Lou Cypher
The Tokin' White Guy
I hate the host of these videos and his dumbass jokes, but they do super good breakdowns of the trailers and have some interesting theories.
I dont hunt but I want to learn how. Never been close to a brown bear or its Cubs but I was real close to a black bear. Not face to face close though. Was face to face close to a moose and her calf tho. Was pretty fucking terrifying
DC movies are asscheeks so there's that.
:umad3:Who @'d you this time?
No one?
Oh, ok
It’s not a joke at all. People are actually tweeting NASAI bet this isn't even a full joke. I would not be surprised if some dumbass actually did that.
I hate the host of these videos and his dumbass jokes, but they do super good breakdowns of the trailers and have some interesting theories.
I dont understand this comment and I do not appreciate it.You should go and be the next Timothy Treadwell and do the impossible and survive.
I dont understand this comment and I do not appreciate it.
Yeah definitely gonna be one of her mid credits scenes getting the call from fury or hearing about Thanos. Maybe they will go to present day at the end of her movie too and show her heading back to earth.I wonder if Shuri really got dusted or is she just missing in hiding or training
I wonder how Ant Man got out and if that's now when we see him or in the past because ppl pointed out that it says 1983 in the corner of the surveillance cam
I wonder who will save Iron Man?
I hope we see the Hulk get active,I'm sure we will
May even get that scene from the IW trailer where the Hulk was in Wakanda
I wonder where Capt Marvel plays into this
I got a feeling her movie ends leading right into Endgame like Ant Man and the wasp ended