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Man with Over 30 Kids Goes Off After Being Called 'Irresponsible': I Don't Pull Out!

Ok so let's just assume this nigga has unlocked the magic code to be an active and present father and co-parent to 40+ ppl instead of applying common sense and concluding that he's likely falling off somewhere. And let's also not conclude that if all these bastards lived with him his finances would be nonexistent.

Check out the big brain on you niggas 🙄

Bring contrary just because smh
Asking people to completely throw away all of their logic, life-experience, reasoning and observation in order to play a game of "what if" is hilarious.

There is no way in hell those 30 kids are being properly raised, nurtured and provided for by that loser.
There's something mentally wrong with motherfuckers that be having more than 5 kids.

Like, I ain't want no kids...but I can understand just one or two.

But 30?

And you go say you don't pull out? As a badge of honor?

And all your baby mommas must be in special ed, ain't no smart woman dealing with a man with 5 children let alone 10.

Y'all know this man got like a high school football team right.

He got offense, defense, and backups.

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Why do we need to? What's more likely, he and the women he procreated with are idiots who are setting their kids up for failure....or he's the smartest nigga in the world and father of the year?

Uhhhh...why not? Lol.

Would you wanna know from someone who has firsthand knowledge of the brotha and his children's mothers? Or is sticking with assumptions better?

I'm just curious.
Why do we need to? What's more likely, he and the women he procreated with are idiots who are setting their kids up for failure....or he's the smartest nigga in the world and father of the year?
Or they're good parents that are taking care of their kids, why is that so hard to believe. Just because y'all don't think it can happen doesn't mean it's not happening
Nigga literally thinks women are less than but refuses to say it

No, you don't realize it, but that's actually how you're thinking.

If I learned anything from @desertrain10, it's that what you're doing is referred to as benevolent sexism.

Simply because you refuse to acknowledge the women's role in their situation.
Kids need time with their father.... All the kids who don't wake up in the same house as him are feeling slighted every day.... Especially if their are any of them that do live with him

Exactly, even if this dude is a millionaire, he still ain't giving them kids the time they deserve. I only got two and they both live with me, and it's still difficult to give them all the time and attention they deserve sometimes. There's no way in hell a dude can have 33 kids spread across different women in different households and treat them all the way a father should treat his kids. To at least some of those dudes, he's just the guy that comes around every once in a while to say hello.

Also, there are too many fucking people in this world anyway. We don't need anyone out here having dozens of kids.
Ok and we and him learned that years ago so what’s his excuse or your excuse for him

I never made any excuses for either one of them.

I hold both him and the mother/mothers of his kids responsible.

Only thing I'm saying is the mother was in the best position to prevent the situation since she has the power to decide whether or not to go through with her pregnancy.
I never made any excuses for either one of them.

I hold both him and the mother of his kids responsible.

Only thing I'm saying is the mother was in the best position to prevent the situation since she has the power to decide whether or not to go through with her pregnancy.

But he literally had control on if he nutted in her