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Lil Wayne's Private Jet Searched by Feds. Update: The Feds found guns & cocaine on the plane

I never did shit but weed but saw more than a few homeboys fuck their life up as young 20 yr olds fuckin’ wit’ Coke...lost 2 of those niggaz before we were 25...and none of them ever smoked crack...and I’ve also seen first hand tha results of crack too...just seen less people OD off crack than Coke but tha end results usually tha same...fucked up...niggaz can’t convince me fuckin’ wit’ ANY hard/processed drugs is any better or worse...tha goes for pills/prescription drugs too
Fair enough
I never did coke.

But I knew enough functional coke heads and enough nonfunctional crack heads to know the shit ain't the same

Everyone hasn't tho *shrugs*

I used to think this,but I have first hand experience with dealing with a lot of coke heads and that shit the same my nigga.

There's nothing more classy about powder than hard

That's why the crack laws were so racist.

I don't look down a person for doing what they do and some ppl can hit a bump every now and then at a party and never do it on the reg,

While snorting may be socially more accepted in the party world,that shit can lead to the same road.

The real difference is that because crack is smoked/freebased, it's a shorter and more intense high.

Crack has added chemicals to make it hard and uses less coke which makes it cheaper.

while a person who sniffs can get an 8ball and be good for the night,a crackhead buys in small increments and keeps going back over and over.

But a soft snorter can get on the treadmill too if they snort a lot.
it's really not though

1 is just socially accepted a little more.
Nah, crack is definitely the more addictive substance. The other points you’ve made about ending the same are valid, but people are much more likely to end that way fucking with crack because of how addictive it is. Same reason why heroin is such a problem, much more addictive.
Did I say Cocaine was healthy? I see you don’t fully grasp how analogies work. I was basically saying one version is worse than another.
Lol at one form of posion being any more/less healthy than another. It's still fucking POISON!!! What's next? Are gonna tell me that sniffing heroin is heathier than shooting it therefore it's better??? Foh with that dumb shit. It's multiple generations of dope fiends on the street right now behind that stupid shit. Foh
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Yall must not be grew up in a sheltered environment if you think Crack/Heroine and Coke are the same
Nah, crack is definitely the more addictive substance. The other points you’ve made about ending the same are valid, but people are much more likely to end that way fucking with crack because of how addictive it is. Same reason why heroin is such a problem, much more addictive.

Check what research says.It's definitely not more addictive because it's the same drug with slightly different side effects ,but mostly the same.

They are classified as the same level of addiction because it is literally the same

best comparison I can make is that in an odd way coke is the opposite of how weed worked.

ppl added chemicals to weed to make it more expensive,but ppl added shit to coke to make it cheaper.

powder is the loud version of crack.

You would get what looks like less powder for the same amount of money as of crack.

Same drug,just slightly different side effects,but most are the same.

scientifically speaking crack is not more addictive

Once again this is why crack laws are racist and target black ppl.

and they found out that the crackbaby scare was mostly BS and those kids grew to be normal.
@Chicity forgot to quote your post but this is in response to your post.
You, du, Robato, 5 grand, are a few posters I remember. Just saying, do y'all research. Cocaine is addictive. Especially when you don't know the purity of it or what it has been cut with. Starts off as a "party" drug but when you can't get that same high after your first 5 times, people up the amount or go to something stronger. That is when overdose happens. Reason why people down play coke is because it
I can only speak to my own experience, which was that it wasn’t addictive at all. Obviously not everyone has had that experience.

You can speak to your own experience. I met people that did heroin w/o getting hooked...not many. Coke can be addicting. Anyone who says otherwise dont know what they talking bout. Pure, stepped on, garbage coke...will all get u locked up
Coke heads be uppity too. Like bitch don’t look down on loud cuz you want a bloody nose

I met a couple coke users, especially old heads who would talk shit about young niggas that would come into the party smelling like weed. I was doing both, so I'd look at them niggas like they was crazy...but then realize i was just as crazy as both parties...DO NOT DO COCAINE
Nah, crack is definitely the more addictive substance. The other points you’ve made about ending the same are valid, but people are much more likely to end that way fucking with crack because of how addictive it is. Same reason why heroin is such a problem, much more addictive.

Crack can be more addictive n the high is wayyy shorter. Which leads to more crimes being committed to keep up w chasing the high.
I used to think this,but I have first hand experience with dealing with a lot of coke heads and that shit the same my nigga.

There's nothing more classy about powder than hard

That's why the crack laws were so racist.

I don't look down a person for doing what they do and some ppl can hit a bump every now and then at a party and never do it on the reg,

While snorting may be socially more accepted in the party world,that shit can lead to the same road.

The real difference is that because crack is smoked/freebased, it's a shorter and more intense high.

Crack has added chemicals to make it hard and uses less coke which makes it cheaper.

while a person who sniffs can get an 8ball and be good for the night,a crackhead buys in small increments and keeps going back over and over.

But a soft snorter can get on the treadmill too if they snort a lot.

Nah, an 8 ball of powder won't last a weekend. It will last a month! An 8 ball of pure cocaine weighs 3.5 grams. After you cut it you'll have about 10 grams.

0.5 grams lasts for about a weekend. At least when I'm chillin in my apartment by myself listening to music.

An 8 ball of crack won't even last a crackhead Friday night.


An 8 Ball of uncut powder costs about $300 and lasts a month

An 8 Ball of cooked crack costs about $300 and lasts one night... or less

An 8 Ball of 50% heroin costs about $300, lasts about a month but that 32nd day is gonna be hell

An 1/8 of weed costs about $50 and might last a weekend
Nah, an 8 ball of powder won't last a weekend. It will last a month! An 8 ball of pure cocaine weighs 3.5 grams. After you cut it you'll have about 10 grams.

0.5 grams lasts for about a weekend. At least when I'm chillin in my apartment by myself listening to music.

An 8 ball of crack won't even last a crackhead Friday night.


An 8 Ball of uncut powder costs about $300 and lasts a month

An 8 Ball of cooked crack costs about $300 and lasts one night... or less

An 8 Ball of 50% heroin costs about $300, lasts about a month but that 32nd day is gonna be hell

An 1/8 of weed costs about $50 and might last a weekend

I ain’t even read this cus u chat bare shit. Last comment you said you won’t get busted if you’re caught with pure coke foh.
Nah, an 8 ball of powder won't last a weekend. It will last a month! An 8 ball of pure cocaine weighs 3.5 grams. After you cut it you'll have about 10 grams.

0.5 grams lasts for about a weekend. At least when I'm chillin in my apartment by myself listening to music.

An 8 ball of crack won't even last a crackhead Friday night.


An 8 Ball of uncut powder costs about $300 and lasts a month

An 8 Ball of cooked crack costs about $300 and lasts one night... or less

An 8 Ball of 50% heroin costs about $300, lasts about a month but that 32nd day is gonna be hell

An 1/8 of weed costs about $50 and might last a weekend

IDK what type niggas you know,but niggas snort 8ths like it's nothing

even if that 8th was turned to 10 grams it ain't lasting no snorter no month.

Most ppl do coke in groups anyway,but even alone a real snorter gone snort at least a gram a day

That's like 5 bumps a day

IDK where you stay but an 8th of loud can be as cheap as 20 bucks if you know the right ppl

prices were a little high this yr up to 40 but niggas not paying 50 in ATL

you lucky to get 35 and most pay 25

I can't speak on heroin cause I don't know shit about it.but sounds about right from the little I know.Bout 700-900 a zip I think

But crack is literally not more addictive

That's like saying loud is more addictive than reg.it's the same drug

The only difference is that loud costs more and might make you want to smoke more often because it tastes good and the high is better or more intense than reg.

Just like with crack it terms of you get smallar amounts that might make you have to go see the drug dealer more often.

it's not that the drug is more addictive it's portion size and price.
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IDK what type niggas you know,but niggas snort 8ths like it's nothing

even if that 8th was turned to 10 grams it ain't lasting no snorter no month.

Most ppl do coke in groups anyway,but even alone a real snorter gone snort at least a gram a day

That's like 5 bumps a day

IDK where you stay but an 8th of loud can be as cheap as 20 bucks if you know the right ppl

prices were a little high this yr up to 40 but niggas not paying 50 in ATL

you lucky to get 35 and most pay 25

I can't speak on heroin cause I don't know shit about it.but sounds about right from the little I know.Bout 700-900 a zip I think

But crack is literally not more addictive

That's like saying loud is more addictive than reg.it's the same drug

The only difference is that loud costs more and might make you want to smoke more often because it tastes good and the high is better or more intense than reg.

Just like with crack it terms of you get smallar amounts that might make you have to go see the drug dealer more often.

it's not that the drug is more addictive it's portion size and price.

Nah the difference between crack and powder is like night and day.

Crack is chemically different. You cook it with water and add baking soda so it goes through a chemical change.

I'm sure somebody on this board knows enough about chemistry to explain what happens when you cook 7 grams of Water H20 + 7 grams of Cocaine C17H21NO4 and 7 grams of Baking Soda NaHCO3.

The result isn't cocaine, it's something totally different. And you're not sniffing it raw, you're lighting it on fire and inhaling the fumes (along with the lighter fluid C10H4).

Crack hits much harder than cocaine, instantaneously. You have to sniff cocaine several times in 10-15 minute increments to get high on powder. It's closer to wine than weed. You can take 3 or 4 hits of some loud weed and you'll get high. Powder doesn't work like that. You can sniff a lil in each nostril and you won't feel anything, just like you can take a sip of wine and you won't feel anything.