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great movie. I was disappointed with Guardians 2 (only thing better than the 1st movie was the music) and the last Thor (funny but shouldve been a full on Hulk movie). But I knew BP wasnt gonna let me down (even though I havent read a panther comic since that time he took over daredevil's spot in Hells Kitchen).

Definitely liked it more than any Marvel movie without Captain America in the title. Gonna need a few more views to decide if I like it better than the Cap movies. gonna go see it again wearing the Obama shirt I got at the 08 inauguration.
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Will the internet be able to handle the overflow of BP gifs we're gonna get?

I wonder how he'd have turned out if he grew up in wakanda..
He'd still have that chip on his shoulder if he knew the truth
I wonder how he'd have turned out if he grew up in wakanda..
He'd still have that chip on his shoulder if he knew the truth
A great ally that would eventually face off anyway since he always had right to challenge for the throne.
Good movie. Given how extreme the hype was for the movie, it's hard to say anything could live up to that, but I think they delivered what they wanted, so that's a win. I can't say whether it's better than Winter Soldier. It spoke more to me, but that doesn't make it a better movie. Right now, they are 1a and 1b.

I'm really curious to see what they'll do with Infinity War. The Russos did a good job of making Winter Soldier and Civil War more than just comic book movies. Both had messages and dealt with real issues. BP took that even farther. Thanos is my favorite comic character, but I don't really know how you make a "deep" movie with him. I think they can make a good movie, but I don't see how they do anything but take a step back when it comes to that aspect of the story.
On some conscious shit, I like that they did that. Throw that monkey stereotype right back in they faces.

I can make monkey sounds like anybody else and fuck you if you still hold onto that black man is a monkey shit.

While you at it, shut the fuck up when speaking to a black king!
Those are gorilla sounds, not of a peasant monkey. Don't dis the cause brotha