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Killmonger was “toxic”

"tHe ANgEr iS pArT oF tHE eDucAtIoN"

Like stop making shit up as you go along to cover your ain't shit qualities and the fact you can't debate something you don't feel is going in your favour without being obtuse or wild disrespectful.
"tHe ANgEr iS pArT oF tHE eDucAtIoN"

Like stop making shit up as you go along to cover your ain't shit qualities and the fact you can't debate something you don't feel is going in your favour without being obtuse or wild disrespectful.

Nah I won't even say that's wrong because the more you realize about how this world operates it can make you angry as fuck so I can get that sentiment. It's what you do with that anger from there though. Just being mad for the sake of being mad does nobody any good
"tHe ANgEr iS pArT oF tHE eDucAtIoN"

Like stop making shit up as you go along to cover your ain't shit qualities and the fact you can't debate something you don't feel is going in your favour without being obtuse or wild disrespectful.

honestly what are you talking about? I debated my points fully. its not my fault you have soup for brains
For starters you can't preach accountability for others then reject the same concept once it's applied to you And your own words. That's being an adult and not being a hypocrite. And once again you're showing your failings as not only a communicator but also your ability to take in information. My ego isn't fragile in any way as it relates to this or any of the other issues you talk about. I often agree with you so don't try and go the "I'm gonna talk down to you" shit you do with others. That ain't flying here. You can be angry but your anger is misguided and that only harms your cause not help it.

I never even said for you to alter your message as I said in my initial response that the things you bring up do in fact need to be addressed. There's nothing that needs to be changed there. However until you realize that the delivery of a message matters as much as the message itself then you'll keep getting some of the negative reactions you constantly find thrown your way. It also stops your from seeing easy talking points that not only makes your message more clear but also forces your target audience to engage in a way that encourages the very accountability you say you want.

and im saying fuck the delivery.

im not being kind to niggas that refer to women as bitches and hoes. im reading the room.

i dont speak crassly like this when im talking to certain Black men.

these niggas on the other hand i can give a less fuck about
I think the message can be sent without attacking the listener.

Me personally don't mind how something is said depending in the situation.

But this shit here.....If you don't agree, it's OK to debate.
But no need to insult people if they don't agree.

I dont respect yu nor your opinions on various topics.

youre a rape apologist coon and thats never going to change for me
hence why i wont work with you. mr “lets call a truce” your ideas suck.

anyways my debate style works and affords me lots of opportunities outside of abw. so i could care less about how yall feel.

im one of the few women that dares to have an opinion on here and i dont play nice.

you dont like it? idgaf
I dont respect yu nor your opinions on various topics.

youre a rape apologist coon and thats never going to change for me
I don't give a shit.
You are doing the same you complain about an your integrity is shit.

But I still won't disrespect you as a woman.

Now foh an block me.
hence why i wont work with you. mr “lets call a truce” your ideas suck.

anyways my debate style works and affords me lots of opportunities outside of abw. so i could care less about how yall feel.

im one of the few women that dares to have an opinion on here and i dont play nice.

you dont like it? idgaf
Yes I did ask for a truce to help black people....

I have no problem with admitting it.

But I see your attitude towards posts will stop people from getting help.

But I'm the coon?

Nah sis you got me fucked up.

But it don't matter.

Integrity is a word that seems to escape you cuz you got a pussy.

Splain what you mean fam.

I'm saying

Earlier in the week, race made a thread calling out black women -though I suspect it was strategic

Blackrain in here throwing moon craters like he borrowed the infinity stones in defense of the brothers ( I appreciate his perspectives tho even when I dont agree)

Shit had me like

But now that I caught up on this thread, I see its the same ol shit. Im at peace now
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"Soup for brains"