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I'm curious to see where they take Black Panthers story for the sequel. Ryan Coogler said he wanted Kraven introduced but due to the studio shit he couldn't do it. Achebe would be interesting especially due to the Mephisto angle. Could be an interesting way to introduce Doom or Namor if they indeed can use the characters at that time.
I'm curious to see where they take Black Panthers story for the sequel. Ryan Coogler said he wanted Kraven introduced but due to the studio shit he couldn't do it. Achebe would be interesting especially due to the Mephisto angle. Could be an interesting way to introduce Doom or Namor if they indeed can use the characters at that time.

Achebe is one crazy lunatic lol. He remind me of the Joker
finally saw Black panther (yes I know Im late) but for all those people that I saw saying we need our own wakanda, you already have a wakanda, its in the hood where yall all afraid to go to. The hood in which yall neglect, turn your noses up and back on.

Thats your wakanda —-thats what an all Black nation closely mirrors here in the states and its going to take a lot of work to build that jawn up but if we all work together, we can.

Thats not the got dam point or nor the fictional historical reason why wakanda is great you can"t erase the European presense in the hood a purely untouched colonizer community is why we liked wakanda so much you dead came in here with some corny ass

"We should create that here" without proper understanding of why is was great their

Wakanda can't be created anywhere else thats why its special i understand you sentiments but no

We can create something else
My takeaways:

1) I understood Killmongers view points but he was wayyy too egotistical and moving way too fast. I also think he mirrored the average Black American man especially when he started beating up on the women. I said to myself yeahhh niggas would get in the Kingdom and start running a muck unless they underwent a psychic undoing to overturn all the hegemony they have internalized while being in the states.

He clearly was very colonized in his thinking because he moved and sounded like an oppressor at every turn.

Also, even tho he was trying to liberate Black people all over the world he didnt really think about what would happen if niggas in the hood got ahold of some vibranium. They would stockpile the shit and/or kill each other over petty turf wars and drug disputes.

Killmonger just didnt understand you cant liberate bodies without liberating the mind first. I mean Black Americans dont even know who their real “enemy” is anymore, ever since crack hit the streets in the 80s weve been turning the guns on ourselves and each other. Which isnt our fault for many reasons but the truth is truth, we would have to really work hard at decolonizing our minds and spirits. Whiteness has been attacking our mentals for so long, alot of us out here are hella confused and seeing double.

Killmongers plan would have ultimately been a disaster. Only certain amount of ppl can handle that kinda power and he defintely wasnt one of them. Too angry and irrational.

Im weak at how some Black men were saying they identify more with killmonger than T’challa. I was saying to myself, yeahhhh I wouldnt follow that nigga up the block much less let him lead me in Wakanda.

2.) THE WOMEN WERE SO BADASS AND COURGEOUS! OH MY GOD. They were so strong and I loved watching them wreck shit. Black women are powerful and without us yall niggas arent going very far. I hope yall will learn how to respect us and ride for us the same way we ride for yall.

and lastly, Michael B Jordan cant act to me and I had a hard time connecting with his character. I thought the line “Kill me because my people know death was better than bondage” sounded so corny coming from him. That line is deep af but him saying it blew me.

Lml what gtfoh
I'm curious to see where they take Black Panthers story for the sequel. Ryan Coogler said he wanted Kraven introduced but due to the studio shit he couldn't do it. Achebe would be interesting especially due to the Mephisto angle. Could be an interesting way to introduce Doom or Namor if they indeed can use the characters at that time.
Madam Slay could be the next villain
I could be mistaken but the post was more than that one line...I GOAT’d her analysis in general

I’ve come to expect a misandrist shot here and there from Race it’s all good lol I ignore it
The post is more than one line, she said other bullshit but that was the most glaring.
If that kinda stuff is cool to you then no worries.
Was just wondering y 2 american brothas(I'm assuming) would be alright with that
The post is more than one line, she said other bullshit but that was the most glaring.
If that kinda stuff is cool to you then no worries.
Was just wondering y 2 american brothas(I'm assuming) would be alright with that

Had honestly forgotten about that part by the time I got to the end of the post. I fucked with the part about liberating minds before bodies especially.
The fact that you said "hilarious" as if its some type of phenomenon
Don't whites listen to rap music all the time yet still think of some of us as savages?!
Take a look at worldstars comments for an example.
I'm aware it was just a joke lighten up