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I hope captain marvel won't be the one murking Thanos...Granted I haven't read any of her comics - shit marvel in general, DC rebirth mofos! - but purely based on appearance she looks lame...quite positive the hoe lacks charisma aswell.

By the looks of it, this new age of avengers (post infinity war) will probably have captain marvel and spiderman be the new "stark and cap" type of leaders.

Will definitely be out in space more too so cap marvel will definitely have a huge role
On some real shit we ain't been shit since Reagan's 2nd term.....all we need a few draft picks and we back in the mi.....

Tekashi is the King of New Y.......

but but but what about Black on Black crime in Chicar.....

I'm shutting that shit dow.....

When I eat, my whole squad eat.....

I'm about 10 minutes away.......why you tri....

We just frien.....

Man, no matter what I do I can't seem to get ahead......feels like The Devil keeps chasing me......let me hold something, I will pay....

With the 1st pick, the Portland Trailblazers select Sam Bow... / Greg Ode....

Well since no one went to the core of what the message in this movie is all about it. Here it is:

The movie is a big vision board for the elites. They laid it all out! They even mocked the LORD JESUS Christ by name!

The overarching theme of the movie was that a sacrifice had to be made for each of the 6 infinity stones. Each of the 6 stones represents 1,000 years of human history. Now because the 6,000 years are upon us it’s time to complete the infinty stone gauntlet so that “rest” can come to the universe. Thanos calls the rest “balance” in the movie.

The sacrifice that Thanos, the villain, had to make was the crux of the movie. It was for the soul stone. Thanos had to sacrifice his “daughter” Gomorrah between the 2 pillars in order to get the soul stone. It was Freemason symbolism to the max!

In the Bible The 2 pillars represent the 2 bronze mountains in the heavens of Zechariah 6 and the 2 pillars of Solomon’s temple Jachin and Boaz. The 2 pillars have taken on a plethora of meanings by the Occult traditions of this world because of the enemy who has influenced the lost to distort the truth.

The elites message behind the sacrifice Thanos had to make between the 2 pillars was that it’s time for America (Gomorrah) to be sacrficed in order that the New World order can be put in place.

And guess what happens next after Gomorrah is sacrficed in the movie? The battle comes to earth in order to establish the New World order! And Thanos himself appears on the earth for the first time in the movie in order to retrieve the last stone!

Once Thanos comes to earth he is pretty much invincible to defeat and he completes the infinity stone gauntlet and wipes out half of the “universe”

The movie ends with him winning and sitting down on his throne!

It’s a total mockery of the end times from the prince of the power of the airs perspective. Satan is Thanos and he uses the movie to garner sympathy for the “bad guy” in order to condition the world YET again for when he comes in accordance with how Bible teaches us!

Infinity war was his message to his servants that he will win the “infinty war” against Jesus. Hence why the last stone he had to get was from the avenger Vision, which was the mind stone! The symbolic meaning is that Satan wants to change the vision in the Bible by altering the minds of all those left behind so that they will worship him as God. He will try to do just that with the mark of the beast.


I know it's just a movie though........

While I'm not religious I actually think you're on to something.

Starlord did say "Who am I supposed to say Jesus Christ?" When asked who was his master

Shit doesn't bother me,but you not totally off.

Could simply be that the inspiration is revelations and in that case Thanos is the anti christ and his children are the 4 horesman.

If I smoke the rest of this blunt I could probably find more connections

Even if wrong it's interesting

Sidenote Thank Thanos for bootleggers.
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Well since no one went to the core of what the message in this movie is all about it. Here it is:

The movie is a big vision board for the elites. They laid it all out! They even mocked the LORD JESUS Christ by name!

The overarching theme of the movie was that a sacrifice had to be made for each of the 6 infinity stones. Each of the 6 stones represents 1,000 years of human history. Now because the 6,000 years are upon us it’s time to complete the infinty stone gauntlet so that “rest” can come to the universe. Thanos calls the rest “balance” in the movie.

The sacrifice that Thanos, the villain, had to make was the crux of the movie. It was for the soul stone. Thanos had to sacrifice his “daughter” Gomorrah between the 2 pillars in order to get the soul stone. It was Freemason symbolism to the max!

In the Bible The 2 pillars represent the 2 bronze mountains in the heavens of Zechariah 6 and the 2 pillars of Solomon’s temple Jachin and Boaz. The 2 pillars have taken on a plethora of meanings by the Occult traditions of this world because of the enemy who has influenced the lost to distort the truth.

The elites message behind the sacrifice Thanos had to make between the 2 pillars was that it’s time for America (Gomorrah) to be sacrficed in order that the New World order can be put in place.

And guess what happens next after Gomorrah is sacrficed in the movie? The battle comes to earth in order to establish the New World order! And Thanos himself appears on the earth for the first time in the movie in order to retrieve the last stone!

Once Thanos comes to earth he is pretty much invincible to defeat and he completes the infinity stone gauntlet and wipes out half of the “universe”

The movie ends with him winning and sitting down on his throne!

It’s a total mockery of the end times from the prince of the power of the airs perspective. Satan is Thanos and he uses the movie to garner sympathy for the “bad guy” in order to condition the world YET again for when he comes in accordance with how Bible teaches us!

Infinity war was his message to his servants that he will win the “infinty war” against Jesus. Hence why the last stone he had to get was from the avenger Vision, which was the mind stone! The symbolic meaning is that Satan wants to change the vision in the Bible by altering the minds of all those left behind so that they will worship him as God. He will try to do just that with the mark of the beast.


I know it's just a movie though........

Well said
By the looks of it, this new age of avengers (post infinity war) will probably have captain marvel and spiderman be the new "stark and cap" type of leaders.

Will definitely be out in space more too so cap marvel will definitely have a huge role

Maybe Doom, the fantastic 4, xmen etc join the fray by then.

Whats funny is that Thanos really resembled good old Darkseid - not necessarily appearance wise but fast portal travel/boomtubing wise lol - so theyll have to come up with new og shit.
I'm about to put do u want to gotoheaven on ignore. North a Korea just shut down their nuclear program so now he has to find some other E.L.E cloudy day disaster to pimp. But naw go-ahead chicken little keep telling us the sky is falling.
I'm about to put do u want to gotoheaven on ignore. North a Korea just shut down their nuclear program so now he has to find some other E.L.E cloudy day disaster to pimp. But naw go-ahead chicken little keep telling us the sky is falling.

Do it.....I'm crying.

I'm not going to derail the thread....But I will say this....

if you knew the scriptures you would know that it's a trap! The set up that God talked about repeadetly that would come upon the well favored harlot aka the mistress of witchcrafts. Amen.

Similar to the trap Thanos laid out for Gomora.......Oh but it's just a movie.....SMH.

but go head and listen to the communists and get played like a fiddle, just as the 7th king is being played. Amen.

You got to play your part in the script as well.

Sad, but oh so true.

C'mon brah
I'm finished. I said my piece.

I know the majority ain't going to understand. But I still needed to give out the info. There are a few who do see as witnessed in this thread already. Amen.

But hey, if folks can't understand the simplicity of the Bible, how are folks going to understand symbolism hidden in plain sight by the Evil One whose main trick is deception?

For example he blinds the masses in regards to this thread by saying:

"It's just a movie" and don't listen to the Jesus Freak he's a looney toon conspiracy theorists war mongering doom and gloom the sky is falling nut job!



I just scratched the surface with the symbolism in that movie. There was a whole lot more in the movie as @Loch121 mentioned.

But hey it's just a movie, right?

I never thought I'd say this...

But I've never been so happy to see a Nazi. Red Skull was my favorite MCU villain to only get one film. Until Killmonger of course.
So ant man and wasp is up next right? What other movies are up next besides that and captain marvel?

Ant-Man & The Wasp release date: Jul 6, 2018
Captain Marvel release date: Mar 8, 2019
The Avengers 4 / Untitled Avengers Movie release date: May 3, 2019
Untitled Spider-Man: Homecoming Sequel release date: Jul 5, 2019
Well since no one went to the core of what the message in this movie is all about it. Here it is:

The movie is a big vision board for the elites. They laid it all out! They even mocked the LORD JESUS Christ by name!

The overarching theme of the movie was that a sacrifice had to be made for each of the 6 infinity stones. Each of the 6 stones represents 1,000 years of human history. Now because the 6,000 years are upon us it’s time to complete the infinty stone gauntlet so that “rest” can come to the universe. Thanos calls the rest “balance” in the movie.

The sacrifice that Thanos, the villain, had to make was the crux of the movie. It was for the soul stone. Thanos had to sacrifice his “daughter” Gomorrah between the 2 pillars in order to get the soul stone. It was Freemason symbolism to the max!

In the Bible The 2 pillars represent the 2 bronze mountains in the heavens of Zechariah 6 and the 2 pillars of Solomon’s temple Jachin and Boaz. The 2 pillars have taken on a plethora of meanings by the Occult traditions of this world because of the enemy who has influenced the lost to distort the truth.

The elites message behind the sacrifice Thanos had to make between the 2 pillars was that it’s time for America (Gomorrah) to be sacrficed in order that the New World order can be put in place.

And guess what happens next after Gomorrah is sacrficed in the movie? The battle comes to earth in order to establish the New World order! And Thanos himself appears on the earth for the first time in the movie in order to retrieve the last stone!

Once Thanos comes to earth he is pretty much invincible to defeat and he completes the infinity stone gauntlet and wipes out half of the “universe”

The movie ends with him winning and sitting down on his throne!

It’s a total mockery of the end times from the prince of the power of the airs perspective. Satan is Thanos and he uses the movie to garner sympathy for the “bad guy” in order to condition the world YET again for when he comes in accordance with how Bible teaches us!

Infinity war was his message to his servants that he will win the “infinty war” against Jesus. Hence why the last stone he had to get was from the avenger Vision, which was the mind stone! The symbolic meaning is that Satan wants to change the vision in the Bible by altering the minds of all those left behind so that they will worship him as God. He will try to do just that with the mark of the beast.


I know it's just a movie though........


You could be right, no joke.