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I know everything you said but they needed Pim particles to get small enough to use the portal.

Didnt Captain America take a handful of them joints when they went back to that SHIELD bunker? that was more than enough to get them back and to the present and what looked like a few extra bottles


Nah maybe not.. Wouldn't explain how Nebula got back AND how Thanos could shrink the ship... lol iono bruh
I've been wondering about two things:

1. How did Thanos's ship travel through time?

2. Where the hell did Valkyrie get a pegasus?

1- Evil/Past Nebula traded places with the future Nebula and came to the future. Opened up the portal to let Thanos ship through while everyone else was focussed on the Hulk trying to undo the snap

2- No fuckin clue lol

I guess like a few of em they went and got they shit after they came back. lol

Wasp wasn't in her gear when she got dusted at the end of Ant-Man 2, Shuri didn't have her hand cannons when she got dusted either.

Also Valkyrie wasn't dusted so she probably had a pegasus on deck somewhere. *kanye shrug*
I dunno bout all that, we aloud to have diff opinions bruh not everybody gonna think the movies the greatest thing ever

I thought each team member only got two valves. One to go back in time and one to return back to the present. So if evil Nebula used the the second valve to go back to the present how did Thanos get one? Like stated above Thanos had to reverse engineer it.
Also Captain America should've destroyed the time heist infinity stones, to prevent Thanos from eventually getting them all in those alternate timelines.
It's called plot convenience.

They never follow all the rules... Whatever keeps the plot going is allowed even if ruins continuity...

This is why cinema sins makes videos.

I'm sure Charlie will make a video explaining if the question comes up enough
He’s aloud to have his own opinion. He don’t have to think DC movies are the greatest thing ever
Fam they keep missing the mark by trying to be too hard and edgy and why is every DC movie shot in the Greyish hue ...like the sun don’t shine in the DCU?
Fam they keep missing the mark by trying to be too hard and edgy and why is every DC movie shot in the Greyish hue ...like the sun don’t shine in the DCU?

For the record, I’ve liked every one of these DC movies that I’ve seen. Still haven’t seen Shazam or Suicide Squad, because I didn’t have any interest.

I didn’t think JL was all that bad.