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Kanye West said Jewish people have blackballed and toyed with him and Black People are also Jewish

I don’t like him for the same reasons I don’t like Rapaport…positions himself as a white expert on black culture while being a massive cornball

This. These guys think because they have a black wife (Rapaport) or black friend (Shultz) they can speak on blackness.
I don't mind Rapaport as much but imo some of shultz standup comes across as punch down on black people. He particularly goes at black people in his audience as well aggressively. I'm not trying to hear that shit just because he has a black friend.
I believe that's his end goal, to cut all ties with all brands and re-launch independently. Not sure how successful he will be, cause he tried to do the independent thing with his first Donda line and failed.
You mean Pastelle I believe he put 14 mil of his own bread in it and shit flopped one of the reasons he was in debt

It ll be interesting to see tho…
Lol why y'all don't rock with Schulzy?
I'm sure he's a good dude, but he strikes me as a dude that drops hard Rs behind closed doors all the time. I feel the same way about Rapaport. I just can't shake the feeling, idk.
  • Ether
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I’m amazed niggas are still trying to shoot this coon ass nigga bail.. So in alll of the bullshit he was spewing you found one thing that he kinda made cohort sense about.. How does that negate the fact of him pushing white supremacist propaganda about George Floyd and how does that make up for all the recent times that clown show has willfully disrespected the Black community(plus are oppressed ancestors).. SMH…
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