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Marry A 40+ Year Old Thot. D Wade Lost

You have it backwards. Numbers are arbitrary. My problem is with the recklessness and with the value a person applies to themselves. I can't speak for anyone else, but I've never wanted a chick that any dude could get under the right circumstances. I don't expect every female to be a nun, but I do expect any chick I deal with to at least value her body and put some consideration into who she gives it to. I'm not really sure why that's such a bad concept to that dude.

Y'all wanna tell him or should I? Lol.
im more mad at the advice and the shit she tries to influence.

her hoes ways can be that....just dont try to repackage it...

i find it weird a husband would say that about his wife......shit sounds weird to me.

The advice is generic as fuck though. You about to be mad at everybody that's currently telling their 17/18 year old soon to be college freshman that they should break up with their s/o be single and enjoy their college years cuz that shit happens all the time. And people joke about their spouses past all the time. You ain't never heard a woman refer to her man's past in a manner such as that? I've heard plenty married women talk about their husband's "hoeing past before he settled down"
Lol You act like being out here fucking recklessly doesn't have consequences.

STDs are rampant
Unwanted pregnancies that either require having a bunch of kids by different people or abortions like crazy, both of which mean baggage.
Then there is the matter of trust. How do you trust a person to be faithful when their whole mindset was fucking without restriction or connection.

You keep making your little slick comments, but you have yet to actually give a reason for why preferring a partner that has been more discriminating and careful about who they've fucked is a bad thing.

On the note of the Wade's, I don't care. If they are happy good for them. My problem with her is that advice she gave. Every chick is not going to find some weirdo simp like Wade. My friends are out there dating now and they'll tell you that there are a lot of miserable middle age women that got ran through when they are young and don't understand why they can't find a dude to treat them like a queen now.

You are absolutely right...those things do have consequences...and you know who between the 2 of them suffered those consequences? The man who had an outside baby and had his own ex wife accuse him of giving her an STD cuz of his hoeing ways...
Bruh I dont give a fuck. 6 pages of people caring about this.

I wouldnt want to know my girls past, i dont ask. I go into a serious relationship thinking shes not a hoe. I dont want to and wont date a chick that I knew fucked more than the norm.

But thats me.

Dwade dont seem to care about any of this, good for him.

But man can we stop with the "what message does this send to young girls" bullshit. Fucking everything walking dont make gabby a bad person.

I hate yall, "what about the youth" mfers with a passion.
This is really a deeper discussion, but fuck it, cuz it's far more interesting when it's general and not attached to DWade and Gabby:

When we gonna have a real conversation about the importance of how we (men and women both) might have moved in our youth vs. How we moving as adults?

And how we move when we're single vs. howe we move when we're in a relationship?

That would require people to be honest about if they would want someone to hold them to the same level of accountability they hold others to...which this thread can show you alot of dudes don't want that
I feel bad for his ex-wife. She didn't gracefully bow out and lost custody of her kids only to watch a disturbed female step in and let one of them do this whole weird chop-your-dick off phase.

I know that replaced shit hurts, but this should be a lesson to all women with kids with a man to keep that crazy in the bag for the bigger picture. Mans out here looking a whole dumbass. Hoes don't retire until they ain't pulling anymore, and even then they shooting shots until the grave. Love or hate her, G. Union can still pull. You have to be a whole dumbass not to think she ain't still in the game when he ain't around.

Find em, fuck em, and flee. It's nice to believe in fairy tales, but you have way more to lose if a mf telling you he or she is a way by "waiting to see" than you do if you just say, "Thanks for letting me know. I don't get down. Bye."

Dwade probably dont care that she still fucking everyone.

If he cool with it, im super cool with it.
Dont know these people

but ill say his a convo that needs to be had.. well not even had but self acknowledge

The normalization of "Hoeism" fo a lack of a better phrase

Men and Women have equal blame for this.. "culture"

you can promote and have a steady diet of said thing. then flip and call out the shit you were eating and continue to eat because it gave you nourishment

if you gonna play those games accept the prizes
niggas that dont got 6 nickles to jingle together, cant dress worth a damn, and hairlines that sit between their ears talking about they wouldnt wife/fuck with Gabrielle Union


this thread yo lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo this a bad jawn

Niggas in here talking all this shit down on Gabrielle Union and all the potential bad things that could've happened from her past...meanwhile Wade out here actually living the real life consequences of the same actions and that shit is "He's being taken advantage of" "He's a broken man" "I feel so bad for him"...