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Man Arrested For Disciplining His Kid For Bad Grades

Getting bad grades shouldn't get a ass whipping.

Shiiiieeettt...bullshyt! I got bad grades.

My teacher had the expectation to do better.

My parent had the expectation to do better.

I didn't have any learning disabilities, or problems understanding the material. I just fucc'd around and didn't put an effort into doing the work. My mama told me to do better. I didn't. Teacher told her I wasn't and what I was doing.

Guess what...azzz whoopin.
I stopped giving my son beatings.
It clearly wasn't working.
And he seemed to get even more angry.

And because he's afraid of me, he takes it out on everybody else. Especially school because there's no fear of them hurting him.

Shit gets deep

I honestly think those early beatings fucked him up.

I never bruised him or left welps on him, but I think me being angry and just hurting him in general along with how loud my voice gets when I'm fussing intimidated him and is prolly why he lashes out so much.

I've taken a much calmer approach with him.I often walk away and calm myself before dealing with him. I can't say he's improving... But the worst seems to be over.

2nd & 3rd grade been tough.... But kindergarten and first grade was crazy. We went through 3 schools and 3 therapist..... Shit was crazy...

But yea...... Beating your child ain't it...

Your child is intelligent..... Pain isn't what is motivating them. It's your expression of disapproval. You are only hurting them because you believe that's the deterrent.... When the reality is your child knows you're upset already. They get the point.

You are hurting them for nothing.

And I'm not judging cuz I hit my kids to.... But I'm getting away from it... Cuz I don't want to hurt my children for no reason

Well said. I used to whoop my son and yell at him all the time too, until one time I began to go off and saw the fear in his eyes. Broke me down cause I never want my son to be fearful of any man, much less me.

Now I talk to him, take things away, etc. and our relationship is 100x better and his behavior and grades are better than ever.

Empower the kids instead of making them cower in fear.
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Well said. I used to whoop my son and yell at him all the time too, until one time I began to go off and saw the fear in his eyes. Broke me down cause I never want my son to be fearful of any man, much less me.

Now I talk to him, take things away, etc. and our relationship is 100x better and his behavior and grades are better than ever.

Empower the kids instead of making them cower in fear.

Love seeing shit like this. Salute, bro. I hate the few times I lose my temper and yell at my kid to the point that he’s afraid. That shit is a trigger for him and he starts to...panic isn’t the right word, but I’ll use it for lack of a better one.

I can discipline him without triggering him and scarring him and shit. As far as whoopings, I prolly had to put hands on him maybe 5-10 times in life. But I’m always sure to go in his room after he’s done crying and shit and tell him why I did it, what he could’ve done to avoid it, that he’s not a bad kid, that I DO NOT enjoy having to do it, and that it doesn’t make me love him any less.
I wouldn't say a lot are abusive and dangerous. I would say like most people a lot of parents don't know how to control their emotions sometimes and whooping your kid in a high emotional state can lead to that whooping going too far. How often they lose control of their emotions when so called disciplining their kid can lead it being abusive.
This sounds like the last few posts.

But at least dudes recognize their going to far.
This sounds like the last few posts.

But at least dudes recognize their going to far.

Those posts sound like mine I made that post first get it straight, LLS.

Thing is "going too far" isn't universal. From a child to a grown person skin can be so sensitive that they can get plucked on the arm and it leave a bruise. Yet just cause a bruise/mark was left you got some who want to call that abuse. To me that ain't abuse. Broad I know clumsy as shit and she bruises easy as shit. I'm talking goofy ass TV clumsy. I told her if I didn't know you I would think your husband was at home beating you with all the bruises you get cause you clumsy as shit. I'm not saying parents should hit whoop their kids like their adults but at the same time just cause a mark happens because of a whooping doesn't automatically mean the child getting abused either.

I got a lot of fucking whoopings but I was never abused in any sense of the word.
If his father beat him like a slave its understandable. I guess its relative to how he was raised which was probably worse; and all he knows. I need better excuses then "this is how it's always been". It's 2020. I got beat as a child and NEVER got whelps or was bruised.

Not everyone is fit to be a parent. That simple.
Those posts sound like mine I made that post first get it straight, LLS.

Thing is "going too far" isn't universal. From a child to a grown person skin can be so sensitive that they can get plucked on the arm and it leave a bruise. Yet just cause a bruise/mark was left you got some who want to call that abuse. To me that ain't abuse. Broad I know clumsy as shit and she bruises easy as shit. I'm talking goofy ass TV clumsy. I told her if I didn't know you I would think your husband was at home beating you with all the bruises you get cause you clumsy as shit. I'm not saying parents should hit whoop their kids like their adults but at the same time just cause a mark happens because of a whooping doesn't automatically mean the child getting abused either.

I got a lot of fucking whoopings but I was never abused in any sense of the word.
i think you deserved them whoopings..and a few more

you stay getting on my fucking nerves.
If his father beat him like a slave its understandable. I guess its relative to how he was raised which was probably worse; and all he knows. I need better excuses then "this is how it's always been". It's 2020. I got beat as a child and NEVER got whelps or was bruised.

Not everyone is fit to be a parent. That simple.
but we assuming this kid is tough. or whatever.

their are timid kids and there are kids who can take a licking and keep on ticking.

hypothetically speaking.

how do we know this kid wasnt on some revenge shit to get back at the parent?

dont matter what my dad did...i would never go to the police or any one else because i wasnt entitled or stupid enough to the point i thought i didnt deserve the punishment i got.
we my parents always right? nope.
but neither are we as a parents.
but we assuming this kid is tough. or whatever.

their are timid kids and there are kids who can take a licking and keep on ticking.

hypothetically speaking.

how do we know this kid wasnt on some revenge shit to get back at the parent?

dont matter what my dad did...i would never go to the police or any one else because i wasnt entitled or stupid enough to the point i thought i didnt deserve the punishment i got.
we my parents always right? nope.
but neither are we as a parents.

This ain’t the 70s tho lol like you thinking it’s revenge when they said he got welts everywhere maybe somebody asked and he told what happen.
but we assuming this kid is tough. or whatever.

their are timid kids and there are kids who can take a licking and keep on ticking.

hypothetically speaking.

how do we know this kid wasnt on some revenge shit to get back at the parent?

dont matter what my dad did...i would never go to the police or any one else because i wasnt entitled or stupid enough to the point i thought i didnt deserve the punishment i got.
we my parents always right? nope.
but neither are we as a parents.
A lot is unknown in this instance but I think the kids these days have a different mindset. With us being from an older generation we probably never thought of beatings as abuse unless it was extreme; even though at times it probably was. We also never thought of reporting what happened to us an option.

I think the kids these days may not be less loyal but have more of an understanding of their surroundings and how they are raised compared to others. I'm sure more will come out about what happened in this situation.
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i think you deserved them whoopings..and a few more

you stay getting on my fucking nerves.

No question I earned every last one of them. I first got suspended in 3rd or 4th grade caught my first charge and got locked up at 13 yrs old. You might've heard the saying "person is throwing rocks at the penitentiary." Well I was throwing boulders at that muthafucka when I was younger. It all worked out but shit was real rocky for a very long time.

HAHAHAHA the bold means I'm doing something right.
A lot is unknown in this instance but I think the kids these days have a different mindset. With us being from an older generation we probably never thought of beatings as abuse unless it was extreme; even thought at times it probably was. We also never thought of reporting what happened to us an option.

I think the kids these days may not be less loyal but have more of an understanding of their surroundings and how they are raised compared to others. I'm sure more will come out about what happened in this situation.
this is a good point,

but it also depends on the parent and the kid.

the understanding these kids have is not always healthy.

case and point.....these a thing that was going on here in switzerland.
if a kid says they were abused they get taken out the home until the investigation is over. the parent must pay for the child to stay at a boarding school.
at the boarding school, they can go wild(smoke, fuck, drink, stay out late cuz who the teachers gonna tell?) and continue to say they are not comfortable going home, because at 12 they say the kid has the same rights as adults.
but these kids saw the loophole and it was hella kids in boarding schools and parents going broke left an right. teen pregnancy and drug use went up along with stupid teen crimes. kids straight up telling they parents fuck you and the parent could do nothing.
it reached the right people and the law was changed. it was changed because once it was looked into....they saw a pattern.

kids are not stupid...but once they dont have the healthy fear of home.......its nothing the world can do.

they will always be looking for the out to skate accountability.

this is not speaking on kids who are abused tho.

but what kid knows what abuse is and isnt?

lotta folk gender fluid now too.....
No question I earned every last one of them. I first got suspended in 3rd or 4th grade caught my first charge and got locked up at 13 yrs old. You might've heard the saying "person is throwing rocks at the penitentiary." Well I was throwing boulders at that muthafucka when I was younger. It all worked out but shit was real rocky for a very long time.

HAHAHAHA the bold means I'm doing something right.

but this goes along with understanding right from wrong.

whats right in your house may not be right in mine.
but if we both got beatings for the same shit.....i can say i was abused. you can say you deserved it.
whos right?

shit when i was younger...i was a habitual line stepper. but only in certain situations.

shit got in trouble in school once......my dad an mom came up. mom started crying....but my dad had this look of disappointment i cant describe.
my mothers tears didnt even bother me as much as i saw how i let my dad down. man.....i walked home thru three enemy neighborhoods. my homies was like yoooo P get on the bus you gonna get jumped. i was like...man, fuck them dudes. i gotta deal with my dad when i get home.
he aint speak to me for like three days. that shit was my prison. I been right since. well in school anyway.

shit i miss the old timer...got something in my eye
A switch always left a mark, I wasn't abused. My mama told me not to do something. I did it anyway. Azzz whoopin wit hand...belt...house slippers...fly swatter...whateva w/n reach. Lol!

Not once did I feel like she crossed the line, b/c my azzz knew better. Consequences when you don't listen.
Sounds EXACTLY like my mom. Many trips to the switch bush knowing I earned the green mile every time.

The worst thing I ever did was run from a beating.

I don't know what i did but I thought running from that beating was the best decision at the time. Later on that day after being on the run like an escaped prisoner I forgot all about it and my dumb ass was taking a bath. My mom burst through the door with a switch in hand. I'm sure this was all planned. All i could do is curl up in the bathtub knowing how vulnerable i was with my arms out like i was ready to sacrifice them for the rest of my body while begging for my life.

She didn't beat me but I never ran again after that day. I learned that's the greatest sin a child can commit.

but this goes along with understanding right from wrong.

whats right in your house may not be right in mine.
but if we both got beatings for the same shit.....i can say i was abused. you can say you deserved it.
whos right?

shit when i was younger...i was a habitual line stepper. but only in certain situations.

shit got in trouble in school once......my dad an mom came up. mom started crying....but my dad had this look of disappointment i cant describe.
my mothers tears didnt even bother me as much as i saw how i let my dad down. man.....i walked home thru three enemy neighborhoods. my homies was like yoooo P get on the bus you gonna get jumped. i was like...man, fuck them dudes. i gotta deal with my dad when i get home.
he aint speak to me for like three days. that shit was my prison. I been right since. well in school anyway.

shit i miss the old timer...got something in my eye

Honest opinion I think kids and parents know when they've gone too far with a whooping. If every whooping goes too far that parent(s) is abusive and something needs to be done. At the same time a kid is a bitch ass nigga if 1 time out 10 whoopings goes too far and they call the police. I've read stories where kids thought they were getting their parent back for getting a whooping and got in that CPS system and found out what real abuse is and couldn't come back home again.

You got off light but I know where you coming from. You know old to young women in the neighborhood talk and gossip. My aunt heard about the shit me and my friends were doing. She was so embarrassed she didn't speak to me for damn near a year. I mean literally didn't speak. I would walk into the kitchen we looking each other dead in the eyes and I would say "what's up auntie?" and she wouldn't say a got damn word. I didn't know what it was about for a long ass time. Shit was fucking me up though. Didn't stop what I was doing but it did hurt my feelings.
I'm at my son school right now as we speak.

He's working on a test.

So they called me cuz this kid in class zapping out and flipping over desks n shit... And just so happen I took a sick day today.... So I came right over..

This kid is laying in the middle of the floor.... And all I gotta say is his name and he pops up and his whole demeanor changes.

I'm sitting here asking him what's wrong... Listening to him

Letting him know his way about expressing his emotions is unacceptable.... And reminding him that it's very difficult to teach a class when one kid wants to flip desks and lay in the floor

(Took everything for me not to cuss)

I also let him know there will be consequences. Loss of tv for the weekend. Loss of phone. And no going over friends houses. Now you either get it together or we gonna have to have a whole different conversation I'm sure you don't wanna have.

Now I'm just sitting here while he takes this test. I swear....I get it.....I really do...I wanted to Jack his little ass up so damn bad.... Fuck is your doing flipping desks an laying in the damn floor for?!!?!! It's like he wants to get in trouble.

But yeah...I feel like I owe it to us both to handle things calmly and relaxed
I'm at my son school right now as we speak.

He's working on a test.

So they called me cuz this kid in class zapping out and flipping over desks n shit... And just so happen I took a sick day today.... So I came right over..

This kid is laying in the middle of the floor.... And all I gotta say is his name and he pops up and his whole demeanor changes.

I'm sitting here asking him what's wrong... Listening to him

Letting him know his way about expressing his emotions is unacceptable.... And reminding him that it's very difficult to teach a class when one kid wants to flip desks and lay in the floor

(Took everything for me not to cuss)

I also let him know there will be consequences. Loss of tv for the weekend. Loss of phone. And no going over friends houses. Now you either get it together or we gonna have to have a whole different conversation I'm sure you don't wanna have.

Now I'm just sitting here while he takes this test. I swear....I get it.....I really do...I wanted to Jack his little ass up so damn bad.... Fuck is your doing flipping desks an laying in the damn floor for?!!?!! It's like he wants to get in trouble.

But yeah...I feel like I owe it to us both to handle things calmly and relaxed
may just want your attention.

you may give it to him but it might not be how he wants it.
could also be lil mama he jealous of and dont want to share daddy.
also could be ...he sees nobody gonna fuck with daddy so you wont touch me....an wont get right til daddy there.

i dunno...but good luck