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Let's talk about fat people

Koncept in this thread = Du in the Black Panther thread


In a sense, maybe. Thing is I don't necessarily disagree with the shit @King Du said in that thread. A lot of what he said was right, however it shouldn't be applied to the subject at hand (the Black Panther movie).

I think what I found most interesting and telling about some of the responses to my antics in this thread is that if I was a skinny dude y'all would band together and pile on with the whole "fat shaming" shits... But I'm not, I'm fat myself, so since that can't be used against me it has to be "self hate" and all that other bullshit. Some folks just don't like it when someone like you can find a way to poke fun at himself for the same thing you try to defend and deflect about yourself and you genuinely can't figure out what your reaction to such a person should be. "You're big too so we should all stand together against 'fat shaming'" but nawl, I'm not of the hive mind and do what I damned well please and it offends many of y'all.

I talk a lot of shit but when I'm serious you can tell. A lot of what I was saying throughout the thread isn't anything that hasn't been echoed by medical professionals across the globe. Sometime we just don't want to hear the truth about ourselves and would much rather live in a lie than deal with it.
When he thinks people need him to tell them what they already know.

@konceptjones for the sake of the rest of us obese people...stay out this thread. You're taking the humor out of it

I swear.
He wants fat people to be unhappy that they're fat lol.

If you reading this and you're fat, you can't be happy...but I didn't say it just repeating what I'm reading :x
@konceptjones for the sake of the rest of us obese people...stay out this thread. You're taking the humor out of it

I swear.
He wants fat people to be unhappy that they're fat lol.

If you reading this and you're fat, you can't be happy...but I didn't say it just repeating what I'm reading :x

y'all act like I ain't been in here crackin jokes, postin up silly pics and shit along with the other shit.

Fuck it tho.

Dis Tew much....3 sentences or less please

But fat does mean unhealthy.

Folks look at me like "you ain't even that big tho" and try to tell me "you look healthy now", but I was healthy when I was slim, heart rate on point, zero cholesterol issues, blood pressure normal, etc... At my current weight I'm symptomatic for hypertension and type-2 diabetes, joints hurt at random from the weight, I get winded easy as fuck, etc.

Anyone that tells you that fat people can be healthy is a damned liar. Fat ain't something that just kills you right away, it's a slow process where the fatness degrades your organs and causes damage to your joints and whatnot over time. Then, your body reaches it's breaking point and something goes wrong and you end up in the hospital like "I was fine just yesterday". Being overweight is an unhealthy condition. Yes, on women it may look aesthetically pleasing ('cause lawd knows ole girl posted earlier in the red can get it all day every day and twice on Sunday), but it's overall unhealthy. Even on dudes: When I started gaining weight I had chicks talmbout how much better I looked with the weight on and shit, but it's taking it's toll on me. Once I get past the stress of this month I gotta get back to gettin' healthy and that means getting back down to at least 165.

and one of those things is that food can taste good.

Me and my siblings grew up in a household that ate no swine or red meat with fish as the primary meat and plenty of fruits and veggies. The problem with that? Outside of my uncle and his family, no one else ate like that. When we would go to our grandmothers cribs it was pork chops, bacon ans sausages, kielbasa, pizzas with pepperoni and italian sausage and shit like that.

Food could taste good.

As soon as I got my first job at Hardee's I started eating fast food in abundance because... hey... food CAN taste good and I now had the means to buy it especially with that 50% discount we had for working there. I'd hit up the coney spot around from my school over on 6 mile and Wyoming and when they opened up a coney spot in my neighborhood it was a wrap. As kids we weren't allowed to eat candy (especially chocolate for some reason) and drink pop except as a once in a blue moon treat but once I had my own money I would buy shit from the candy store right before school along with a Faygo cola or something and would eat that shit throughout the day. At lunch I had an ID that said I had driver's ed so I could leave the building and would hit the spot for some coneys and fries.

This carried on as an adult where I could afford to buy whatever tasted good in abundance. Because I was still athletic my metabolism would handle the task of burning off whatever I ate no matter how insane an amount it was. I was known among the crew as a cat that would buy a double quarter pounder with double extra cheese, a big mac with double cheese, filet of fish, super sized fries, eat all of that washed down with beer or liquor and look at your food like "you gonna eat that?" and wouldn't gain a single pound. I worked retail selling car audio back then so I was always on my feet on the sales floor or getting physical by installing the shit or building subwoofer cabinets and after work I was still on my feet at the arcade or at a bar/club pushin up on some chicks.

Where this all caught up to me was my first office job. Instead of standing for 9-10 hrs a day I was now sitting for 9hrs. Huge shift for me physically and this is where it all falls apart for most people. When you get out of the house and start buying food for yourself you tend to buy the things you feel you were deprived of as a child and tend to overdo it. When you're no longer active as you were in your younger years all of that catches up to you and you end up gaining weight like crazy and wake up one morning wondering why you can't fit in them jeans you just bought last week (which literally happened to me).

In a sense you're right, it does start in childhood, but not in the way you're thinking.


No they really don't. WE do, but that's just us and even some of us on this board and in this thread don't or at least they refuse to acknowledge it. Many people are simply oblivious to it until they wake up in the hostpital after a hypoglycemic seizure and the last thing they remember was arguing with the waitress about their 2lb steak being medium well instead of medium rare.

The other part of that is that it's become so normalized that most people don't even believe they're fat, so they believe the whole "fat is unhealthy" shits doesn't apply to them when it does. They know that being fat is unhealthy but they don't think they're fat when they really are.

I watch that shit every... fucking... week. But, the mere fact that those people even went to try to get surgery means they're doing something to help themselves. They need that extra push and I've seen Dr Nowzardin get brutally raw with some of his patients to get them on track, but that's what's necessary. Like the time he had one royal fuck-up stand in front of the mirror in just his underwear and asked "Is this what a human body looks like?".

Those folks acknowledge that they're out of control and seek help for it. He had every one of them lose weight before the surgery and I've seen some lose damned near 100lbs in a month simply by changing their diet and doing the tiniest bit of exercise. If anything it's inspiring to see.

Oh the excuses come fast and furious. Plus, the way some of them get mad at Dr Now for calling them out for lying about cheating on their diet is just ridiculous. Like... Muhfucka do you not see all these cameras recording you eating that pizza and sittin off when you're supposed to be on a diet and exercising? And you got the nerve to get mad when he runs the numbers on you like "you gained 50 pound this month, for you to do that you have to be eating 5000 to 6000 calorie a day so you are not sticking to the program".

constantly accommodating our fatness is partly to blame for how we got here. We kept buying the next size up when our clothes got too small instead of gettin up to go run and refusing to stop eatin country fried pork chops and a mess of fries washed down with a coupla tall cans of High Life at 11:30PM on a week day. Medium shirts turned to Large, which gave way to XL, which hit 2XL and pants that were once a 32 waist ended up being a 42 along the way. Before you know it you're in a pair of "Damn, nigga, you big" size sweats or some drapes stitched together like a dress if you're a female wondering where it all went wrong.
I could have been killed in the womb because of a fat person.

My mother and father were taking a Greyhound from Flint back home to Saginaw in the middle of winter. The bus hit some ice and skidded off the road and landed on it's side where my parents were sitting. The woman across from them was some fat behemoth and in the crash, she wound up right on top of my moms, crushing us both. My pops was flung up near the ceiling, so this fat ass had my moms pinned against the glass and ground. Likely because of his adrenaline, my pops literally snatched the woman up and flung her off of my moms. In the hospital the Dr that examined her said that there was a huge chance that I could have died because of the way that woman landed on top of my moms more so than the accident itself. And there wasn't any way to know if there had been any damage to me until I was born either; they just had to wait to see if I was alright when I came out.

Y'all niggas really dense. Y'all really acting like shit can't be made worse by a 3rd party.

"oh, but the bus flipping had nothing to do with it doe yukyukyukduh'huh..." *wipes frosting off the keyboard*

No. As I said, had the fat broad not been there moms woulda got up without issue, just scared and maybe a scrape or a bruise like my pops. But what DID happen was a fat bitch fell on top of her and she was hurt far worse than what would have happened had the fat bitch not been in that seat across from them. Shit, had she been one seat forward or backward this would have been a non-issue and a story not worth telling because nothing would have happened.

Had Big Pun not been as fuckin big as he was the nigga might still be alive today, but let ya'll tell it the paramedics were at fault for not bringing a big enough gurney to get him out of his hotel room fast enough. His weight had nothing to do with it.

If you're going to fast the obvious thing to do is to reduce your insulin intake before you start. You can't just sit there taking 12-15 units in the morning before you fast thinking the shit's ok. Nah, if you reduce your food intake you need to reduce your insulin along with it just as your body would if your pancreas if it was still functioning properly. It ain't something you can just jump out there and do, there's trial and error to get the amount of insulin you need during a fast just right. Too little and you risk a coma 'cause your sugar level will skyrocket. Too much and you'll end up seizing.

Your response to the quote was indicative that you hadn't. Jussayin bruh there's options and promising research out there and ain't no reason to be in your feelins' over diabeetus jokes. Shit, I'm borderline diabetic and I know it. If I don't eat right I feel like trash and the way I describe it to my wife it's like my blood sugar is low. I've tested it and the shit ain't quite right, like it's headed in the wrong direction but still livable. That's why I'm dedicating March as the beginning of my mission to lose 80lbs. I'm too stressed out over money and shit this month to do it now 'cause I can't focus for shit. I just gotta get past this month and my head will be right for it.
Maybe there's truth to that. I got some questions...

Dear fat people, how often are you reminded that you're fat?

Every chance my Momma sees or talks to me.....We talk about twice a week and I see her about once every two months since i've been back home.
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Every damn day! I'm also going to be reminded while I enjoy dinner tonight with my hungry ass.
Maybe there's truth to that. I got some questions...

Dear fat people, how often are you reminded that you're fat?
Only when I get online :(

Oh and at the Harold's by my gym...they be judging tf outta me in my workout clothes ordering a half dark.