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Well that’s your first mistake, Kang IS just a guy. He’s a human he has no powers.

Yeah I only know Spider Man and X Men related shit, and casual af about the other Marvel stuff so I can only go based on the hype yall comic heads give these characters.

He wasn’t a bad villain, but grading on that thanos curve… he not quite there.
Yeah I only know Spider Man and X Men related shit, and casual af about the other Marvel stuff so I can only go based on the hype yall comic heads give these characters.

He wasn’t a bad villain, but grading on that thanos curve… he not quite there.
Well, we haven't seen the last of Kang. As you saw with the mid-credit scene, the variants are aware that the 616 Avengers are aware of the Multiverse so shit will pop off across the MCU leading into Kang Dynasty
Yeah I only know Spider Man and X Men related shit, and casual af about the other Marvel stuff so I can only go based on the hype yall comic heads give these characters.

He wasn’t a bad villain, but grading on that thanos curve… he not quite there.
I wish the flashbacks were clearer or maybe i just gotta see it again, but i can see your point on Kang. One thing that did bug me a bit was how often he talked about killing avengers and not showing that. That would have been epic. Even if it was a trophy here, souvenir there, maybe some modified Stark tech, something that SHOWED us that he did murk them.
Cool movie. Can't wait to see what the council of Kang does
That’s exactly the vibe I got

Only obviously I’m not gonna be as hard on this movie as you are on everything.

Yet again, a bunch of people gonna get super outraged by some D tier marvel character getting “done dirty”. But I didn’t know/care about Modok tho so it’s whatever to me.

People kinda overrated the hell out of what Jonathan Majors did in this movie. Don’t get me wrong, he was good, but people propping him up in order to put down this movie as a whole.

I thought he legit had powers at first, but once the ants stripped his technology off, he was just a guy. He could whoop 48 year old Scott Lang, but SpiderMan woulda gave this nigga the beats. Easy money.

I’ll give it a solid 7. Standard MCU fare. Killed 2 hours and I’d watch again if it came on TNT Sunday matinee.

Rotten Tomatoes is a trash rating system to easily manipulated by people with agendas. It was definitely better than that trash score they tried to give it.

I somewhat agree. But they nerfed the shit out of him. How can someone with no army, destroy planets, universes and timelines. But can’t beat the Antman family in one blow.

Even though it’s variants of him coming (which all look ass btw), after watching this movie, the Conqueror version should’ve never made his first appearance in this shit. This is a avenger level threat that should be killing avengers. The first appearance of him should’ve been killing Thor or some shit. Like you said Majors is dope but they turn him into typical MCU villain to prop up fuckin Antman. Maybe Doom is the real big bad.

Lowkey I missed Scott’s crew in this shit. Niggas was funny.
Hope annoyed when she was asking Scott" what are you doing with your life. He just wrote a book you idiot which will prolly be a best seller while your roachin' juvenile delinquent ass is stealing police cars. Bitch wtf are you doing with your life?

It also annoyed me how hope and Hank didn't respect Janet's feelings about the quantum zone. " Why don't you want to talk about it. She was trapped down there since 1987 you asshole don't you think she'd want to forget about that. Oh yeah I think janet should've been mentioned before hand that there's a time traveling warlord who wipes out timelines and realities , this is a need to know avengers level threat but then again nobody gave a damn about that giant alien space hand sticking out of the Indian ocean and it wasn't even mentioned untill she hulk. Who's writing this shit? Are they putting chimps behind typewriters over there ?
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I want to see it despite some of the criticism. I liked the previous films because they were funny and I'm hoping this is as well.