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Yeah definitely gonna be one of her mid credits scenes getting the call from fury or hearing about Thanos. Maybe they will go to present day at the end of her movie too and show her heading back to earth.

I think that dude from the Guardians who has Yondus weapon will be the one to find Tony since hes in the guardians old ship. He probably goes to search for the guardians with the Ravagers and finds tony instead.

I have a feeling that in order to escape the quantum realm, Ant Man goes through some type of Time warp and when we see him on the video camera, is when he just gets out of the quantum realm not even realizing what year it is. Maybe not though because if that is the case, how would have Cap and Widow gone back in time? Unless Ant Man somehow brought everyone back in time with him. I dunno just speculating.

It would be cool if they showed her and her group in some kind of battle when all of a sudden half her crew just disappears. The fighting completely stops on both sides indicating that the problem is not limited to her ship. Then while she's at her most confused she gets Fury's signal and the scene ends.
It would be cool if they showed her and her group in some kind of battle when all of a sudden half her crew just disappears. The fighting completely stops on both sides indicating that the problem is not limited to her ship. Then while she's at her most confused she gets Fury's signal and the scene ends.
That would be hype AF. Im not too crazy about captain marvel but I will definitely be seeing her film as im sure its going to have a LOT to do with the next phase of the MCU. Gonna be so cool seeing the marvel films go all cosmic.

Also, Simon Kinberg is saying that the Dark Phoenix movie is setting the Xmen up for a whole new trilogy/series of films. Being reviewed by Kevin Feige and having to be delayed due to massive reshoots has me thinking that the phoenix is going to change their reality and bring them into the MCU finally. Disney/FOX deal should be finalized at that point!
I think iron Man will die on that ship but be brought back

Yeah it is a good question to ask,how would Cap and Black Widow end up in 1983 w/out ant man unless they get in the past another way
Man y'all are over thinking this. Ant-man not in the past cuz there's no damn Avengers headquarters in 1983.

Plus Cap and Natasha are watching the security footage on a hologram screen or something.

Cut this shit out.

Maybe or maybe not but it damn sure says archive 1983 in the right hand top corner.
Man y'all are over thinking this. Ant-man not in the past cuz there's no damn Avengers headquarters in 1983.

Plus Cap and Natasha are watching the security footage on a hologram screen or something.

Cut this shit out.

You might be right because there's a video where a guy says that it actually doesn't say 1983 but actually says ISo3

Another useless "breakdown"
