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First time ever seeing the original gif, lol. Only saw the GOT gang war version.
Just came from seeing it. Man this movie was damn good. MBJ killed his role. All of his scenes were hard hitting. Too many different themes in this movie. Ryan did his homework and delivered.

BLACK beans

All BLACK everythang. lol.

I showed up in a BLACK Cat suit Hookah boots and a Black Panther Mask.

The greatest movie of my life and i'll be seeing it THRICE more throughout the weekend.

#That Is All.

@Reesey if I post a picture of a ticket stubb will you post a pic of you in your catsuit? Its not just for me but for the greater good.
Just came back from the market, saw the CDs and DVDs nigga outside..

I asked him if he had that black panther yet...

He was like naw, he gonna let fam live for 2 weeks
Bout to see this shit. Stuck in a long ass line waiting for popcorn. This place packed lol
The hardest line in the movie was....

BP: we can probably save you.

Killmonger: Nah, why so I can locked up. Bury out to sea where my ancestors knew it was better to jump of the ship than live in bonds

That little line was deep as fuck

I watched it a day before my home boy and yesterday night he texted me that line out of the blue.
Shit was tight saw a kid dress up as Black Panther some girls had their faces painted random people dressin up.. random chicks dressed like they were going to a biker bar. family of 4 sat infront of me they were Dashiki'd out

Film was deep .. the message and the optics were palpable shit had a lot of depth a lot of parallels and contrast to many things such as exceptionalism/isolationism , sprinkled with social commentary.. Action was pretty cool but it pretty much fit the formula where the first movie just opens you to the world.. and stay tuned for more where after the first film it really picks up steam. The depth/symoblism and the optics make the film stand out as was expected.. goes with out saying the visuals were great watching it in 3'D imax was pretty cool
My only two gripes are how Marvel did the villians and the last fight scene. Would've been dope to see Kilmonger and BP fighting in the throne room or the battlefield where the others where fighting.

Also I agreed with Kilmonger the entire movie.

Killmonger was done dirty by T'chaka and them niggas was foul for that they done to him and his pops. T'challa and Kilmonger was basically MLK and Stokely Carmichael. BP wanted to be peaceful and stay quiet and not flexing their might. Kilmonger was on some only way to fight fire is with fire.

On another note I didn't like how they kill off Klaw like that. Dude was hilarious in the movie and could've been great villain. (In the comics he's one of BP's biggest enemies

The film was 4.5/5 for me. Probably tied for or better than Civil War. This one had the nest villian in all the movies so far. Dude wasn't really wrong and he had a real reason for revenge and to help the opressed.

Sidenote......... Wakanda was some sucker's for not helping stop the slave trade. Lol I know they're fictional but yeah that was some sucka shit