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Man Arrested For Disciplining His Kid For Bad Grades

YES cause the shit wasn't abuse but I ain't really a whoopings person because I know my kids smarter than what most people give kids credit for. So throughout the years I've found that explaining shit on a level they can understand works better than trying to physically break them of doing some shit I don't want them to do.
Whoop them to the point of bruises and welts? I just want to make sure you’re clear on what I’m asking.
I agree but that always the thing people who pro beating say. They be like back in my day etc but a lot of them became abusive and dangerous

no, a lot didn't. A handful did and those are the people you, and people like you, intentionally focus on and try to make them the example of what happens when you whoop a child. Y'all niggas just ignore the literal billions of other people out here in the world that got an ass whoopin when they were fuckin' up and came out just fine.
no, a lot didn't. A handful did and those are the people you, and people like you, intentionally focus on and try to make them the example of what happens when you whoop a child. Y'all niggas just ignore the literal billions of other people out here in the world that got an ass whoopin when they were fuckin' up and came out just fine.
I’m not saying don’t give whoopings. A hand pop or a controlled whooping is ok in my opinion. But not with extension cords, hangers, etc. Definitely not to the point where you’re bruising and welting your kids.
A switch always left a mark, I wasn't abused. My mama told me not to do something. I did it anyway. Azzz whoopin wit hand...belt...house slippers...fly swatter...whateva w/n reach. Lol!

Not once did I feel like she crossed the line, b/c my azzz knew better. Consequences when you don't listen.
A switch always left a mark, I wasn't abused. My mama told me not to do something. I did it anyway. Azzz whoopin wit hand...belt...house slippers...fly swatter...whateva w/n reach. Lol!

Not once did I feel like she crossed the line, b/c my azzz knew better. Consequences when you don't listen.
These new dudes are entitled.

Yes, i fucked up but that didn't mean you can put your hands on me.
So can I have my allowance and some new Jordan's.
A switch always left a mark, I wasn't abused. My mama told me not to do something. I did it anyway. Azzz whoopin wit hand...belt...house slippers...fly swatter...whateva w/n reach. Lol!

Not once did I feel like she crossed the line, b/c my azzz knew better. Consequences when you don't listen.

Getting bad grades shouldn't get a ass whipping.
no, a lot didn't. A handful did and those are the people you, and people like you, intentionally focus on and try to make them the example of what happens when you whoop a child. Y'all niggas just ignore the literal billions of other people out here in the world that got an ass whoopin when they were fuckin' up and came out just fine.

if you say so bro
These new dudes are entitled.

Yes, i fucked up but that didn't mean you can put your hands on me.
So can I have my allowance and some new Jordan's.

I mean their are other ways to punish a kid without a whoopin tho? Don’t gotta cave a teenager chest in cause he got smart. Nothing to do with entitlement
I mean their are other ways to punish a kid without a whoopin tho? Don’t gotta cave a teenager chest in cause he got smart. Nothing to do with entitlement
Different ways for different kids. For different situations.
A smart mouthed kid may one day cross the line or use up too many passes.
At some point it needs to be checked.

If a boy is bold enough to keep going at his dad......I mean...His chest gotta get caved in.
I mean their are other ways to punish a kid without a whoopin tho? Don’t gotta cave a teenager chest in cause he got smart. Nothing to do with entitlement

That shit don't work.

I was fuckin up in school in the 11th grade. One day moms took away my Atari ST computer, so I pulled out the 800XL
She took away the 800XL, so I hooked up the NES
She took away the NES, so I pulled out the Atari VCS
She took the VCS, so I brought the Vectrex back into my room and pulled the Timex Sinclair 1000 out the closet.

She finally gave up and I continued getting shitty grades.

If I was living with my pops or my stepfather, I prolly woulda got the wind knocked outta my chest and my grades would have been up the next marking period.
That shit don't work.

I was fuckin up in school in the 11th grade. One day moms took away my Atari ST computer, so I pulled out the 800XL
She took away the 800XL, so I hooked up the NES
She took away the NES, so I pulled out the Atari VCS
She took the VCS, so I brought the Vectrex back into my room and pulled the Timex Sinclair 1000 out the closet.

She finally gave up and I continued getting shitty grades.

If I was living with my pops or my stepfather, I prolly woulda got the wind knocked outta my chest and my grades would have been up the next marking period.
People underestimate the importance of a father or male in the household or directly in the child's life.

I believe children need s healthy fear of their parents.
That shit don't work.

I was fuckin up in school in the 11th grade. One day moms took away my Atari ST computer, so I pulled out the 800XL
She took away the 800XL, so I hooked up the NES
She took away the NES, so I pulled out the Atari VCS
She took the VCS, so I brought the Vectrex back into my room and pulled the Timex Sinclair 1000 out the closet.

She finally gave up and I continued getting shitty grades.

If I was living with my pops or my stepfather, I prolly woulda got the wind knocked outta my chest and my grades would have been up the next marking period.

but you’re not every kid bro as was stated different things for different kids. I don’t know what else you want me to say
Healthy respect
I say healthy fear because the fear of an upset parent is not a bad thing.
The one person I would never wanted to upset was my father. I never wanted to let him down and also was afraid of the consequence of my action.
I stopped giving my son beatings.
It clearly wasn't working.
And he seemed to get even more angry.

And because he's afraid of me, he takes it out on everybody else. Especially school because there's no fear of them hurting him.

Shit gets deep

I honestly think those early beatings fucked him up.

I never bruised him or left welps on him, but I think me being angry and just hurting him in general along with how loud my voice gets when I'm fussing intimidated him and is prolly why he lashes out so much.

I've taken a much calmer approach with him.I often walk away and calm myself before dealing with him. I can't say he's improving... But the worst seems to be over.

2nd & 3rd grade been tough.... But kindergarten and first grade was crazy. We went through 3 schools and 3 therapist..... Shit was crazy...

But yea...... Beating your child ain't it...

Your child is intelligent..... Pain isn't what is motivating them. It's your expression of disapproval. You are only hurting them because you believe that's the deterrent.... When the reality is your child knows you're upset already. They get the point.

You are hurting them for nothing.

And I'm not judging cuz I hit my kids to.... But I'm getting away from it... Cuz I don't want to hurt my children for no reason