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Not trying to be debbie downer but hollywood still white. Hopeful
Plenty of other marvel films they've catered to white folks, i.e. the Ancient One

Oh i know, im just not ready to hail disney as the white knight of movie equality no matter how great the mcu has been. Its still about money at the end of the day.
Most my theater was leaving after the credits, more then I've ever seen for a marvel viewing so I chalked it up to these are the ones that just watched it because of black excellence and probably don't know what the hell an avenger is.
the amc 24 here in charlotte literally has 24 different showings of this movie spaced out about 15 min. apiece. Ill be damned if I sit in a packed theater tonight..hopefully demand aint that high?
Going to the one in Northlake tonight. Also I didn't know you from or lived in Charlotte. Going to need to check in b.
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Mainly because of Disney. I just feel like they had to let this movie be made the way it is to get black people to show up. The way they treated white people in this film, you think they won't cater to them next in the sequel?
That's pure conjecture.

Disney and Marvel have constantly doubled down on anything that has been successful. A few butthurt white people aren't going to pressure them into being more white-friendly. Now If how they treated white people in this movie caused the movie to bomb, you'd have a point.

Buy Disney is pretty savvy. I can't remember the controversial last movie they made. And considering how racist Hollywood has been historically, if what you're saying is true, they wouldn't have made the film in the first place.
Disney was due for a good black movie anyway... this killed two birds
after watching the movie and thinking a bit about the characters I feel Erik Killmonger and the T’challa dynamic in this movie is very similar to Professor X and Magneto.

Black Panther did it better than the X-Men movies though. Killmonger was without a doubt the best villain Marvel has done because his motives are based on reality.
Was that rival gorilla tribe actually from the books?

I loved how they flipped the gorilla stereotype we're given. When they started making monkey noises to shut up that agent was dope. Their leader was cool overall by the end of the movie. And their base was epic.

Yes he is in the comic as Man Ape. Thank god they didn’t call him that in the movie.

Their base was dope as fuck. His throne room was dope as fuck.
disappointed they

killed off both klaue and killmonger tho
killmonger yes but fuck klaw glad they didn't drag that shit out like the comics. Panther should've been killed him and just like the comics he took too fucking long thats y his homeboy turned on him.

Killmonger went out like a G
Blood said fuck locking me up.
Bury me in the ocean with all the other slaves that rathered death over captivity(sheds thug tear)