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Let's talk about fat people

Gotta back in the gym myself

Not fat...just lost some of my definition

Normally I lose weight when I dont workout but ive actually retained it...just not cut up right now
I could have been killed in the womb because of a fat person.

My mother and father were taking a Greyhound from Flint back home to Saginaw in the middle of winter. The bus hit some ice and skidded off the road and landed on it's side where my parents were sitting. The woman across from them was some fat behemoth and in the crash, she wound up right on top of my moms, crushing us both. My pops was flung up near the ceiling, so this fat ass had my moms pinned against the glass and ground. Likely because of his adrenaline, my pops literally snatched the woman up and flung her off of my moms. In the hospital the Dr that examined her said that there was a huge chance that I could have died because of the way that woman landed on top of my moms more so than the accident itself. And there wasn't any way to know if there had been any damage to me until I was born either; they just had to wait to see if I was alright when I came out.

This comment here kills me to this day.