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Killmonger was “toxic”

My wife's brother was murdered out there some years ago. Her father's side of the family is from Oakland. We've had the discussions before, (the last one, amazingly, right off Crenshaw in Compton at an Aunt's crib) and all them niggas will tell you first hand that Oakland is a hellhole. It's California's version of Flint, Mi.

Without the toxic flammable water.
Harriet Tubman just threw up a fucking wakanda forever

if you don't see how the obsession behind this movie has invaded and perverted black history, then you are just as lost as i said from the jump

See that's what I'm talking about.

You see one pic/gif/meme of Harriet Tubman and now it's "invaded and perverted black history".

C'mon bruh
What gets me is that anytime some female doesnt some wild shit.. its internalizes patriarchy cishnet interdimensional heteronormative intergalactic bullshit.. lol

it never can be that this person is just shitty.. fact is we have a culture that rewards shitty its universally accepted

This shit never really use to annoy me the way it has the last few years but these widely general sweeping statements are all i see and i dont even follow the bullshit its an issue and hypocrisy is screaming all around the shit is tiresome

I'm stealing this.
Killmonger was not betrayed.

His father betrayed the thrown, and the will of wakanda, when he started trading vibranium and spilling state secrets.

Killmonger was misguided as fuck and his rage misplaced.

If there was anyons he should be mad at its his father. His father left the lap of luxury, got a girl pregnanct and refused to move back cause... "Murica is hurting too?"


I will admit that Oakland is pretty bad after living there for a few Years (from 2007-2009). I've seen and heard some backed-up shit: the HIV rate being high due to junkies using dirty needles, kids getting high on siz-zurp and pills and shooting People at the Bus Stop who are waiting for the Bus to go to work, the Cops harassing and murdering People only to get murdered as well, and don't get me started on the Gentrification which has basically changed the face of Oakland now. Black People have to move an hr away to places like Antioch and Pittsburg just to survive because it's so expensive in Oakland now.
An the hey aunty.....Really?

His people left him to die an niggas want him to respect them?

They living nice an he grew up without a dad cuz of the very person they idolized.

Killmonger for president of the naacp

Yeah that's one thing she completely overlooked. More than likely on purpose b/c it didn't go wit the narrative she tried to paint.

They created that monster. Even T'Challa admitted that when he found out what his father did.

That tweet could be a Russian bot tho. So I don't trust it. If its legit...then NO ONE should be giving her the time or day to even acknowledge her ignorance.

Good day.
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Yeah that's one thing she completely overlooked. More than likely on purpose b/c it didn't go wit the narrative she tried to paint.

They created that monster. Even T'Challa admitted that when he found out what his father did.

That tweet could be a Russian bot tho. So I don't trust it. If its legit...then NO ONE should be giving her the time or day to even acknowledge her ignorance.

Good day.

She's been getting clowned over this tweet by the vast majority of people
And you can look and see I said Race wrongly used that stat and tried to manipulate it without understanding the full context of it. See you can defend shit without going off the rails. And if the person you're talking to still accuses you of deflecting then it proves said point about them truly no getting it

how was the stat wrongfully used?