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Man Arrested For Disciplining His Kid For Bad Grades

I would blame the school if they not letting parents know the child struggling before report cards come out. If they do then it's the parents fault for not righting the ship.

An ass whipping is needed if they just cutting up and not doing anything at all in class

Parents should know that regardless.

A teacher dont have to reach out to me for me to find out about my sons grades.
So you think your dad slapping him made him say a word correctly?

Or your dad sitting down at the table actually helping him?

I need to know sway

My maa tried with him for ages and one day my bush country dad said fuck it.

I remember my maa sayin' she thinks bro was just lazy or was pretendin' to struggle for attention or whatever.

All I kno' is after that whoopin' he never had an issue readin' again
"The child said McRae struck him about 15 times with the belt. He added that McRae has beaten him multiple times in the past with either a belt, switch or ruler."

...so pretty much shyt our parents whooped our azzz wit wheneva we cut up, or brought home failing grades? Gotcha.

The question should be asked "Why is the Dad whoopin his azzz?" Especially since the child said he's done it b4. IF the Dad is not the abusive type...then you gotta question the child's behavior, and why they got those azzz whoopins.
I was a model child, I just did little shit that never warranted beat downs. I remember my brother did something and my dad took him in the backyard and started fist fighting him, kicked his ass
oh so you was the one who couldnt leave the front porch steps then.

its all starting to come out, piece by piece
oh so you was the one who couldnt leave the front porch steps then.

its all starting to come out, piece by piece
So me not being an ass growing up means I was stuck in the house, man be quiet. I was just a respectful son to my parents, I see you wasn't to yours
I'm gonna be real, if I had kids them gettin' bad grades would make me mad AF

Schools not that hard and for me, parents (western parents) have far too low a standard when it comes to education. All this "we're all different" that's rubbish, the tests are designed to be passable and you spend 5 years learnin' the exact shit that's gonna be on the them

I'm not sayin' everyone has to be an A student that's silly, but if you on a D you should be able to bump that up to a C with hard work and then the challenge would be stayin' there.
I'm gonna be real, if I had kids them gettin' bad grades would make me mad AF

Schools not that hard and for me, parents (western parents) have far too low a standard when it comes to education. All this "we're all different" that's rubbish, the tests are designed to be passable and you spend 5 years learnin' the exact shit that's gonna be on the them

I'm not sayin' everyone has to be an A student that's silly, but if you on a D you should be able to bump that up to a C with hard work and then the challenge would be stayin' there.

I mean...eh, nevermind.
Cant be hitting kids in the damn chest bruh.

But whipping that ass is cool with me.

We had this cat that had some learning disability that was in my gym class in the 9th grade. Cool dude, everybody always looked out for him. We down in the locker room one day gettin' ready. Dude's gym locker was in my row. We all talkin shit as usual and dude took off his shirt and had a grip of welts and shit all over his back and chest. Everybody in my row stopped dead in our tracks. We start asking him questions like "what happened" and alladat. I ran to grab the gym teacher and brought him to our row. That man's eyes glazed over like he was finna drop a tear. Took him to his office and asked him some questions and ended up getting CPS involved. His family took him in, can't remember if it was an aunt or grandmother but eventually he was adopted. Last time I saw him was the night we all graduated high school, he was doing good.
My dad teachin' my big bro how to read is one of the clearest memories I have.

He was kinda late maybe like 8 or 10 and my dad sat him down at the table, asked him to read a word and slapped him every time he was wrong.

He can read

This how they shoulda did @TonyDubbz slow brother. Now it's just dinosaurs and drool. Crazy. God bless em.
If this is ruled to be not an abusive situation by CPS. Does the father still go to trial cause what was done can still be considered some type of assault regardless of it not being found to be child abuse.

Damn what is the father and son relationship going to be going forward.

IMO that father or kid going have to find somewhere else to live. Can't live in a house with people I can't trust.