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Man hides his wealth from fiancé fair or foul?

There are some faults on both sides. He didnt have to disclose his money until he was ready. But anyone who can watch the person they love struggle, says a lot of their character. All he had to do was get a part time job to help take some of the pressure off. Seems to me he may have been spoiled growing up. So now he chose to do things on his own. Im assuming he didnt drop the book yet. If that is so, shouldnt take you that long to drop a book. Especially with all the free time you got since you dont work. He is foul for not helping out at all.

For her, sounds like her love turned into enabling. If she was hurting this bad, she should of had a convo with dude (Im assuming she didnt). If you can support your partner but your partner cant support you, that relationship wont last. Lots of details are missing. I would have to think that there was something he was doing right to make her stay. But then again, there are people that will stay in relationship just based on love.

She was right to leave him. Should have done it sooner. His character would have became a lot worse as time went past
If true, it's foul. I'm not even sure if a rich bum is the best way to describe him.

"Comfortable" being dead weight? lol wtf?

You can't buy trust and that can't be repaired. This might be for the best.
This the thing, nobody saying the woman is a saint. She could've moved better herself. However, love make you do some weird stuff.

The focus here is whether or not he is foul for letting her suffer when the expense hit knowing he got racks of money. Letting her sell something meaningful to her to help save a dog that was originally he is. The focus is him sitting watching his wife suffer.
Then @DOS_patos trying to tie another thread in with this one and they are not the same.

The other thread, BOTH wife and husband were working. She was just saving money from her paycheck.
This thread, homie laid back on the couch day in and day out scribbling in his notebook, while she working doubles, triples and quads. His dog get sick and he like ?
Dos gave an example of a woman one of many whos done something in the same vain as old boy. Was it foul when these women did it? Yes. Was it foul what old dude did? Yes. But men have seldom done this act, women are still doing it and encourage it as a life choice.
Bruh assuming the post is true

She "occasionally worked two jobs" to provide for them both. Aspiring writers can't work on the side so one person isn't doing all the lifting?

Clearly the chick didn't leave him thru all the times she paid his way and he didn't lift a finger. Which makes the prenup shit all the more etherous. How TF u tryna protect your money while I gotta spend all mine?

U can call her dumb or naive but dude is foul af

This is it. Foul AF fam and anyone whose ever worked two jobs coz they broke will tell you that shit is fucking WACK
Read the scenario in the OP.
The man is you.
The woman is your now wife.
Would you have done what is happening in the scenario in the OP?

yes or no?
I would never allow my wife to work two jobs if I am healthy. I barely want her working one.

I will get off my ass and get a job and she won't need to ask me to.