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For the record, I’ve liked every one of these DC movies that I’ve seen. Still haven’t seen Shazam or Suicide Squad, because I didn’t have any interest.

I didn’t think JL was all that bad.

JL was Thor 2, Iron 2-3 Hulk bad

But still better than them though. Still pretty bad

I ain't gon lie when Thanos snapped his fingers and nothing happened, then that crushed my soul. I wanted him win again but I'm that nigga that was cheering for Sgt Slaughter at Wrestlemania 7
Current Nebula was storing a vial in her head compartment and 2014 Nebula took it out

Again, I already knew Bad Nebula took Good Nebula's Pym particle. What I hadn't considered was just how much more advanced Thanos's tech was than anything on earth. So replicating the particle is conceivable.

This was amazing.

When everyone came back, my son marked the fuck out. He’s 7, he was snapping, jumping and screaming. All of us sitting here cheering and shit lmao

I wanted to see Hulk get down w Thanos, but it wouldn’t have mattered... thanos has hands like no other...

Cap passes the shield, thought it was gonna go to Bucky but he knew and let Fal take it. That was dope.
