that's a dope post and i'm well aware of everything you said.I was more so addressing what Master P stated at what you gave a GOAT to.
As far as the point you typed I can some what understand but still refute your gripe. The reason Killmonger resonated with so many American black people is because his character seriously pointed out our experience. His gripe also made T'Challa reassess his way of thinking and realize he should help others that look like him who are struggling. The screen play for the movie didn't come off as pandering because it dealt with real life stuff and was written by real life African Americans.
The comics even touched on real life African American issues more once African American people like Christopher Priest, Reginald Hudlin, and Ta' Nahesi Coates started writing it. Black Panther spent a good bit of time in Harlem under Priest run writing it and Coates touched on all types of social issues since he has been writing. The character originally wasn't written by black people so that is why some of the things you talk about have a bit of validity but it definitely changed once black people got a hold of it.
The movie though touched on a myriad of issues including the one you seem to have your biggest issues with and that's the difference between African Americans and African black people.
still doesn't change the entire premise of this entire debate.
Embracing something and making it your own is what Black People did with BP, and that's cool.
Coates is from bmore, i remember when he became the writer of BP, it was a semi big deal. And i like how they made the characters fit into todays world.....
i never once said i disliked the movie at again, people constantly miss my critique as hate....
I'm pointing out that BP was ALWAYS something GIVEN to us to appease the demand for more representation. The character's entire incarnation was fro inclusion, and so that there can at the least be one big black face in the sea of white comic book characters.
over the last decade or so, strides have been made to make BP a bigger character and bring him to the forefront, as seen by the recent changes in the characters direction, and including him in the already successful MCU... but again... this was a calculated and strategic effort....
When homie asked about them other movies.... the whole thing is different....there's a big difference between black movie makers looking to make a movie and gettign help from a big studio to get their art out there...
than an already big and established company, creating a black character and adding it to their already successful formula...
that's not a knock, it's calling it what it is..
P's take on it is that niggaz jumped on BP like we really did that, like that shit was really something that black people created and made to be great....
naw that shit was a white creation, and placed on their already established platform, just so we could have a hero too....
his point is if you really wanna celebrate black cinema and black story telling, support the smaller movies that are all black, and fighting to be seen on a screen the same energy.
and i agree