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Man hides his wealth from fiancé fair or foul?

She didn’t enable anything.

Like a top notch women, she believed in him and what he was trying to accomplish. So she aided his dream like your S/O suppose to.

So going by your logic she shouldn't be mad.
My only thing is no one expect dude to spend his inheritance

He could've easily got a part time job instead of watching someone he wanna wife hold down two jobs while he jerk off all day

Was he just jerking off all day tho? Did she ask him to get up off his shoulders or was waiting for him to get over with his writing the deal? She didn't actually express any displeasure with the way shit was. Only that he could have made it easier with the money he had.

They both wrong.
Bringing extra responsibility into the relationship, like a dog, then refusing to help with said dog's vet bills. If that's how he treats his dog how do you think he's going to treat you?...

He's not looking for a wife, he's looking for someone to take care of him and all the extra BS he will bring...

She dodged a bullet of epic proportions...
He lied.

You think at anytime she didn’t ask him to pitch in?

Cmon bruh

She didn't mention that or seem displeased with any of that. They were getting married which signals to me she was content with the way things were.
Lost in all of this is the fact she was gonna be poor with or without this nigga. She was still gonna have to work 2 jobs to keep a roof over her head and pay the bills. She was good with that until she realized what was in his back pocket.

Lost in all of this is the fact she was gonna be poor with or without this nigga. She was still gonna have to work 2 jobs to keep a roof over her head and pay the bills. She was good with that until she realized what was in his back pocket.


Wrong. Once you realize he lied for 4 years
Was he just jerking off all day tho? Did she ask him to get up off his shoulders or was waiting for him to get over with his writing the deal? She didn't actually express any displeasure with the way shit was. Only that he could have made it easier with the money he had.

They both wrong.
No disagreements here
Was he just jerking off all day tho? Did she ask him to get up off his shoulders or was waiting for him to get over with his writing the deal? She didn't actually express any displeasure with the way shit was. Only that he could have made it easier with the money he had.

They both wrong.

How is she wrong?
How is she wrong?

She is wrong for letting him get too comfortable in that situation. I love the fact she was willing to lift the nigga up while he pursued his dream and he obviously did too since he asked her to marry him but a part time job wouldn't have stopped his dream pursuit and would have put her at some ease financially.

Her seemingly not requiring this negates some of her right to be mad now that he's revealed the money in his back pocket.
She was about to dive into marriage with dude. She should have required more in the partnership. How you willing to get married and as far as you know yall ain't got no ends?

Again... they both wrong.
She is wrong for letting him get too comfortable in that situation. I love the fact she was willing to lift the nigga up while he pursued his dream and he obviously did too since he asked her to marry him but a part time job wouldn't have stopped his dream pursuit and would have put her at some ease financially.

Her seemingly not requiring this negates some of her right to be mad now that he's revealed the money in his back pocket.
She was about to dive into marriage with dude. She should have required more in the partnership. How you willing to get married and as far as you know yall ain't got no ends?

Again... they both wrong.

It's her fault he didn't get a part time job...

"Seemingly"... But even if she was cool with supportin' the brudda while he was writin', I don't understand how that negates her right to be mad? She spent all that money in food and board for him and struggled to do so while he cudda helped.

That she was willin' to marry him even tho' she thought he was broke is a bad thing now??? God damn women can't win, huh?
She wasn't enablin' anything. She thought she was bein' a supportive girlfriend. Was she supposed to ask brudda if he was a secret millionaire?
I look at it like this. If I was this girl's father, brother or friend and I knew she was coddling this grown ass man for four years AND they're talking about marriage

I would be looking at em both sideways.

I'd either write her off as dumb or naive, and dude as trash. I wouldn't call her foul tho, only the guy.
Same way a parent with an addict child might enable them out of love, but cross a certain line where u just as much part of the problem even tho your intentions were honest