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COMMUNITY Let’s Build (Vol4): Real N!gga = Street N!gga

Because the question is being asked in the tone of believing somehow Black people are inherently more drawn to something when that's just not true. Some shit is just about people regardless of race. Violence being an appealing subject is one of them. It's why white women have turned true crime into a billion dollar industry when the vast majority of stories is about white women being stalked and killed.
Let me ask, can we keep it focused on black people instead of wasting time with the white people do it as well notion?
Fill in blank with the word water....

Black people like water, because humans like water.

We're human. Why are the popular images in black culture negative. Because humans gravitate towards negative images.

Why does the black community glorify gangsters. Because humans have always glorified gangsters and outlaws.

Trying to hold ourselves to a higher standard than everyone else imo.... It's not a very way to combat this. I think the key may be in overall awareness. And to go that way you gotta look at all sides of the equation.
Let’s focus on the black community’s fight to combat it
I disagree somewhat. White kids do think being in gangs and selling drugs are cool. That's why that music is so popular because White people buy it up. The difference is that many of them have a good enough foundation in life that they don't have to go down that road. As cool as they think that lifestyle might be, everything in their lives pushes them towards being something better.

I don't think the problem is that we promote the bad shit in our culture too much. I think the problem is we don't promote the good shit enough. We have black scientists, doctors, engineers, attorneys, etc... all doing big things, but you never hear about them. All black people promote is athletes, musicians, actors, and other entertainers.

This is true but that's not all Black folks promote. There's plenty of Black folks that promote being an entrepreneur, almost to a detriment but that's another topic, the very loud push for Black folks to enter STEM programs, the loud push for Black folks to get involved in politics at local levels and national levels, etc. To say all Black folks promote are the things you listed is doing our people a huge disservice
Let me ask, can we keep it focused on black people instead of wasting time with the white people do it as well notion?

You can but the answe will still be the same. It's got nothing to do with race and more to do with what is glorified here. And the image of the outlaw criminal as some folk hero to aspire to has existed for hundreds of years.
Exactly this. Im really confused at this idea that somehow white people "got it all together" and Black folks just inherently fucking up. It's weird as fuck that's been the consistent theme of these threads. You can critique the Black community without doing it on some "white people do it better" shit.

Derailing the thread with “white people do it too” isn’t productive to repairing our community.

You’re talking about obscure music genres in the white community and I’m talking about the biggest genre in the world where 90% is street related shit. You’re talking about trailer trash mfs in middle America and I’m talking about the majority of black communities in the inner cities.
For example...

Kids in gangs.

Kids often join gangs to belong to something bigger than them. They want to feel protected. They want to feel powerful. They want to fit in

It doesn't matter what the demographic. The reasoning is often the same.

Now if we are addressing specifically the black community. Then we have to address what would make a child in the black community feel weak? Why would they desire to feel powerful? And who are they trying to fit in with?

Then you can move on to solutions like promoting neighborhood activities like a movie night at the library, skating, something fun and engaging that would give them a group to fit in with. If they are unsafe at home, work on intervention programs where home life can be visited by these kids.

Saying we gotta turn off rap music, and stop wearing jewelry is kinda crazy. Cuz even the most positive niggaz on this site still like to listen to rap music and look nice where they can.

You can try to fix the leak, or you can dig in to the source
...cuz it's the cool thing to do.

Folks are infatuated wit the lifestyle of it. The "benefits" they see gained from it. The money. The cars. For the fellas...the women. For the women...the appeal of being wit a street nigga. It's constantly glorified.

It's all they see in a lot of these communities.
Idk fam.

I don’t see a lot of white crips, bloods, gds, etc.

The majority of white music isn’t street related content.

I don’t see a lot of white girls saying “I need a street nigga”

I don’t see the white version of “real nigga = street nigga”

I can keep going, but it’s a little deeper than “America loves the bad guy”

KKK still exist, Aryan Brotherhood, Qanon, American resistance , American Nazi Party, Aryan republican Arym & Aryan resistance & alot of them are politicians , Police officers etc. (Way more groups BTW)

Majority of white music isn’t street because they’re not the ones in the projects and dominate the prison system

The white version of a real nigga is the niggas making the laws being born into wealth keeping other people of color oppressed and keeping the white race in power
Are black people not people?
Is the black community not a community?
Wait why did you even bring up white people when the question is catered to black people Du?

Your point is it ain’t just us but Goldie is asking About us not white people

In most instances I would agree. Niggas on here stay consistently bring white people into shit that has nothing to do with them. But this isn't one of those instances.

You can't properly diagnose an issue unless you know what the actual issue is.

If you tell your doctor that your back hurts, he's gonna run through all the common and likely cause for back pain. Imagine that a month into your various treatments, you say 'Actually, my entire body hurts. All over. Everywhere. The exact same pain that's in my back is everywhere in my body.'.

That's totally different.

A nigga asking 'why do black people have a fascination with street culture?' is the same thing. When you say that, you immediately only consider solutions that are specific to the black community. Ignoring the fact that there are Godfather's Pizza shops all around the country. And ignoring the fact that the Hell's Angels have a long standing and thriving clothing line that's pretty popular, etc, etc. When you start to ask yourself 'Why does AMERICA have a fascination with street culture?', then you can properly asses it and take all possible causes into consideration.

In this instance, pointing out the obvious fact that America as a whole is fascinated with street culture is the starting point to determining why and how to handle it.
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Derailing the thread with “white people do it too” isn’t productive to repairing our community.

You’re talking about obscure music genres in the white community and I’m talking about the biggest genre in the world where 90% is street related shit. You’re talking about trailer trash mfs in middle America and I’m talking about the majority of black communities in the inner cities.

If you think the opioid epidemic is relegated to middle America trash then you're either ignorant on the subject or being willfully obtuse. Those rich white people don't really give a fuck about middle America. These laws are being changed because the kids of these rich and influential white folks and their kids are getting strung out.

It's not about derailing the thread with white people do it to. It's about you trying to attribute what's been well documented as human behavior to being something that somehow affects Black people more and that we are somehow more susceptible to which is just bullshit and a pretty low way of looking at Black people. You wanna know why Black people take in violent images? Start with why people in general like them and there's your answer.
I don't think the problem is that we promote the bad shit in our culture too much.

I think we need to do away with all of it. Joining gang culture needs to be considered lame moving forward.

How to execute it? Idk.

I know for me personally, I didn’t grow up watching cartoons, my super heros were Hov, Pac, Nas, etc. that’s who I tried to emulate. It wasn’t til I got older and realized how dumb it all was , but for a lot they never get the chance to reach that point.
For example...

Kids in gangs.

Kids often join gangs to belong to something bigger than them. They want to feel protected. They want to feel powerful. They want to fit in

It doesn't matter what the demographic. The reasoning is often the same.

Now if we are addressing specifically the black community. Then we have to address what would make a child in the black community feel weak? Why would they desire to feel powerful? And who are they trying to fit in with?

Then you can move on to solutions like promoting neighborhood activities like a movie night at the library, skating, something fun and engaging that would give them a group to fit in with. If they are unsafe at home, work on intervention programs where home life can be visited by these kids.

Saying we gotta turn off rap music, and stop wearing jewelry is kinda crazy. Cuz even the most positive niggaz on this site still like to listen to rap music and look nice where they can.

You can try to fix the leak, or you can dig in to the source

It's also crazy because it operates on the false premise that there wasn't poverty, gangs and violence before rap music. Or that a lack of rap music would mean a lack of crime, drugs and guns in poor communities.
If you think the opioid epidemic is relegated to middle America trash then you're either ignorant on the subject or being willfully obtuse. Those rich white people don't really give a fuck about middle America. These laws are being changed because the kids of these rich and influential white folks and their kids are getting strung out.

It's not about derailing the thread with white people do it to. It's about you trying to attribute what's been well documented as human behavior to being something that somehow affects Black people more and that we are somehow more susceptible to which is just bullshit and a pretty low way of looking at Black people. You wanna know why Black people take in violent images? Start with why people in general like them and there's your answer.

That’s not street culture….
Why does Black America glorify street culture?
It's human nature to be attracted to the perceive winner who got away with breaking the rules

Does hiphop play a part?

How can we correct this mentality and conditioning within our community?
By giving black children more positive examples and engagement towards a different direction.

Encourage their interests and reward their accomplishments. Help them understand being successful is cool. Help them understand what it really is that want to go after. They want acceptance and to show off. Help find them something meaningful to put their pride. And show them examples of how this is cooler than what the next man doing.
Thinking something is cool and heavy promoting it is totally different

Saying Black people heavy promote violent shit is tricky. Because do we? Black people put out a lot of shit. The street shit is what gets picked up and pushed more. Traditionally, it hasn't really been black people dictating which aspects of black culture are pushed. It's been the white people in control of the media and the white consumers. I'm not saying black people aren't at fault because I do believe we indulge in the negative shit too much, but I think that saying black people in general heavy promote the street shit is too simplistic.

This is true but that's not all Black folks promote. There's plenty of Black folks that promote being an entrepreneur, almost to a detriment but that's another topic, the very loud push for Black folks to enter STEM programs, the loud push for Black folks to get involved in politics at local levels and national levels, etc. To say all Black folks promote are the things you listed is doing our people a huge disservice

I'd agree with the entrepreneur take, but even that is always characterized as "hustlin." And sure, there is a push for those other things with Black people, but none of those things are ever represented as "cool" the way the street shit is.

I think we need to do away with all of it. Joining gang culture needs to be considered lame moving forward.

How to execute it? Idk.

I know for me personally, I didn’t grow up watching cartoons, my super heros were Hov, Pac, Nas, etc. that’s who I tried to emulate. It wasn’t til I got older and realized how dumb it all was , but for a lot they never get the chance to reach that point.

If we can get more of our kids out of the ghetto and poverty situations, I think the problems will solve themselves. Where I grew up gangs, hard drugs, and excessive crime wasn't a thing because we didn't have the same level of poverty. All the black people were around upper-lower to middle class. That's not necessarily great, but it's better than everyone not knowing where their next meal is coming from. Speaking about the people that I grew up with, some of us went down the wrong path, but most of us didn't feel the need to do that because we all felt like we had other options.
Idk fam.

I don’t see a lot of white crips, bloods, gds, etc.

The majority of white music isn’t street related content.

I don’t see a lot of white girls saying “I need a street nigga”

I don’t see the white version of “real nigga = street nigga”

I can keep going, but it’s a little deeper than “America loves the bad guy”

They're all through the midwest. You just ain't in them spots to see it, but they're out there. Did you ever see that documentary "Bangin' In Little Rock" from the early/mid 90's??? Yeah, it's a lot worse now.

Why does Black America glorify street culture?

Does hiphop play a part?

How can we correct this mentality and conditioning within our community?
This is a cycle that needs to be broken!
I get depressed thinking back on all the dumb shit I did and put myself through while trying to be a so called “real nigga”…