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Lil Wayne's Private Jet Searched by Feds. Update: The Feds found guns & cocaine on the plane

@Chicity forgot to quote your post but this is in response to your post.
You, du, Robato, 5 grand, are a few posters I remember. Just saying, do y'all research. Cocaine is addictive. Especially when you don't know the purity of it or what it has been cut with. Starts off as a "party" drug but when you can't get that same high after your first 5 times, people up the amount or go to something stronger. That is when overdose happens. Reason why people down play coke is because it is more expensive and is considered the rich person drug.

This cool and all but wasn't an argument I was making

Coke still ain't as addictive, damaging, nor as taboo as Heroine/Crack

Of course its case by case, but by a large coke can be used and is used recreationally