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This shit is unbelievably stupid.

First of all, to say that one single actor "carries" a film is an insult to the tons of other actors on screen, regardless of how great that one actor is. Do you know how good you have to be to literally "carry" a film by yourself? Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert Downey Jr., Benedict Cumberbatch, Will Smith, Denzel Washington, Samuel L. Jackson, Angelina Jolie, Meryl Streep, Angela Basset. And guess what? None of them signed up to be in movies with a bunch of scrubs. To "carry" a film would mean that the rest of the cast, the script, the story, the CGI, etc would all have to be so subpar that only that ONE actor had to hoist the entire production on their backs by just being the best on set. GTFOH

Let's take a good hard look at cast of Black Panther, with all due respect to the ancestor Chadwick Boseman:

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That is a damn near impossible amount of talent dedicated to a single film, who then had the production resources of fucking Disney at their disposal. Mr. Boseman did not carry Black Panther and to be quite honest, no one single actor has carried ANY of the MCU films. Not even RDJ who had Gwenyth Paltrow, Samuel L. Jackson and other incredible actors to share the screen with.

So cut the bullshit. Letitia Wright doesn't have to carry a film for her character to take the titular mantle. She only needs to employ the same wit and charm that made her an instant fan favorite.

Thank you. Niggas' in here with goldfish memory spans. Chadwick was dope, but we really acting like he was the only actor that shined in the movie? We really going to act like some of the people on this very site were criticizing the movie because they didn't believe BP stood out enough amongst the rest of the cast.
If you ignore Chadwick's passing as the motivation for it, from a story point does killing off T'Challa make sense? Is it really worth it?

Especially when you consider Marvel has only truly killed off a couple main characters.
Just rumors but take from it what you will....

The long game for Marvel has always been to have Letitia Wright’s Shuri inherit the mantle of Black Panther from her elder brother, that much we know. Although, this wasn’t expected to happen until the King of Wakanda’s third or fourth solo outing

Boseman’s passing might accelerate these plans, however, because we’ve now heard from our sources – the same ones who told us Taskmaster would be the villain in Black Widow, Netflix is developing a Witcher prequel and a Ms. Marvel show is coming to Disney Plus, all of which were correct – that the passing of the torch is likely to happen in Black Panther II if the project moves forward on its current schedule.

According to our intel, the plan right now is to have T’Challa die off-screen and his death addressed in the early stages of the story, with Shuri poised to become her nation’s protector in the film. The former monarch’s shadow will of course loom large over the narrative as Black Panther 2 pays tribute to Boseman’s iconic take on the superhero, while this course of action will also continue his legacy by having another popular character assume the role and lead the franchise into the future.

If you ignore Chadwick's passing as the motivation for it, from a story point does killing off T'Challa make sense? Is it really worth it?

Especially when you consider Marvel has only truly killed off a couple main characters.
Writing off a character after the actor dies unexpectedly is seen as disrespectful and directors/studios worth a damn try to avoid it because of the PR backlash.

I think they're more likely to to like Nolan did Heath Ledger and step around the topic of T'Challa's whereabouts altogether.
Y'all are focusing on actors too much and not the characters. Shuri as a character, isn't ready to become the Black Panther. She was a supporting character, they need flesh her out a bit more and show her developing. T'Challa as a character, hasn't done enough to be killed off. If they're going to have Shuri take his place, they need a natural way to do it.

I don't doubt the actors. Shit, you could get Angela Bassett a stunt double and have her take over as BP. But it's got to make sense from a story and character perspective.

I kinda agree that T'challa hasn't done enough in the MCU, and under normal circumstances, it would be absurd to kill his character off so early. These aren't normal circumstances though. I like T'challa in the comics and MCU, but if they put together a good script, cast, and overall performance in a sequel without T'challa, the franchise would move on just fine. Again, as far as the MCU goes, Wakanda itself has a bigger presence than T'challa. They can basically keep that same energy going forward.

At the end of the day, Chadwick's death as a human being is a big tragedy. The loss of him as the actor playing T'challa is a far lesser tragedy. It's still a tragedy though because he really owned that character and it was exciting to think of what more he could have done going forward.
Give the character of tchalla a proper send off that honor's Mr Boseman, and pass the mantle to shuri.

I think there's like a 90% possiblity this the direction they going in.

Whoever mad, just gonna have to be mad. Shuri got next. It makes the most logical sense
Man, fuck that. Give Shuri next after the T'Challa trilogy. It would be too much to rework. Kevin Feige and Marvel knows this.
Just rumors but take from it what you will....

The long game for Marvel has always been to have Letitia Wright’s Shuri inherit the mantle of Black Panther from her elder brother, that much we know. Although, this wasn’t expected to happen until the King of Wakanda’s third or fourth solo outing

Boseman’s passing might accelerate these plans, however, because we’ve now heard from our sources – the same ones who told us Taskmaster would be the villain in Black Widow, Netflix is developing a Witcher prequel and a Ms. Marvel show is coming to Disney Plus, all of which were correct – that the passing of the torch is likely to happen in Black Panther II if the project moves forward on its current schedule.

According to our intel, the plan right now is to have T’Challa die off-screen and his death addressed in the early stages of the story, with Shuri poised to become her nation’s protector in the film. The former monarch’s shadow will of course loom large over the narrative as Black Panther 2 pays tribute to Boseman’s iconic take on the superhero, while this course of action will also continue his legacy by having another popular character assume the role and lead the franchise into the future.

I was just about to post that I felt like the plan was always for Shuri to take the mantel and that was gonna be a major arc. Especially knowing that Namor was going to be the next big bad in BP2.

I want them to recast T'Challa and go thru with the storyline as planned
I was just about to post that I felt like the plan was always for Shuri to take the mantel and that was gonna be a major arc. Especially knowing that Namor was going to be the next big bad in BP2.

I want them to recast T'Challa and go thru with the storyline as planned

When was the bold confirmed?
Tchalla is my top 3 favorite character in Marvel. Like forget being black panther, even when hes not the black panther, Tchalla is just a dope ass character. Hes cut throat, and is willing to burn the whole world down to protect wakanda.

He makes some queastionable moral judgements to protect Wakanda. Kill with no regard unlike other super heroes. The list goes on.

Killing off Tchala this early on is some bullshit to me. Even when Shuri becomes BP, Tchalla is supposed to play a huge part in the goings on.

Writing Tchalla out of Marvel is super disappointing to me
Tchalla is my top 3 favorite character in Marvel. Like forget being black panther, even when hes not the black panther, Tchalla is just a dope ass character. Hes cut throat, and is willing to burn the whole world down to protect wakanda.

He makes some queastionable moral judgements to protect Wakanda. Kill with no regard unlike other super heroes. The list goes on.

Killing off Tchala this early on is some bullshit to me. Even when Shuri becomes BP, Tchalla is supposed to play a huge part in the goings on.

Writing Tchalla out of Marvel is super disappointing to me
Real shit. Like I'm all for black women empowerment and the wave, but man I fucks heavyweight with T'Chala. I hope this doesn't turn into a political move. Shuri should be Black panther, but not this soon. Want to see more of my guy :(
It's not a political move. It makes the most sense.
Y'all fighting nature at this point.

It's gonna happen
Y'all just setting yourselves up to be mad. It's clear as day this is where it's going. Just don't support of it's that big of a deal to you... But shuri got next.