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But wait a minute, the complaints say — how can Cap be in the original main timeline as an old man? If he went back in time and stayed there, living a life with Peggy, that changes the past in some important ways, including the fact Peggy had originally gotten married to someone else and had two kids. That’s a pretty major change to history, you’d think.

Which is to say, by going back and staying in the past, Captain America must’ve changed the timeline and thus created a divergent timeline. Right?

Well, it turns out even if the answer to that is a resounding “yes,” it doesn’t matter. Because the film established something ELSE about time-travel, in a very important moment that taught Cap everything he needed to know to pull off his magic reappearance as an old man in the original timeline.

Remember when Cap, Iron Man, and Ant-Man go back to 2012 and the events of the first Avengers film to retrieve the Tesseract, and it all goes wrong? At that point, Cap and Iron Man have a discussion and it’s revealed that since they are traveling into the past rather than the future, they can use their hand-held Quantum Realm devices to pick a different time (the 1970s) in the past to time travel again. They even pick the precise location they want to travel back to. They simply type in the new date and coordinates, and poof! They vanish, traveling back to the new destination.

That’s where Captain America sees Peggy Carter by accident, and starts thinking about her. This is surely the moment when the idea enters his head that he can possibly eventually go back and spend time with her. And again, the film clearly establishes this additional special rule allowing time travelers to choose a different date in the past and travel there, without need for the big platform and someone running a machine to pull them into the future. Notice, too, that during this part of his mission, Cap only needs to grab a couple of vials of Pym Particles, but instead the film takes pains to show us he actually winds up grabbing FOUR vials — meaning he has extras that nobody else knows about. This is relevant later, so keep it in mind.

So what we know is going into the past can be done from any point in time, using the handheld Quantum Realm devices, while traveling back into the future again requires the use of the big platform and machine. Cap knows this too, and it’s how he figured out what to do to have his life with Peggy and then return to his own original timeline again.

Cap dropped off all of the Infinity Stones and Thor’s hammer, went back to the 1940s and lived a good life with Peggy Carter, and then stayed in that timeline all the way up until some time AFTER that day when the Hulk sent him back to drop everything off. By living in the alternate timeline to a point past the date he began his time travel, Cap was then able to use his Quantum device to send himself BACK IN TIME without need for the big platform and machine, and he could even pick the precise spot where he wanted to arrive — namely, that hill with the park bench, right beside the spot where Hulk, Falcon, and Bucky would be waiting for him. Or maybe he jumped back to that morning, or the day before, to spend a little time catching up on this original timeline. The point is, he used the handheld device and the special rule about traveling backward in time to arrive at the same moment there on that hill, where his friends would be waiting for him.
Now we come back to my earlier point about the film explicitly showing us Cap grabbed four vials of Pym Particles while in the 1970s, after seeing Peggy Carter. When Cap was being sent back in time to drop off the various stones and Thor’s hammer, they no doubt gave him enough Pym Particles for his Quantum device to let him travel to all of the various timelines to do the job. But Cap already had his own secret alternate plans, and those plans required him to be able to make TWO EXTRA time jumps — one to the 1940s, and the other to the bench on the hill the day the Hulk, Falcon, and Bucky were waiting for him to return.

So Cap got to spend his life with his long-lost love, Peggy Carter, without messing up any of the original timeline. And even in that alternate timeline, there was a different Cap who fought in World War II and then fell into the ice and vanished, who would also eventually be revived in the 2000s, go on to join the Avengers, and help save the world from Thanos.


It set in to Tony what he had to do
When i saw this eminem lose yourself played in my head
Naw,I ain't gonna go on and on, but I just didn't like the time heist idea.....

And the call backs didn't do much for me.

I did like cap picking up the hammer.

And the 3 on 1 fight with thanos.

The humor was okay. Captain marvel was fine in her role. I'll take back my statements from earlier.

I did wanna see hulk get at least one punch in. Flash back to old hulk was hilarious.

Tony meeting his pops was kinda lame. But pepper saving him in her suit was everything.

Cap choosing to age with Peggy was too story book.

Natasha sacrificing herself was amazing. Prolly one of my favorite parts on first watch.

Nebula was great. I loved both nebula's, I loved them them being two sides of gamoras concious.... And new nebula killing old one was great. That was a really good side story.

Thanos smiling at his own death was dope. And knowing Tony, cap and thor would come to him was great as well.

Ant man was cool.

Aquathor was fun, and necessary for the film.

T'challa finally remembered how to use his suit.

And they better not mess up the continuity in Spiderman next movie.


I give infinity war a 9
Aquaman a clean 8

So I stand by my sentiment. But I ain't gonna fuck with y'all much

I can respect the breakdown, put Aquaman above this movie is just silly.
IW wtf just happened meter made it a better movie imo. We all was like oh shit when IW went off. Endgame didn't really have a WTF moment like that. When all the heros came thru the portals the theater cheered but the oh shit factor from IW was just a little bit better.
I said oh shit when ant man looked up to an ion missle speeding towards him
Has anyone asked why Tony installed an "insta-kill" feature in the Iron Spider suit? Dope function but a little extreme for a kid hero.
From what I remember of Homecoming, some of the suits powers were "locked" so to speak until Tony unlocked for Peter when he felt he was ready. But Peter and Ned basically hacked/jailbroke the suit so that all its features were unlocked.
Now we come back to my earlier point about the film explicitly showing us Cap grabbed four vials of Pym Particles while in the 1970s, after seeing Peggy Carter. When Cap was being sent back in time to drop off the various stones and Thor’s hammer, they no doubt gave him enough Pym Particles for his Quantum device to let him travel to all of the various timelines to do the job. But Cap already had his own secret alternate plans, and those plans required him to be able to make TWO EXTRA time jumps — one to the 1940s, and the other to the bench on the hill the day the Hulk, Falcon, and Bucky were waiting for him to return.

So Cap got to spend his life with his long-lost love, Peggy Carter, without messing up any of the original timeline. And even in that alternate timeline, there was a different Cap who fought in World War II and then fell into the ice and vanished, who would also eventually be revived in the 2000s, go on to join the Avengers, and help save the world from Thanos.
Cap had to go back in time regardless, someone had to return the infinity stones to their timelines. Plus with Hank Pym back from the snap they could easily have plenty of Pym Particles.

I think him taking the 4 vials was maybe foreshadowing but that's about it. Honestly, at the time I took it as them needing 2 each to go back to 2012 and then jump again back to 2023.
I've been thinking about GotG3 a lot since seeing Endgame. It's my most anticipated movie of Phase 4 now.

Did they include Thor because they will be introducing Adam Warlock and needed a heavy hitter for that first encounter? Do they introduce Beta Ray Bill?

How much will they touch on Rocket and Nebula's five years as a duo?

Now that Thanos is dead, how does that affect Drax?

Replacing Gamora with Nebula and adding Thor takes the comedy potential through the roof. I don't care what anyone says, Nebula is hilarious.

With Gunn back at the helm, this should be a great movie.

mannnn before seeing Endgame i was cool on GotG3, i didn't really need them to make it.......now afterwards i NEEDS GotG3, fuck them tweets bruh lets go Mr. Gunn
Cap had to go back in time regardless, someone had to return the infinity stones to their timelines. Plus with Hank Pym back from the snap they could easily have plenty of Pym Particles.

I think him taking the 4 vials was maybe foreshadowing but that's about it. Honestly, at the time I took it as them needing 2 each to go back to 2012 and then jump again back to 2023.
Why would they need to go forward to 2012?
I'm still tight about Thanos getting his head cut off in the beginning. Only a celestial should've been able to G check him.


I was like wtf. But I knew the triple og would be back.

After the movie, I guess it sorta made sense. He was damaged from that sucker axe to the chest from thor, damaged after using the stones the first time, and then again to destroy them. Shit actually showed how hard to kill he was.

But my thoughts are he aint dead anyway. Sense he got snapped he should technically be able to be brought back like everybody else did.