was prolly the biggest financial success cuz of allllllllll the reasons I been shoveling down y'all throat for over a year.
Y'all refused to see it cuz y'all black and really bought the hype.
But now that they doing THE EXACT SAME THING with feminist.... People starting to see it.
It was better than Creed, for sure. I loved Creed, but Black Panther had the spectacle along with great story and acting.Was it coogler's best movie?
Was it the best marvel movie?
The answer is no to both of those questions.
Was it a good movie?
Yes, absolutely.
But the spectacle over shadowed the actual product.
As Movie Creed is much better than BP. But we know BP made way more money...
And it's because of the spectacle surrounding it.
No, to say it did well because it pandered to "black Twitter" is a testament of self hate.And to consider a critical breakdown of a movie self hate is a testament to how much y'all believed in the spectacle.
Can't even be realistic for a second
How so?No, to say it did well because it pandered to "black Twitter" is a testament of self hate.
It did well because it was a good black movie, period.How so?
Does black Twitter not hype shit up?
Were niggaz not doing the most for laughs and likes last year for this movie?
How many memes and pics and videos about bp did you see and laugh at before the movie even came out. Prolly thousands. Black people already determined that they were going to pack out every theater and were actually throwing parties before the movie even came out.
How is acknowledgement of these things that 100% did transpire self hate?
So I just gotta see shit and not speak on it, or risk being a hater of my race?
Cuz of a movie?
Yea.... Constant confirmation that y'all drank way too much of the Kool-aid