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Killmonger was “toxic”

Misogyny exists but the ones complaining the loudest are the undesirables if we're being honest. Then they pivot to black man bashing

Fam... This is the chick that coined the term "misogynoir"


The rest of this reply will write itself.
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This is a very specifically arrogant intellectually snobbish crowd who insists on coming up with terms to describe any individual or act they find disagreeable:

Pick me

Just to name a few

On the schoolyard, they would be bullies. In adulthood, they hashtag and conveniently frame any event wherein they are either victim or heroine, completely incapable of wrongdoing and virtually divinely righteous.

I suspect they are either willing or unknowingly participants in an agenda being set by feminists, gays, and non blacks but they use their skin color as the sole justification of their blatant anti black actions.
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This is a very specifically arrogant intellectually snobbish crowd who insist on coming up with terms to describe any individual or act they find disagreeable:

Pick me

Just to name a few

On the schoolyard, they would be bullies. In adulthood, they hashtag and conveniently frame any event wherein they are either victim or heroine, completely incapable of wrongdoing and virtually divinely righteous.

I suspect they are either willing or unknowingly participants in an agenda being set by feminists, gays, and non whites but they use their skin color as the sole justification of their blatant anti black actions.

They're a bunch of Klansmen in blackface; that's all they are.

What's wrong with Oakland?!

My wife's brother was murdered out there some years ago. Her father's side of the family is from Oakland. We've had the discussions before, (the last one, amazingly, right off Crenshaw in Compton at an Aunt's crib) and all them niggas will tell you first hand that Oakland is a hellhole. It's California's version of Flint, Mi.