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So ant man and wasp is up next right? What other movies are up next besides that and captain marvel?

Ant-Man & The Wasp release date: Jul 6, 2018
Captain Marvel release date: Mar 8, 2019
The Avengers 4 / Untitled Avengers Movie release date: May 3, 2019
Untitled Spider-Man: Homecoming Sequel release date: Jul 5, 2019
Well since no one went to the core of what the message in this movie is all about it. Here it is:

The movie is a big vision board for the elites. They laid it all out! They even mocked the LORD JESUS Christ by name!

The overarching theme of the movie was that a sacrifice had to be made for each of the 6 infinity stones. Each of the 6 stones represents 1,000 years of human history. Now because the 6,000 years are upon us it’s time to complete the infinty stone gauntlet so that “rest” can come to the universe. Thanos calls the rest “balance” in the movie.

The sacrifice that Thanos, the villain, had to make was the crux of the movie. It was for the soul stone. Thanos had to sacrifice his “daughter” Gomorrah between the 2 pillars in order to get the soul stone. It was Freemason symbolism to the max!

In the Bible The 2 pillars represent the 2 bronze mountains in the heavens of Zechariah 6 and the 2 pillars of Solomon’s temple Jachin and Boaz. The 2 pillars have taken on a plethora of meanings by the Occult traditions of this world because of the enemy who has influenced the lost to distort the truth.

The elites message behind the sacrifice Thanos had to make between the 2 pillars was that it’s time for America (Gomorrah) to be sacrficed in order that the New World order can be put in place.

And guess what happens next after Gomorrah is sacrficed in the movie? The battle comes to earth in order to establish the New World order! And Thanos himself appears on the earth for the first time in the movie in order to retrieve the last stone!

Once Thanos comes to earth he is pretty much invincible to defeat and he completes the infinity stone gauntlet and wipes out half of the “universe”

The movie ends with him winning and sitting down on his throne!

It’s a total mockery of the end times from the prince of the power of the airs perspective. Satan is Thanos and he uses the movie to garner sympathy for the “bad guy” in order to condition the world YET again for when he comes in accordance with how Bible teaches us!

Infinity war was his message to his servants that he will win the “infinty war” against Jesus. Hence why the last stone he had to get was from the avenger Vision, which was the mind stone! The symbolic meaning is that Satan wants to change the vision in the Bible by altering the minds of all those left behind so that they will worship him as God. He will try to do just that with the mark of the beast.


I know it's just a movie though........


You could be right, no joke.
10000% better

While I agree it's better as a blockbuster BP is a great movie in Its own right with a deeper plot

BP is the best solo comic book character in film when you add up his powers with mythology and him having an army and country.

But IW is like a live cartoon comic book event put to film.

They both are classic but this IW shit is epic on top of epic
fun fact.. I was wondering wtf Yibambe meant when Black Panther was chanting that joint...

The word translates to “Hold!” and is used here to rally the troops to stand fast, knowing that Wakanda lays unprotected behind them.
That’s not a made up bit of language substituting for a Wakanda chant, either. It’s taken from the Xhosa language spoken by almost 20 million people across the south of Africa.
You could be right, no joke.

Ppl hate illumanati, religious, occult conspiracies in forums,but all Imma say is Donald Trump is the president of the freeworld

Man most things on tv/film really do have masonic,occult,and satanic imagery in it.

Black Panther started with Michonne throwing the triple 6 sign masked as meditation

There is an actual Illuminati in the comics so marvel is well aware of these philosophies.

All this wild shit ain't a conspiracy and this is from a skeptical non religious person

I don't know if it means anything,but it's for damn sure there

The MCU is so filled with all types of elitist occult imagery it's insane.

But hey whatever.I'm just a high nigga
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When black panther died. I literally blurtted out "oh shit wtf" loud .All the black ppl were like
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I think if they had time to redo it they would. Nobody knew BP was finna do the numbers it did.

My theater was a mostly white crowd. But when he died, black people most definitely let it be known we were pissed. Lol.
I think if they had time to redo it they would. Nobody knew BP was finna do the numbers it did.

My theater was a mostly white crowd. But when he died, black people most definitely let it be known we were pissed. Lol.

Nah they shouldn't have re shot it even if they could and if they wanted to they could have.

That was that good game of thrones pain

They surprised us.We thought Iron and or capt would die ,but no damn near everybody else died.

it was a great move Not for 1 second was BP in my.....Deadpool....
Hate seein' damn reviewers say shit like "there are too many characters and not enough focus on any of the heroes" like bro there have been 18 movies we kno' these niggas as well as we're gonna kno' them

Fuck them because most regular comic book stories got a gang of cameos and heroes like this movie and event stories are even more ridiculous.A whole bunch of characters are left out